
My new blog

Here is a link to my new blog:

As a reminder, is also my website.  It needs some work, and some of the hyperlinks are all the way at the bottom of some pages, which is not ideal, but the discontinuation of both Flash and the software I used to build the website made fixing it a large project I chose not to undergo for what amounted to a labor of love.  It is still navigable, and there is still what I believe to be some truly outstanding content.

I will link in particular my Blueprint for a Capitalist Revolution.  Just read the text, then click on the picture for a 28 page basic lesson on our monetary system AND ONE WAY TO FIX IT.  Appended to it is an 18 page discussion of Keynesian economics.

I would change some of this now, but I think any person intelligent enough to grasp the broad outlines will see that the fundamentals are there, even if, say, some sort of blockchain currency might be what would make the most sense, with no gold.

The core contention is that monetary inflation is ex post facto evidence of institutional theft.  That is what we are living through right now.

I am healing, and this is progress.  If you like my work here please subscribe when I start charging.

And lunatic that I can be at times, I am also going to set up a GoFundMe–or equivalent–for anyone who wants to help me write full time.  Believe me I am overflowing with ideas at all times.  What I write here is a fraction of what I am capable of.  That link will be in what I anticipate to be my last post here.