
James Cameron

It occurs to me that the other point I wanted to make, with regard
to Avatar, is that James Cameron is of course a hardcore Leftist. 
Rather than accept the common sense idea that Kennedy was assassinated
by a Communist because he opposed both Cuban and Vietnamese communism,
Cameron wants to believe that some complex cabal of government officials
conspired to kill him so they could have their Asian land war.  I have
not seen his movie, but as I understand it, that is the rough idea.

These ridiculous people somehow reach the conclusion that if they elect people who oppose “Big Business” rhetorically, that somehow this alleged cabal–composed in their puerile imaginations of white conservatives–will be counteracted.

Here is the truth: Big Business thrives in conditions of massive government spending, and deleterious legislation.  GE is no doubt getting many large contracts from the government, and it will win big from the lightbulb legislation alone.

Obamacare will HELP GE, and kill small business.  So OF COURSE all these large companies vote Democrat.  But it is not out of innate generosity.

Then stupid people go further, and say that we must impose direct government control on everything.  We must “plan”.  What they imagine–in abstractions made more vivid by their lack of psychological depth, lack of empathy, and childish understandings of the world–is a peaceful, connected world, not unlike Zion in the Matrix movies.

The people who make these things happen, of course, are soulless psychopaths, so what you get is the social equivalent of a nation of individuals made into children, looking like whipped dogs; you get the functional equivalent of a family in which the children are beaten daily, whether there was any reason or not.  You get lifelessness.  You get zombies.  Everyone sees this, on some level.

And you get, of course, the lies.

I have proposed solutions to all our problems: financial, social, environmental.  Everything we want deep down in our souls can be achieved, but only if people are not stupid.



I watched Avatar last night, and had some thoughts.

First, I remember reading, when it was in the theaters, how some people would come away from it depressed, because they allegedly missed the beauty of Pandora.  I would submit that what they missed was a meaningful sense of community, of connection with others, of a risk-filled but engaging life, and an overall sense of place and purpose.

Consider the scenes when they are effectively connecting, together, with the heartbeat of Pandora, first when they are trying to heal–Ripley, we’ll call her, since I forgot both the actresses name and her characters name–and then again when they transfer Sully’s soul from his first vehicle to his second.  Everyone all together, in a deeply altered, emotionally engaged state.

I was dreaming last night about Germans singing in a beerhall.  Someone started singing, and everyone took it up.  Everyone of course knew the words, soon everyone was dancing, in a very happy, coordinated way, after someone pulled out an accordion.

Where is there anything like that in our culture?

The following dream, I was on a night out on the town with a couple hipsters, who had somehow mistakenly invited me.  I committed social faux pas’, one after another, which is easy with people who are obsessed both with fitting in, and adhering to a convoluted and constantly changing social code, the very essence of which is constant exclusion of the slow and dense.  In short order, of course, they abandoned me.  I didn’t know which bars to go to on which nights, I wasn’t dressed properly, and I overall simply was not sensitive enough to their tribal niceties.

How do we belong in this culture?  How?  You can join a church, but how many of you, if you went to church, remember something other than a somewhat oppressive demand for behavioral conformity?  Catholics may differ in this, actually, since I think Catholicism still builds community in a useful way, but I was raised a Southern Baptist, where in my personal experience at least, most of the laughter is fake.

I feel Fascism in the air.  That is what Obama represents, particularly having tricked us twice: a sorrow and loneliness and an anger, and sense of futility, leading to a complete break with any sense of responsibility to use freedom responsibly, or even value it.

If you look at the Daily Kos, it is seething with angry, passive-aggressive, pseudo-hipsters (I say pseudo, because the truly cool, in my view, are not neurotic wrecks).  They talk, at times, about love, and justice, and truth, but they don’t mean it.  They don’t possess, collectively, a SHRED of actual empathy directed even at those–the poor, the dispossessed–that the claim to care about.

What they have is alienation, and a daily cause: a daily dose of directed anger, a socially sanctioned “Two Minute Hate”, in which they get to unite–to vaporize both their identities and sense of isolation–in a particular direction that is acceptable because it is served up by powers they recognize and accept as their masters.

I of course worry daily about this, about how to counteract a culture saturated with emotional disconnection; violent pornography and the objectification of people as sexual objects–typically women, but this can as easily be applied to women who have learned to think like men at their worst–that goes with it.

We see psychopathy lauded, tacitly and at times even openly (read to the end).

In my view, most of this stems from materialism, the sense that comes from materialism that this life is all we get, and that it is meaningless, and from the moral assaults that attend the embrace of socialism, which destroys all of the things we could internalize in the pursuit of beauty, virtues like fidelity, courage, honesty, empathy,  love.

All virtues are suspect, at root, in socialism.  If all people are equal–which is a definitional stipulation of egalitarianism–if nobody does better because they have chosen to be more virtuous, to work harder, to think and create more effectively, then the State must discourage all virtues but conformity.  I have said this many times, in many ways.

Our target, then, in resurrecting what is rapidly becoming a culture of death (go to your local Redbox and see what people are watching), is attacking the invalid premise of materialism.  It needs to be done not on a theoretical level, but empirically, and the renaissance needs to happen in the heart of the Academy.

I often get overwhelmed with ideas.  I have many, many ideas, but like a typical dreamer I am not good at getting the proverbial goods out the door.  I make no excuses, other than to point out that I spend more time trying to be useful for my community and world than the average 20 people out there, and that is likely being unfairly generous to the others (of course soup kitchen volunteering and the like is useful; but the roof is caving in).

Still, my current plan, which I have acted on by getting his book, is to summarize Cleve Backsters work in a short letter, and send out letters to various professors of biology, challenging them to try and replicate his work.  The extent of the FRAUD which has attended mainstream sciences interaction with his work is breathtaking.  A well respected scientist stood in front of the press some 40 years ago, and claimed that his experiment had only been tried once, had only worked once, and that in intervening years no effort had been made at a second chance.  This is what is published at the Straight Dope.

And it is empirically wrong.  He invited people in nearly weekly to observe what he was observing for DECADES.  He did demonstrations on many of the major talk shows, like David Frost.  He replicated his findings so many times, that he stopped using paper, and simply created an arrow and beeper to report unusual reactions. He got a heartbeat from an unfertilized egg.

Mainstream scientists do not know this.  Simply because most of them are stupid and arrogant, does not mean ALL of them are.  My letter will start something like : “Dear Sir, I style myself as a modern-day Diogenes, and am looking for one honest man.  This letter is my lamp. . .

It helps to have a creed.  I can’t quit.  Hope is simply not a factor.  I don’t know if success is possible or not, but I will try.


Open letter on Army FM 3.39-40

This is an email you can send out, if you choose, modified as you see fit.  I have omitted a lot of data, but hell in the internet age four pages is already quite long for most people.
email is sent out while we are under threat of nuclear attack by North
Korea, and sent with some sense of urgency since such a crisis would
allow all the plans set forth
in here to be activated.  It is roughly 4 pages long in Word, but if
you value your freedom, and that of your children, please take some time
to read it.  It is carefully considered, and if you grow to share my
convictions, it will frighten you profoundly. 
I have proposed multiple courses of action at the end.
you keep up with the news, you will have in the past month or so
learned that the Department of Homeland Security, in particular, and
governmental agencies in general,
have been buying large numbers of bullets and other weaponry.  Given
that a large proportion of this is hollow point—which is not used for
anything but shooting people, since it costs much more than regular
ammo, but shoots the same, and is thus not used for
target practice—that has caused some people a lot of concern. 
DHS, as one glaring example of what would appear mission overreach,
bought some 2,700 Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carriers, many
directly from the Marine Corps,
which had used them in Iraq for counterinsurgency. These things have
machine guns ports, and cannot easily be breached by small arms.
What you likely do NOT know is that
according to Army Field Manual 3.39-40, policies have been
developed to detain U.S. civilians charged with no crime, segregate them
by race, belief, or other factors, and keep them for long periods of
time—only releasing them whenever the military or
governing federal agency decides to.  Even though these policies apply
on U.S. soil, there is no reference to the Bill of Rights that I have
will offer up several salient quotes directly from the manual in a
moment, but would offer the general note that if you read through it,
you will see that Internment/Resettlement
operations are more or less operationally conflated; and that the rules
governing procedures in foreign lands are nowhere differentiated in any
degree of detail from operations in the United States, other than by
naming different governing agencies.  This
is significant since it EXPLICITLY STATES that I/R, as they normally
call them, can and may need to be conducted in the United States.
Here is one example:The
handling of DCs [dislocated civilians] is also a mission that may be
performed in support of disaster relief or other emergencies within the
United States or U.S. territories during civil support operations. As
such, local, state and federal agencies are primarily responsible for
handling DCs with the U.S. military in a support
role. When a state of emergency is declared, the state’s national guard
may be  called to assist with DCs under the control of the state
governor or they may be federalized and conduct operations as federal
U.S. military forces.” [page 33 of the PDF]
They go on to state that: “I/R
operations in support of stability operations may become enduring and
assume many of the characteristics of large-scale, maximum security
prison operations that are typically found in the international
civilian sector.
Long-term custody and control requirements
are often augmented with structured rehabilitative and reconciliation
programs, increased access to medical treatment, and
visitation opportunities concluding with some form of guarantor or
sponsor-based release or supervised system. These operations are
resource-intensive and should receive a priority commensurate with their
strategic significance.” [page 33 of the PDF as well].
need to be crystal clear that Internment is being equated with
Resettlement (through the use of “I/R”), and that they have already
determined that Resettlement can be
a function of the military within the United States.  Further, they
have mentioned “local, state, and federal agencies”.
also need to note that these things are prisons, and that getting out
requires “some form of guarantor or sponsor-based release”, which follow
“structured rehabilitative
and reconciliation programs”.  Does that not sound like a “reeducation”
camp along the lines of the Chinese Communists, and those who followed
the Maoist model?  How is it that people dislocated by disaster run ANY
risk of not being let out?  Why are we not
planning tent cities, which is the most cost effective response to
Again, we see that these functions are clearly envisioned happening on U.S. soil: “Civil support
the DOD support to U.S. civil authorities for domestic emergencies, and
for designated law enforcement and other activities. Civil support
includes operations that address the
consequences of natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist
attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories.
I/R tasks performed in support of civil support operations are similar
to those during combat operations, but the techniques and procedures are
modified based on the
special OE associated with operating within U.S. territory and
according to the categories of individuals (primarily DCs) to be housed
in I/R facilities. During long-term I/R operations, state and federal
agencies will operate within and around I/R facilities
within the scope of their capabilities and identified
term I/R operations”?  Read that twice.  What it is saying is that the
DoD will be subordinate to “U.S. Civil authorities for domestic
emergencies”.  Clearly, the foremost
agency would be the DHS, and what this means, in effect, is that in an
emergency—such as a nuclear attack by North Korea—the

Posse Comitatus Act
will be revoked upon declaration of martial law, and the military will then report to the DHS, which is controlled by Obama.
Here the DHS is invoked specifically:
DCs [again: dislocated civilians] are kept separate from detainees and U.S. military prisoners. DCs are
controlled [my emphasis] to prevent interference with military
operations and to protect them from combat. DCs may also require
assistance during natural or man-made disasters and subsequent
humanitarian-assistance missions. The Department of Homeland
Security, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, and UN High
Commissioner for Refugees, along with their respective support staffs,
are involved in resettlement operations to support and protect DCs.
[page 42]
Again, resettlement functionally equals internment, as used here, and the DHS does it. 
watch this video of uniformed national guard units going door to door
with loaded automatic rifles, forcibly disarming and relocating people
who do not want to be relocated
or disarmed:
this by a thousand, and imagine concentration camps at the end of the
line for those who resist.  This is not only possible: it seems to be
the plan.
warrants constant repetition: we know NOTHING about Obama’s life other
than what he has told us, at least until roughly his Harvard years, and
much of what he has told
us may well be a lie.  On his own account, though, we know that Frank
Marshall Davis was an important early influence on him in his teenage
years–at a time when he had at that point been abandoned by two fathers
and his mother–and that Davis was a lifelong
Communist.  At the risk of stating the obvious, the sine qua non of
being a Communist is a visceral opposition to liberal government, and
Constitutional democracy, and a thirst for the bloodshed of “revolution”
(what the red on the Communist flag symbolizes).
this manual is contained a command and control apparatus that, given a
handful of carefully chosen people placed in key positions, would allow
hundreds of thousands
of Americans to be placed in camps they would quickly find were
prisons; it also provides for “rehabilitative” programs that are not
obviously there are something over 300 million of us, and it would take
a LOT of these camps to house even a small fraction of us, but we need
to take this thing seriously. 
All would-be totalitarians know that most people are sheep, so your
main task is to control the small percentage of the population capable
of independent thought and action. 
contact your Representatives and ask them to investigate why
contingency plans exist for prison camps for civilian populations in the
United States. 
Please also forward this to friends and acquaintances who are in the military or Law Enforcement communities
This plan will not work if the people involved refuse to obey orders for forced relocation, or for arms confiscation.
 And there is a continuum as well between openly disobeying orders
and following them fully.  The functional equivalent of a slow-down
strike, or sit-down strike would make it very hard to implement these
plans, so it is important that the people who might
be involved understand that apparently legal orders may have very
malignant intentions behind them.


My last two posts may seem nuts, but it cannot be emphasized enough that there are no non-lunatic iterations of Communism.The red is blood running in the street. Our Attorney General got hundreds of innocent people killed on purpose. The Ukraine famine happened. The slaughter of a third of Cambodia happened. And TO THIS DAY you will find apparently sane, seemingly innocuous people–genteel people in bow ties who drink green tea–defending or ignoring these atrocities.

Evil is capable of ANYTHING. Never doubt it.


FM 3.39-40

This follows up on my previous post.  Here again is the link to Army Field Manual 3.39-40:

I can’t read any more, because I am getting too agitated, but I have been copying and pasting, and will do some point by point commentary on the salient and clearly disturbing points I have copied onto a Word file.

As an introductory note, I will say that good military minds could look at most of this and see nothing objectionable.  Many of the people sitting on this committee would have had experience in Iraq, and thought that something like this would have been of benefit in 2006 or so.  They are war-gaming, and based on the pervasive references to various rules and regulations on the treatment of prisoners, seen it as oriented towards avoiding future “Abu Ghraib’s”.

The likely direction they were given by Obama was to prepare plans for use overseas, with contingencies included for the sake of thoroughness for the aftermath of a nuclear war of some sort, or the successful detonation of a nuke by terrorists.

I want to be clear that I am not thinking that the Army’s top brass is sitting around plotting the overthrow of our government.  If that is indeed true, there is no hope.  But it seems much more likely to me that most of these people are political animals; that they got to where they are by not asking indelicate questions of the people who sign their checks on the behalf of the American people; and who are quite complacent in most respects about everything.  As I have noted before, I once asked a high ranking Navy officer about his views on the Iraq War (in 2006) and he replied along the lines of “I’m career military, and it’s hard to be sanguine”.  Another friend, an NCO, put it more bluntly: “when people get to be generals, they become assholes.”

Thus, the operative question is not what the explicit INTENTION of this document was, but how and to what extent it can be abused in the development of a domestic tyranny, with the unknowing cooperation of people who are otherwise very dedicated to the defense of our liberty.   

Terms: OE-Operational Environment

DC: Dislocated Civilian

FM: Field Manual

I/R: Internment/Resettlement

EPW: Enemy Prisoner of War

CI: Civilian Internee

Field manual (FM) 3-39.40 is aligned with FM 3-39, the
military police keystone FM. FM 3-39.40 provides guidance for commanders and staffs on internment and
resettlement (I/R) operations. This manual addresses I/R operations across the spectrum of conflict, specifically
the doctrinal paradigm shift from traditional enemy prisoner of war
(EPW) operations to the broader and more inclusive requirements of detainee
operations. 8

Additionally, FM 3-39.40 discusses the critical issue
of detainee rehabilitation. It describes the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that military
police and other elements will employ when dealing with I/R populations. As part of internment, these populations
include U.S. military prisoners, and multiple categories of detainees (civilian internees [CIs], retained
personnel [RP], and enemy combatants), while resettlement operations are focused on multiple categories of
dislocated civilians (DCs).

So far, so good.  This a  further fleshing out of an existing manual governing the processes which military police follow.  You will note, though, that it is already a bit fuzzy on the difference between internment and resettlement.  I/R is used as a unit throughout the text, even though one would think prisoners and people being “helped” would be treated in quite different ways.

Still you get the feeling that since this is dealing, say, with Iraq, or Afghanistan, or some as-yet-unbegun future conflict overseas, all this is quite reasonable.

The skills necessary for performing confinement
operations for U.S. military prisoners in permanent facilities are directly
transferable and adaptable for tactical confinement of U.S. military prisoners
and detention of detainees.

This includes capabilities to conduct shaping
operations across the spectrum of military operations to mitigate and defeat
the underlying conditions for conflict and counter the core motivations that
result in support to criminal, terrorist, insurgent, and other destabilizing
groups. I/R operations also include the daily incarceration of U.S. military
prisoners at facilities throughout the world.

 MP’s already know how to arrest and confine people.  Why not deploy them to get all the people out of the way between the shooters on both sides, as well as, of course, the people on the other side doing the shooting?

Still, how does confinement “counter the core motivations that result in support to” people we don’t like?  Presumably, it is the confinement and REEDUCATION of people, combined with making release contingent on future good behavior. 

 Page 14 Look at flowchart.  You will note the CI’s are classified under “Interment Operations”. How is CI defined?

A CI is a
civilian who is interned during armed conflict, occupation, or other military
operation for security reasons, for protection
, or because he or she committed
an offense against the detaining power. CIs, unless they have committed acts
for which they are considered unlawful combatants, generally qualify for
protected status accordingto the GC,
which also establishes procedures that must be observed when depriving such
civilians of their liberty
. CIs are to be
accommodated separately from EPWs and persons deprived of liberty for any other
reason. Page 17

So people who have DONE NOTHING WRONG can still be forcibly confined.

 1-1 Interment operations focus on all types of detainees and U.S.
Military prisoners.  Although a part of
internment procedures, we use the term confinement rather than internment when
referring to U.S. military prisoners. 

So they admit there is no difference between “internment” and “confinement” other than the word used, and the outer legal pretext.

1-2 Internment and resettlement operations are conducted by military
police to shelter, sustain, guard, protect, and account for populations
(detainees, U.S. Military prisoners, or dislocated civilians) as a result of
military or civil conflict, natural or man-made disaster, or facilitate
criminal prosecution.  Internment
involves the detainment of a group or population that pose some level of threat
to U.S. military operations. Resettlement involves the quartering of a
population or group for their own protection. 
These operations inherently control the movement and activities of their
specific populations for reasons of security, safety, or intelligence
  I/R operations require detailed
advance planning to provide a safe and secure environment.  U.S. policies dictate that in addition to
U.S. military prisoners, all individuals captured, interned, evacuated, or held
by U.S. armed policy [sic: this may be a later addition, as the sentence is
fragmented between pages] applies from the moment they are under control of U.S
Armed forces until they are released, repatriated, or resettled. 14

Now we see that “resettlement” involves the “control [of] movement and activities” for “their own protection.”  That doesn’t sound benign, but surely we are still talking about activities in foreign nations, say Somalia, or Sudan, right?

Page 16: It won’t copy easily, but it basically describes the segregation of prisoners by race, creed, ethnicity, degree of cooperation, or other factors (i.e. political beliefs).   Mentions that
segregated people may be interrogated.  They want to try and say that you can’t segregate people to be interrogated, but that once segregated, you can.  This is of course pure legalistic sophistry.

At the risk of stating the obvious, this sort of segregation was a foundational element of the gulag system, and concentration camps more generally.  The “hard cases” you separate from those you think you can work with.  Again, this could be easily applied to, say, hardline Islamists versus run of the mill “wrong place, wrong time” sorts; and given the ethnic diversity of many of the places we occupy, this could make sense.  But it also serves as a template for the isolation of political prisoners.

An I/R battalion is typically organized to support, safeguard,
account for, guard, and provide humane treatment for up to 4,000 EPWs/CIs, 8,000
DCs, or 1,500 U.S. military prisoners; however, certain missions may require
additional resources and manning (for example, long-term counterinsurgency
internment). 32

These places are intended to be big.

The handling of DCs is also a mission that may be
performed in support of disaster relief or other emergencies within the United
States or U.S. territories during civil support operations. As such, local,
state and federal agencies are primarily responsible for handling DCs with the U.S.
military in a support role. When a state of emergency is declared, the state’s
national guard may be  called to assist
with DCs under the control of the state governor or they may be federalized and
conduct operations as federal U.S. military forces. 33

Now, alarm bells should be going off.  Given his choice, is Obama going to place “his” Army units under State control, or “federalize” the national guard?  Further, this is not tacit admission, but OVERT admission that all these rules regarding at least “resettlement” can be applied on US soil to US citizens.

 I/R operations in support of stability operations may become enduring
and assume many of the characteristics of large-scale, maximum security prison
operations that are typically found in the international civilian sector.

Long-term custody and control requirements are often augmented with structured
rehabilitative and reconciliation programs, increased access to medical
treatment, and visitation opportunities concluding with some form of guarantor
or sponsor-based release or supervised system. These operations are
resource-intensive and should receive a priority commensurate with their
strategic significance. 33

“Resettlement” can turn into long term incarceration, with release contingent on complying with “structured rehabilitative and reconciliation programs”, which they will sweeten by finally letting you see a dentist to treat your cavities, give you your glasses back so you can see, let people see you to know you are alive, and finally release you if and only if someone on the outside agrees to come back to jail with you if you misbehave.  These reeducation programs are very important, and perhaps constitutive of the intent of the entire project, and should be well funded, and supplied with lots of support personnel.

The maintenance and development of large-scale facilities
is a continuous sustainment effort and often involves contractors, HN
personnel, or third country nationals. The synchronization of sustainment,
security, and operational requirements and efforts necessary to operate a
detention or resettlement facility are complex tasks that require sufficient
authority to achieve the unity of effort and security. 33

These things don’t come into being overnight, so we’d best get cracking.  Note that this was written in 2010, at which point the war in Iraq was largely over, and that we have never faced a general uprising in Afghanistan of the sort that led to massive civilian dislocations, meaning that these plans were either useless when created, or intended for something else.

The military police I/R support to stability
operations is central to transitioning the strategic risk of interning large
numbers of combatants and civilian detainees to a strategic advantage gained
from the reintegration of informed and productive citizens at peace with their
community and government. Military police may be tasked with detaining,
interning, and confining enemy combatants, members of the armed forces, or
civilians anywhere along the spectrum of conflict. Although military police
formations have been typically organized and staffed for conducting detainee
operations in high-intensity conflict, the reality is that military operations
at the general war end of the spectrum of conflict are commonly of short duration
compared to operations conducted at levels of violence less than general war,
such as insurgency or unstable peace.

Basically, their plan is to brainwash internees into being “informed and productive citizens at peace with their community and government.”  No shorter summary of the purpose of Communist reeducation camps could be formulated, and the inherent duplicity also mimics their style.

Further, until the Army declares “stable” peace, anybody “anywhere along the spectrum of conflict” is liable to be arrested.

During stability, the nature of the threat can often
inhibit the ability of friendly forces to differentiate between a hostile act
and hostile intent or between insurgents and innocents within the civilian
community. For this reason, military commanders and forces must have the
authority to detain civilians and an acceptable framework to confine, intern,
and eventually release them back into the OE. This authority has the most
legitimacy when sanctioned by international mandate or when it is bestowed or
conveyed from the local or regional governmental power. The initial or baseline
authority granted to military forces to use force and detain civilians will
ultimately determine the status of the persons they detain. The status of detainees
will further determine the manner in which they are processed, the degree of
due process they are afforded, and whether their offense is military or
criminal in nature. Detainee status and identification will also help develop
and determine eventual rehabilitative, reconciliatory, and release strategies.

Again, when you are thinking that this applies to Islamists, it sort of makes sense.  But ultimately what they are saying is that anything goes. They can arrest anyone they want if “legitimacy” is bestowed or conveyed from the local or regional governmental power.

And I want to underscore that at no point have they developed a functional differentiation between the rules of engagement in foreign nations and US soil.  All they need is a declaration of martial law, and ALL OF THIS applies here, as they have stated more or less openly.


During conflict with a conventional force, the
segregation of officers, enlisted personnel, civilians, and females is required
when conducting internment operations and is relatively clear in its application.
In contrast, due to the unconventional nature of the enemy, stability
operations may be more likely to require segregation (or typology) by ethnic,
tribal, or religious affiliation; human behaviors, traits, and characteristics;
age groups; and other categories, to include those typically applied in combat
operations. The facts and circumstances resulting in an apprehension may also
determine detainee custody and control status. The goal is to isolate
insurgents, criminals, and extremists from moderate and circumstantial detainees.
Inaccurate assessments can have immediate and significant effects within the
TIF that can result in injury or death to detainees; contribute to insurgent
recruitment; or cause custody and control problems for the guard force. 34

Here, again, they explicitly state that an aim is to separate “extremists” from “moderate and circumstantial detainees.”  When applied to Islamists, sure.  But where is the line drawn?  In principle, they have put on paper a policy designed to allow them to separate out people based upon virtually ANY CRITERIA THEY CHOOSE.  There is NOTHING in the US legal system which allows this, and much that specifically disallows it, like the Equal Protection Clause.

Civil support is the DOD support to U.S. civil
authorities for domestic emergencies, and for designated law enforcement and
other activities. (JP 3-28) Civil support includes operations that address the
consequences of natural or man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and
incidents in the U.S. and its territories.
 2-40. The I/R tasks performed in support of civil
support operations are similar to those during combat operations, but the
techniques and procedures are modified based on the special OE associated with operating
within U.S. territory and according to the categories of individuals (primarily
DCs) to be housed in I/R facilities. During long-term I/R operations, state and
federal agencies will operate within and around I/R facilities within the scope
of their capabilities and identified role. Military police commanders must closely
coordinate and synchronize their efforts with them especially in cases where
civil authority and capabilities have broken down or been destroyed.

“The I/R tasks performed in support of civil support operations are similar to those during combat operations”.  Put another way, “let us reinforce the foundational assumption of this paper that all the tactics and policies which purport to deal with other nations can be equally applied here in the United States.”

Within the military police structure, attached units
that participate in I/R operations are under the command of the senior military police officer present
at each echelon. 38

I am not overly familiar with the command structure of the US military, other than to state the obvious point that the command structure in US OPERATIONS of the scale contemplated is completely untested.  What this seems to be saying, though, is that 1) where I/R (again, note the failure to differentiate the two) is concerned, the top dog is going to be a Military Police officer; and 2) logically, Obama has likely seeded the military police structure either with ideological fellow travelers or people who were open to being bought for the limitless sums of money he likely has at his disposal.

DCs are kept separate from detainees and U.S. military
prisoners. DCs are controlled to prevent interference with military operations
and to protect them from combat. DCs may also require assistance during natural
or man-made disasters and subsequent humanitarian-assistance missions. The
Department of Homeland Security, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, and
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, along with their respective support staffs,
are involved in resettlement operations to support and protect DCs. 42

Resettlement equals internment, and the Dept. of Homeland Security sees this as part of their bailiwick.  The point should already be obvious, but the inclusion of DHS–which is exclusively a domestic agency-means that these plans include the United States proper.

Do the MRAP’s and 1.6 billion bullets, and M4’s start to make more sense in that context?

The need for military police and MI personnel to use
incentives for different purposes and at different times. The proper
coordination between military police and MI personnel is necessary so that,
when interrogators promise an approved incentive to a detainee, the military
police ensure that the detainee receives the incentive and is allowed to retain
it. The use of incentives must be coordinated with, and approved by, the
detention facility commander. The provision and withdrawal of incentives may
not affect the baseline standards of humane treatment. For example, military
police may provide incentives such as special food items. When those incentives
are withdrawn, however, military police must still provide the normal rations.
Failure to cooperate in an intelligence interrogation cannot result in disadvantageous treatment. The withdrawal of
incentives provided to similarly situated detainees must be based on
disciplinary reasons or reasons of security, not failure to cooperate with
HUMINT interrogations. 46

Have you seen any POW movie?  Ones where they give chocolate and cigarettes to informers, or to those willing to make propaganda videos?  All they are saying here is that while bribery is good and condoned, that failing to take the bribe won’t get you in solitary for a month.  Fat fucking chance they mean it.  But the policy is there.  No one can deny it.

Government contractors may be used to provide support to U.S. armed
forces. Commanders must fully understand their role in planning for and
managing contractors on the battlefield and ensure that their staffs are
trained to plan for and manage contractor support. 209
 Regular Army and reserve component military personnel
and DOD civilian personnel may serve as contracting officers supporting
deployed forces. 209

They can hire mercenaries, and those decisions can be made by civilian DOD personnel.  Put another way, multiple chains of command can be put in place covertly, and the names manning the guns kept secret, well paid, and willing to handle any and all tasks assigned.  Waffen SS type stuff, for example.

E-1. The DOD, Department of Homeland Security, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, and other federal agencies provide support for I/R operations.
Often, there is more than one federal agency providing support for I/R operations. These federal agencies may
support nongovernment agencies and/or private organizations in their I/R support roles. Page 223

Again, DHS and FEMA play a role, as does the DOD, which has not operated on US soil–at least in any large way–since the  Civil War, according to my recollection.  Disaster relief, and dealing with riots and the likely have always been a matter for the National Guard.  The development of a standing military was rightly feared for most of our history, because they get all the best weapons, and if they are perverted, they can easily conquer the civilian populace, as has happened virtually ubiquitously in history.  Hell, event based history consists in little else.  Our Founder knew that.  We didn’t have a standing military worth mentioning until World War 2.

Other federal agencies can provide advice and
assistance in performing I/R operations. For example, the Department of Transportation has technical
capabilities and expertise in public transportation and the Department of Agriculture has projects and activities
ongoing in foreign countries and can provide technical assistance and expertise upon request. Other
federal agencies that can be resourceful in planning and implementing I/R operations are the U.S. Agency
for International Development, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, U.S. Information Agency, Department of Justice,
Public Health Service, and ICE.

Is this getting a bit weirder?  They are saying that, in allegedly foreign operations–they are kind of sort of still trying to keep this facade up–the Department of Transportation can be of assistance.  How?  What do they do?  They oversee the awarding of contracts, and most of their budget lately seems to have come from the “Stimulus”.  Every State has their own DOT, and builds their own highways, albeit typically with matching Federal funds (which is where taxpayers send money to Washington, and they divvy it back out in concordance with where they need votes.) 

One wonders how many bullets the DoT just purchased.

Department of Agriculture?  U.S. Information Agency?

 The Department of Justice agency that the U.S.
armed forces may contact for assistance in domestic humanitarian assistance operations is the Community
Relations Service. Under the authority and direction of the attorney general, the Community Relations
Service provides on-site resolution assistance through a field staff of mediators and negotiators. 225

If I am reading this right, the scope of operations of the US military will be controlled by Eric Holder, who has already shown he is quite willing to countenance mass murder in the pursuit of his political objectives.  I would assume this clause would only apply if Obama Federalizes the various National Guard units, nullifies the Posse Comitatus Act via declaring a state of emergency, takes a direct, dictatorial control of our troops, and they don’t do what he likes.

Throughout this FM they reference military prisoners.  Normally, when we think of military prisoners, we think of the guys who commit rapes, or murders, or go on drunken binges and hit their CO.

But this thing obsesses over command and control.  Will they not have taken into account hordes of soldiers who simply refuse to follow orders, say to pull little old ladies and their grandkids out of their homes at gun point, put them on trucks, and lock them in prisons?  Will they not have put figurative commissars at the back with figurative (and literal) machine guns to punish them if they fail to follow orders?  To the point, will they not be charged with some combination of dereliction of duty and/or treason, depending on the strength of their beliefs?

These prisons are for soldiers who do not obey orders too.

In sum, I would like to say there is a LOT to be worried about.  At the same time, my fundamental belief is that, while weak and stupid as a lot, most Americans do believe in common sense justice, do want to live in freedom, oppose mass murder and mass incarceration, and generally will tend to do the right thing when prompted.

This whole set-up, at least as I see it, depends on three things: 1) a massive shock, such as nuclear detonation (which I have always assumed would be on the Left coast, since the power elite is on the other Left coast); 2) the innate tendency under pressure of our troops and LEO’s to follow orders; and 3) speed.  If they don’t get it done quickly, it unravels quickly, and their treason will stand exposed.

We can’t stop the shock, possibly (although it’s far from clear that the North Koreans have ballistic figured out).  What we can affect is the level of awareness of at least the alert Americans, and in particular the front line of this proposed war on our freedom; we can also affect the speed of the operation, through varying degrees of civil disobedience.

We all die.  From what I read, this is on balance a good thing for most of us.  But while we are here, it is our job–all of us–to feed the good, which in my view ALWAYS starts with the effort to think and see clearly.  My effort at helping me, and you, to do that, is here. 

Please do something useful with it.


North Korea, plausible conspiracy theory

I am in the process of a close reading of U.S. Army Field Manual 3.39-40, and one clear conclusion is that it CRYSTAL CLEAR that they envision a possible need for the operation of civilian internment camps on U.S. soil.  This is unambiguous, not least because it foresees a role for the Dept. of Homeland Security, FEMA, and sundry other agencies, and makes no operational distinction between foreign civil conflict, and domestic.

Page 42 of the PDF (from here:

[Displaced civilians] are kept separate from detainees and U.S. military prisoners. DCs
are controlled to prevent interference with military operations and to protect
them from combat. DCs may also require assistance during natural or man-made
disasters and subsequent humanitarian-assistance missions. The Department of
Homeland Security, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, and UN High
Commissioner for Refugees, along with their respective support staffs, are involved
in resettlement operations to support and protect DCs.


The handling of DCs is also a mission that may be
performed in support of disaster relief or other emergencies within the United
States or U.S. territories during civil support operations. As such, local,
state and federal agencies are primarily responsible for handling DCs with the U.S.
military in a support role. When a state of emergency is declared, the state’s
national guard may be called to assist
with DCs under the control of the state governor or they may be federalized and
conduct operations as federal U.S. military forces. . .

I/R operations in support
of stability operations may become enduring and assume many of the characteristics
of large-scale, maximum security prison operations that are typically found in
the international civilian sector.
[emphasis mine] Long-term custody and control requirements
are often augmented with structured rehabilitative and reconciliation programs,
increased access to medical treatment, and visitation opportunities concluding
with some form of guarantor or sponsor-based release or supervised system. These
operations are resource-intensive and should receive a priority commensurate
with their strategic significance. 
[page 33]


Internment and resettlement operations are
conducted by military police to shelter, sustain, guard, protect, and account
for populations (detainees, U.S. Military prisoners, or dislocated civilians)
as a result of military or civil conflict, natural or man-made disaster, or
facilitate criminal prosecution. 
Internment involves the detainment of a group or population that pose
some level of threat to U.S. military operations. Resettlement involves the quartering
of a population or group for their own protection.  These operations inherently control the
movement and activities of their specific populations for reasons of security,
safety, or intelligence gathering.  I/R
operations require detailed advance planning to provide a safe and secure
  U.S. policies dictate that
in addition to U.S. military prisoners, all individuals captured, interned, evacuated,
or held by U.S. armed policy [sic: this may be a later addition, as the
sentence is fragmented between pages] applies from the moment they are under
control of U.S Armed forces until they are released, repatriated, or resettled. Page 14

What we have here is a blueprint for the use of various U.S. forces for the indefinite detainment of civilian populations on US SOIL for their own “protection.”

What if Dennis Rodman carried a hand written letter to Kim Jong-Un ASKING for a nuclear attack on the West Coast?  It could have been sealed, and unread by him, carried as a personal favor of Barack Obama.  Who would suspect him?

Barack Obama cannot depend to any extent on the personal loyalty of our armed forces, the way, say, Lenin was able to rely on his Bolshevik army, or Hitler his S.A., then Gestapo and SS, until he had full control.

But why not reach out to lunatic foreign leaders?  If we go to war, then the Army, and our military generally, will view NORTH KOREA, not Obama, as the principle danger.  We have here a well executed, seemingly legal document, formatted in Army prose, which most career soldiers could be counted on to execute, until they realized what the goal was, at which point it would be too late. 

Obama does not need the support of senior military leaders, not all of them. All he needs is a few hundred people in key places who use a crisis to implement this plan, and rely on the cooperation of everyone else, who will be as panicked as everyone else.

What if this posturing for war is intended to give a plausible pretext–mass disaster on a scale unseen in American history, and largely human history–to put this plan in action?

If you are not scared, you are stupid.  Please share this.

P.S. Watch this video from someone intimately familiar with the minds of the lunatics who Obama has been hanging out with his entire life:

A man who has almost certainly eaten at the White House, and who likely wrote both of Obama’s books, wanted to kill 25 million Americans. And he has never apologized for his radicalism, or shown the least bit of remorse for the role he played in condemning millions of South Vietnamese to short, tortured lives.

Simply because this is inconceivable does not mean it is not real.  What we need at this point is crystal clarity on the part of our armed forces that they may be on the verge of getting played.  As I have said, two rules must be in place: no forcible relocation, no arms confiscation.  Period.

History is filled with suffering.  50 million Chinese died preventable deaths within my lifetime.  Millions of North Koreans have died preventable deaths within the lifetimes of my children.

All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.


Gay Marriage

I have commented on this several times, but thought I might again.

First off, this is not a topic I really care about, much like abortion.  I believe in God, and I don’t think either of these issues matters a bit, compared to what is in our hearts, and how we express it.

Further, I am not gay, so it doesn’t matter practically to me.  If it doesn’t affect me, then I see no reason to make it my business, and would frankly appreciate people treating me with the same courtesy.  Good fences make good neighbors.

What DOES bother me, though, is that the goal, it seems to me, is not standing up for gay “rights” per se, but denigrating the right of religious people to oppose homosexuality for no reason other than that their religion tells them to.  The gay “rights” movement is a de facto assault on organized religion, and the right of people to voice their opinions without being subjected to harassment and social ostracism.

It is an extension, in my view, of the cultural fascism that is every bit as oppressive to me as would be an intrusive church.  It is the antithesis of the idea of “live and let live”.  No church is barred anywhere from recognizing gay marriage.  In most places demanding gay “marriage”, the legal benefits of a civil union are already available.

The battle is force adherent Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others to reject important parts of their belief and religious heritage.  As I have said before, once it becomes acceptable to engage in cultural coercion, where does it end?  If gays get what they want, and the ability to marry nation-wide, do you seriously think that is the end?  Does this aggressive and destructive energy disappear?  No, of course not.

They will start demanding proportionate ad time on TV.  They will start demanding proportionate billboard space.  They will demand gay news anchors.  Etc.  There is no sense of proportion, dignity, or the respect of cultural others.

At root, these people believe nothing.  Being gay is not a meaning system.  The use and abuse of power IS a meaning system, albeit a poor one.  Absent a cause, they are empty.  They cannot leave others alone because in the end they are parasitic on those who still believe things.  They are zombies.  They are vampires.

That is what I feel.

Edit: I am speaking here of the people forcing this agenda, not of those who merely tacitly support it. Anyone willing to live and let live is fine by me.  Goodness, as I define it, is the ability to take pleasure from the successes of others AND to live happily by oneself.  If you cannot live happily without getting in other people’s business, you are not good.  This would apply across the board, and include religious intolerance.  The religious are not the problem at the moment, though, in my view.


Excerpt from Kum Nye Relaxation

We all have memories of time when we felt particularly alive, when the world seemed fresh and promising, like a flower garden on a bright spring morning.  Whatever the circumstances leading to such a moment, there is suddenly a sensation of acute vitality supported by the knowledge that all elements are in absolute harmony.  The air pulses with life.  Our bodies feel healthy and energetic, our minds clear and confident.  There is a lucent quality to our perception.  Every feature of the environment pleases our senses: colors are especially vivid, sounds are melodious, and odors fragrant.  All aspects of the experience blend perfectly and there is a vibrant quality to everything; the usual borders between inner and outer space become fluid.  Nothing is fixed, and we feel spacious and open.  We act with perfect ease and appropriateness.

The essence of this experience is balance, and its offshoot is a deep feeling of nurturance and refreshment which extends far beyond the feeling we normally call “happiness”.  Kum Nye is the art of developing this balance.

 From this book:

(I have an older version, but I assume the rough text is the same).

My experience is that what he is saying is true, and if you consider carefully, these are some very powerful claims being made.  At root, he is offering the possibility of getting what we all want most of all.  We only seek things because we can’t think of a better idea; or, to the point, feel a way out of using distraction-through-consumption to escape intolerable inner emotional realities.


Kum Nye

I recently enrolled in the modern equivalent of a mail order course on a form of Tibetan inner work called “Kum Nye”, and would like to give it a strong endorsement.  Please consider taking it up.  You will be happier.  The best sales pitch is from the first book, and I will post it in full in my next post. 

“Ku” is who you are, in the fullest sense–your physical body, your thoughts, your feelings, your physical sensations, your energetic body.  mNye is roughly “massage:”  It is interesting to contemplate, but you can “massage” feelings, and even thoughts.  They have textures, and by touching those textures, you can affect them in interesting ways. 

This morning I was walking the streets downtown, watching the snow, feeling the wind and cold, and it hit me that if you exist at the level of being–of existence before judgement, existence before identifying even with physical sensations–then the world has no danger.  I was looking at the world quizzically, as if even the most prosaic things had hidden inner meaning, as if leprechauns were possible, even if I see no reason to believe in them.

Somewhere around a century ago the famous German thinker Max Weber warned of “Entzauberung” (usually translated as “disenchantment”, although “demagicalizing” would be closer) as a consequence of the modern age, and of our pending confinement in “iron cages of reason”.  One sees this everywhere.  The diabolical atheists, those unable to differentiate humans from cattle, seek to confine us permanently in an emotionally immature, disconnected state of consciousness.  They are, of course, cowards, who abuse reason in the maintenance of their own immature psychological defenses against whatever emotions they fear to feel.

I would suggest, though, in the spirit of the age, that technology can be used for REenchantment (Wiederzauberung, in my own, I think, German neologism) as well.  Why not want life to be magical and interesting?  Why not choose to place our faith in the sincere science which tells us that we are all interconnected?  No facts need be denied.  On the contrary: it is the dogmatic atheists who are the ones who MUST ignore both the content and implications of current metaphysical models, and mountains of empirical data supporting this rough idea.

As I say often, there is no reason whatever not to grant them A to B.  I don’t need to doubt that damage to the Broca area affects speech.  I have no reason to doubt that certain drugs can create experiences which appear metaphysical, but appear to happen entirely in the brain.  The interesting areas are those events which plainly happen, which DO NOT FIT within those models, such as developing sensory memory when it is precluded by the setting (eyes taped shut, ears covered with clickers to test brain activity, bodily death; I posted on this case some time ago, but there are thousands of good examples).

Hell, I’m preaching again.

Net: this morning I did roughly an hours practice, and when I went out I felt like I was on a very pleasant drug.  And this has happened to me now a number of times.  The effects are subtle, and may not be obvious at first, but at some point you will find yourself in a moment, and realize that everything around you is interesting.

We all have moments which evoke deeper feelings, which touch something intangible, but quite real.  The best example I can offer is how some songs create moods.  This song is an example for me (Twist in my Sobriety by Tanita Tikaram).  Here is another (Telegraph Road by Dire Straits).

We all know intuitively that much more is possible, but don’t know how to get it.  We pursue it in “love”; we pursue it in excitement.  Always all we get is a hint, a bad clue, a perfume from someone who has left the room.

This need not be the case.

This system is not like any other form of meditation I know of, and in general I would not call it meditation at all.  It is preparatory to meditation (Dhyana), and in my view a very necessary and helpful preparation for modern people, who run around as little boxes of anxiety all day every day.  For the extent that we grant ourselves the right to feel, we may as well be machines.

Here is the link to where you sign up:

It’s a bit odd, and I think indicative of the low volume of demand, currently, for this system, but you need to call them or email them.  They send you a form, upon which you can place your credit card number, and you can fax it back.  What you get is a structured practice–delivered weekly by email–put together by someone very familiar with the ingredients.

You can of course just get the books, and there are many videos of different exercises on YouTube. Here is one example.  There is nothing athletic about these postures, and the point is not the stretch, but rather paying attention to the feelings that the stretch brings up.  All of us have many things hidden in our soma, hidden in muscular and nervous patterns, which create blockages of energy that prevent our enjoyment of life.

For me, I believe I have reached my emotional core, and both seen and FELT the landscape.  That latter is very important.  I have realized I cannot fight my way out of who and where I am, but that I can GROW out of it.  Conflict, even inside, is always the last recourse of an exhausted mind.  Who you are is in fact very interesting, if you go there.

My feeling is that all of us land on this earth with our unique little fortune cookies, which have our own unique fortune, our unique self, our unique destiny, our own path of beauty.  I cannot express how much I hope the bastards running this earth let us create a world in which this beauty can be fostered and expressed.


American Movies

Watched “Man on a ledge” last week, “Toy Story 3”, and “21 Jump Street” this week.

As I have said before, the American movie has, almost always, a deus ex machina, a miraculous escape, a villain who plans everything perfectly and is foiled by someone who is merely lucky, usually someone who fails to really take the whole thing seriously, by cracking jokes and frequently taking their eyes off the task.

There is levity which is a break from the seriousness of life, and a levity which is something close to a moral and mental breakdown, which laughs at anything and everything without differentiation.  I see the latter increasingly.

Tonight, at the Red Box, it occurred to me that if movies sell sensations, then the increasing need for sensory overload as seen in the increasing ubiquity of Horror films–which were once fringe media–would seem to indicate an increasing perceptual numbness and inability to process simple experiences fully.

Few thoughts.  I’m vaguely repeating myself, but with whatever number of posts I have, I’m likely the only one who remembers.