

Unless something has changed, the Democrat Governor of Virginia–I believe him name is Terry McAuliffe, who is also the person who donated so generously to the political campaign of the wife of the FBI agent who supervised the investigation of Hillary–granted voting rights to convicted felons unilaterally and in defiance of Virginia law, after which the Supreme Court of Virginia told him he did not have the right to do that, and he is currently ignoring them. [He is, in other words, either refusing to uphold his oath of office, or breaking the law outright.]

None of those votes have legal standing.  Hopefully, Trump will win in a landslide, but if he does not, the legitimacy of those votes can and should be challenged, if the vote totals are within the margin allowed by the votes potentially cast by people not legally allowed to do so.

This is common sense.

And the law.  Let’s not forget that we are theoretically a nation of laws, even if evidence for that claim becomes scantier year by year, and as institutions are infected by contact with people like the Obama’s and Clintons.


The Wrath of Sauron

I really think it has been best until now that the professional, which is to say the mentally and emotionally disturbed, Left, has been able to assume Hillary could coast to victory easily, could schedule nothing for ten days before the election and emerge the clear winner.

It literally feels to me like now orcs are on the march in hordes, issuing from dark place.  They will be enraged beyond belief, like wild animals, if, as appears likely to me in the absence of massive and undetected voter fraud, Trump becomes the clear victor.

I talk about my dreams from time to time.  Most of the time I am able to interact with even unpleasant dreams in a fairly conscious way.  Sometimes I will have what they call Lucid Dreams, where everything feels as real as this world.  I have had a few that literally, in every respect, felt like waking life, felt like I had somehow been transported to a field somewhere in the night, and stood there in rustling grass, feeling the breeze and smelling the night, and was able to think, there, that “this is a dream, but it does not feel like a dream.”

Many of those who believe that our spirits and body/brain are severable, that they are separate, even if for a time related, things, believe we do travel in another dimension at night.

Well, and I am using this as a method of processing this experience, a demon attempted to attack me in my sleep this morning.  It was a lucid dream, and some wild animal got in.  As I always do, I immediately confronted it, and it disappeared and I awoke.  My heart doesn’t race.  I don’t have nightmares, because I can control them.

But facing–attacking, moving towards instantly and with no hesitation–demons denudes them of their power.  Their power is in terror, and in hiding in the shadows and whispering.  Faced, looked at, they disappear.

Self evidently, I do read books on psychology and neurophysiology, and see no reason to reject the importance of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex, or whatever.  But I do also believe this world is a sort of projection, an illusion, a collective dream, and that much of what we imagine is unreal.

And I do believe in a demon haunted world, literally.  I think people who are good people can protect themselves, but I also believe we need to avoid complacency and weakness, and we need to daily do what we can to feed and build what is good in this world.


Not all that glitters is gold

And gold sometimes requires polishing before it does.

Just putting that out there.  Much of our country needs nursery rhymes to reconnect with its sanity.  There was a time before. . . .


Trump and violence

I saw some idiotic piece a while back by Deepak Chopra about Trump embodying the American shadow.  Let me ask a simple question: who is committing all the acts of violence?  Who paid people to provoke violence, to start riots?

Scott Adams breaks it down here:

In all previous elections, particularly the last two, the Republicans have been content to let lies stand, to allow themselves to be pushed around, in all likelihood to allow voter fraud, to ignore media bias, all of which are working to enfeeble Americans intellectually, and to allow big lies to take root in the consciousness of millions of people.

What Trump (with a lot of help from Wikileaks)  has done is throw a bright flare up into the sky, allowing us to see this darkened landscape clearly, and realize just how bad things have gotten, to see the money changing hands in the shadows, to see our elected and appointed representatives looking the other way where crimes against America are concerned, to see the nexis between Republicans and Democrats that is working to vitiate our Constitution and with it the protection of our liberties.

Far from being a shadow, Trump is bringing light, which is SHOWING us the ugliness, the hatred, the intolerance, the violence of the Left.  He is the result of anger, but RIGHTEOUS anger.  There is such a thing.  He is Jesus taking a whip to the grifters and thieves outside the holiest shrine in Judaism, who made a carnival of what should have been a solemn and serious place.


The destiny of humanity.

We may survive.  We may develop means of ACTUALLY caring about the less fortunate among us, and raising them up without feeling the need to tear anyone else down.  We might develop–no, the information is already there–we may be able to DEPLOY methods generally around the world such that all peoples become happy in peace.  This is what we want.  Peace is not the absence of violence: prisons in general are quite free of violence, as are graveyards.  Peace is a system in motion in which all the components interact harmoniously, effectively, and which works to generate increasing informational capacity manifested as joy.

Dan Siegel, in his book Mindsight, defined mind thus:

the mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information.

Now, as far as I can tell he is an atheist–so he seems in the book, although his views may have evolved–so he is simply using Complexity Theory to describe mind as an Emergent Property of processes happening throughout the nervous system, and between our nervous system and those of others, and even our environment.

What I would suggest is that in  important respects the regulation of the flow of energy and information is also the task of human culture.  Culture plainly is a part of mind.  It directs the flow of energy and information.  We see what we are conditioned to see, and fail to see what we are conditioned not to see.  We do what we have been conditioned to do, and avoid what we have been conditioned to avoid.

I have argued in the past that Free Will mainly consists in what we pay attention to, and it consists in what I have termed “non statistical coherence”.  Much of what we do every day is automatic.  We are on autopilot.  That is not free will.  But I feel there is something that we can allow emerge, a light that appears spontaneously within us, which brings with it the capacity for more.

Wealth is the Emergent property of the confluence of the rule of law, free markets, enforceable contract law, and property rights.  We have solved the problems of how to generate wealth, and if you think about it, wealth is really a form of energy: it is sufficient food for our bodies, and in the modern world the ability to light our homes, to heat them, and to cool them.

Information is what directs the flow of energy.  And here is the point I wanted to make: the destiny of individuals as well as societies, is to transition from mere survival, to inner, non-material growth, which is to say quantum increases in informational complexity. Our destiny is to move from a wealth of things to a wealth of being, with the sense of being increasing as a result of greater awareness, which is to say informational richness.  We see more.  We feel more. We taste more. We smell more.  We hear more.  And we sense more intuitively.

It seems to me very wealthy, very powerful, outwardly intelligent people worry about resource depletion on this planet, about overpopulation.  Seemingly, their solution is the use of blunt force trauma to coerce humanity into a path of reducing resources by being dead, and by a vastly diminished quality of life.

But this is stupid.  As I have likely shared, the spiritual technology exists for all of us to live in grass huts and be happy.  We can combine the best of technology for getting physical things done, with the best of spiritual technology to make it all worth it, to build a sort of heaven here on Earth.

It is possible.  But only if we are not fucking idiots in large enough numbers to survive all the attacks on morality, decency, humanity, and liberty.


Pico Ayer

“Transformation comes from not knowing what’s next.”

Self evidently, an obsessive pursuit of understanding is a core element in my personality as it has manifested historically.  It drives me.

[I saw the movie The Accountant last week, and recognized some parts of myself in Ben Affleck’s character.  I was actually pondering this morning if we have become a nation of Asperger’s Syndrome, with our emotional disconnection, and comfort with abstraction and computing]

But I know there is an infinite amount of Not Knowing in me.  I am playing with seashells too (albeit much smaller, less pretty ones, in a reference I assume you get), amusing myself by the seashore.

And as I have said, what I FEEL is that growth comes from curiosity, from play, from sending something out and wondering what will come back.  Will it be blue or green?  Will it come back at all?  I don’t know.  There is no way to know.  But it should be INTERESTING.

Growth is saying, often, this is INTERESTING. Interest pulls you, it moves you, but you can never know where it is going.  It goes from here to there, to there to here.  You are following a trail, tracking a scent.  It can end in many ways, but there is a thrill in the chase, in the seeking.

All wisdom is found in play, in curiosity, in laughter, in an expanding pool of happiness that the world is such a rich treasure with so much yet to discover.  It is a path you need never fear will end.  That is one certainty we are given.


White privilege is Original Sin repackaged

Shaming is a powerful tool for building social compliance, and compliance of course is necessary for centralized and coordinated control.

In the Bible, Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden.  All of humanity is marked with their sin.  We are born with it.  We cannot erase it.  All we can do is repent, and if we are Christians beg God to forgive us as we take shelter in his Son.

This is bullshit of course.  My God is a loving God, and that is very much the behavior of devious power mongers–of which humanity of course produces large numbers–but not a loving God.

But ponder how we are all being asked to apologize for things we haven’t done, in response to crimes no living person remembers.  White guilt/white privilege is NOT about empowering black people.  Have you seen any plans to create jobs in ghettos?  Have you not yet realized that failing schools is the GOAL of Democrat policy?  Is anyone so stupid as to think an actual magical incantation that will affect real lives is achieved when groups of white people engage in shared self loathing?

It is about fomenting doubt in the minds of the people who would otherwise to continuing the Liberal American tradition of inclusion, personal responsibility, civic mindedness, and actual fairness.

In form, intent, and outcome, White Guilt is exactly homological to Mao’s form of brain washing, where people were expected to confess to all sorts of crimes they had not committed, which were pure abstractions.  Crimes which would not have hurt anyone, had they happened, which they didn’t.  The whole thing was, again, a type of Gaslighting, a method of psychological torture intended to break the core self, to infuse a perennial and inescapable sense of worthlessness and helplessness, and to do so in the service of psychopaths whose only longer term plan was destroying all longing from freedom, all curiosity, all love, all independence of thought, all creativity.  It was and is a purely destructive enterprise.  It takes everything good we are born with and crushes it.

All of this is evil.  It is pure evil.



I enjoyed this:

One point I had never considered is that happiness and enthusiasm have every bit as much survival value as fear and aggression.  They create work.  They create effort.  They facilitate exploration and learning and emotional and technical growth.  If you love to do something, you get good at it.  And happiness also is closely tied with creativity.

The second point I would make is that free markets and property rights and enforceable contract law have evolved in the direction of happiness.  Being a happy organization is literally a competitive advantage.  As he puts it, happiness leads to creativity leads to innovation leads to success.

How opposite Socialism is in this, in denigrating work, denigrating challenge, and disempowering everyone.


A note to Trump

It’s much too late to turn back.  If you lose, you cannot go back to being who you were.  You are now a threat to Hillary and a criminal system, which can punish you in many ways.

We are starting to see censorship, the purging of alternative opinions, of the consolidation of power in silence by a criminal elite.  None of those things bode well for your future, or that of most of us.

Moreover, if we put Hillary in place, our economy will over some fairly short time horizon crash.  Your entire empire depends in large measure on some degree of economic prosperity.

Worse, she seems to WANT nuclear war.  If the Russians attack us, or the Iranians are able to set off an EMP, all your work is done, gone, useless.  Your world will fall apart.

Hillary has much more money to spend than your campaign, but you yourself can make up that difference.  That is one of the best things about your campaign.

You can’t go back now.  Victory is your only salvation. Seemingly, it is OUR only salvation.


More scandal

Obama’s lawyers file bullshit lawsuits against banks, make it cheaper to settle, then send the money not to the people they supposedly want to protect, but to left wing hacks, criminals, and activists.

America is run by criminals.  There is no other way to look at it.  We look down on the Russians and Mexicans, and Nigerians, but why?  We are the same.  Fucking psychopaths doing what fucking psychopaths do, with the active support of Obama, Hillary and for that matter the Bush’s, both of them.