

I wrote on my Facebook something close to: “Loyalty is a reciprocal virtue; or it is abuse.  No one need feel loyalty to anyone or anything that cannot or will not offer it back.”

I said this after a discussion with an electrician who has been working 90-100 hour weeks.  The people asking him to do this don’t give a shit, but he said that “when I make a promise I keep it.”

This is a good sentiment, but can you see, in a painfully obvious way, how it can and is being abused?  These assholes don’t deserve that level of effort out of him.  My current suspicion is that the GC, who is too lazy to even create a schedule, gets a bonus for hitting his date.

Most wars are fought by people that feel loyalty to people who, at the top at least, do not feel loyalty to them in turn.

There are many good people in this world, and a great many of them fail to grasp how many bastards there are.