
Add Harvard

I like the word “erledigt”.  It is a German word for “done” or “finished’, but has a strong tone of competence and finality.  Done, and done right. You can trust in this done-ness.

I in the process of erledigen the mails to Harvard.  I just sent one to Larry Summers, clearly one of the power elite.  I sent emails to a number of Nobel Laureates at the University of Chicago.

And you might say “it’s pretty ballsy, sending emails to these people telling them they have missed the forest for the trees–or implying that they are a part of a conspiracy to end what they call “global Capitalism” using trickery”–and all I can say is: yes, it is.

So what?  The fucking Emperor has no fucking clothes. If I am the only one who can see both this fact and propose what to me is the only rational solution, then so be it. I am accustomed to solitude, and to being misunderstood.  Neither frightens me.

My IQ is 150 or so. It’s high, but not super-high.  Most of these people likely test significantly higher than me.

But I would argue that courage and imagination and openness, so-called “Beginner’s Mind” is of primary importance, once you reach a certain level of intelligence.

Vanity and habit and cowardice fuck so many things up.

Edit: Schon erledigt.

Let the silence begin.

I may never hear a word from anyone, but I tried.  And I will try again.  And again.

There is a scene in Gates of Fire where they practice “tree fucking”, which is pushing with all their might against an immovable object.  Nothing can be done there.  But it is good training for things which DO move.


Email to Economists

As may be obvious, I am a bit stubborn. I can fail all day every day for years on end.  I can and often have persisted for long, long periods in the face of unrelenting criticism and personal attack.

One of my on-again, off-again projects is trying to get a professional economist to take my ideas seriously.  Towards that end, I will send them emails from time to time.  I’ve sent letters or emails to the faculties of Stanford, Yale, Johns Hopkins, University of Chicago, Yale, and Princeton (except Paul Krugman: he is an asshole, and clearly beyond any hope of redemption).

This is the latest iteration of this email, which I tweak from time to time.

Professor X,

I have developed what I think is a unique perspective on
our financial system and am soliciting feedback from credentialed economists.
If it would make a difference, I would be willing to make a $200 donation to a
charity of your choice in exchange for a substantive response, if only a short
one. My concern is with my children’s future, and social justice.

The logic of my idea is quite simple: anyone
who creates money creates nothing of intrinsic value, but is still able to make
a claim on our actual, material wealth
. It is quite appropriate to
call this theft, even though we are of course long accustomed to
I would contrast this with what I would call true
Capitalism, in which the only way to make money is to provide a good or service
people want and are able to afford. As we all know, per capita productivity has
been increasing for some time, but wages have not. This requires an answer,
which I think relates to the system as a whole.

In making loans banks create money which had not
existed. This places more money into circulation, with a resulting decline in
the overall value of existing money. We call this inflation, and expect some
amount of it every year, since deflation is feared.
Deflation is feared because in conditions of widespread
debt the amount of money to be repaid–the labor hours required to satisfy
it–rises steadily, resulting in higher rates of default, and thus higher rates
of banking insolvency, which propagated enough, generate economic

However, if there were no public or private debt, then a
steady increase in the value of money would be a good thing. We see many people
asking why wages have been stagnant or even declining for the past 15 years or
so. My view is that the purchasing power of money has been transferred via
monetary inflation from workers and corporations to bankers and governments.
The sheer quantity of money in existence has increased HUGELY since 1981 or so
(M2 at least five-fold), as has the wealth controlled by the worlds largest
financial institutions. The two are obviously related.

I propose that in the coming economic collapse–it
appears overwhelmingly likely both that our debt will soon be downgraded, and
that this will have vast rippling effects throughout our economy (and this is
assuming we are not attacked economically)–a plan be proposed somewhat similar
to the Chicago Plan of the 1930’s, with some significant

Specifically, I propose that the Fed be brought
in-house and made an accountable and controllable instrument of government. I
propose that it then use its power to create money to pay off ALL debts in the
United States, public and private. All mortgages, all cars, all credit cards,
the national debt, State debt, municipal debt. Everything. This will transfer
wealth from the banks to the people.
In the short term this will of course
be hugely inflationary, but I think things would settle down within a month or
two; and at that, far quicker and with much, much less suffering than would be
the case with a prolonged Depression.

Then we end the Fed, require all banks to be 100% reserve
(they would make money by loaning the investor’s principle, by offering check
cashing and account services for a fee, and by warehousing money and other
valuables), and never alter the quantity of dollars in circulation again. This
should then, with productivity increases, gradually cause an increase in the
purchasing power of the dollar. This, in turn, will enable self financing of
new business, and completely eradicate business cycles.

My view is that in a just, properly ordered
financial system people should be able to make a good living on 20 hours of work
a week
. Health care, retirement, unemployment: all will quickly cease
to be problems.

I have a longer treatment of this topic posted on the
internet, but I think the factors involved are quite simple. Self evidently,
this is a radical plan, but in my view we are facing desperate straits at some
point in the next 15 years or so, if not sooner.

Please let me know what you think. If you don’t have
time to respond, I would be happy to hear from a graduate student, or anyone who
might be able to render a knowledgeable opinion. Thanks for your


[The Beast]
[Decent School Pedigree]

P.S. As you might imagine, nobody replies to these. I
doubt most even open them. The reason I continue is that this is an enormously
important topic. If you have any feedback as to how I might more productively
solicit feedback or discussion, please let me know. There is no ulterior motive
other than a general amelioration of the human condition, and the advancement of
true fairness. This confuses nearly everyone.

Fetish Clubs in Berlin

I was watching a video of the bassist for the Scorpions (Rock you like a Hurricane, etc.) saying that he once attended a party where people were killed for entertainment.  TMZ treats it like a joke:  This was in 2012, so it’s an old story.

Most people nowadays are incapable of taking anything seriously: not their own lives, not those of others.

But they also mentioned a robust “fetish” club scene in Berlin.  Here is one sample link:

At the risk of stating the obvious, Berlin was the epicenter of the Nazis, and much of the sexual and emotional energy that gave rise to the Nazis is apparently still there.  Dire Straits had a song about it 25 years ago:  He talks about SS caps, and S & M for fun.

What I am feeling is that my gut instincts are correct.  There are groups of evil in this world.  There are people who can find NO WAY OUT–for his part, Sartre clearly was not able to–and this can only lead to power lust.  That and suicide are the only answers to this illness.  Absolute emotional solitude is a given.  Only the shared exercise of power relieves it, and then only temporarily.  It is a mania that cannot heal itself.  Only growth can do that.  Only Goodness can do that.  Otherwise, it is an endless and ultimately very dull circle.  The Time Warp.

What I am finding is that my shaking is fading.  Fear is falling away from me.  I am developing an indifference to life, not in the sense that I am unengaged with it–but that the thought of dying doesn’t frighten me.

At the end of the day, all fear is fear of death.  There are deaths and there is Death, but they are all of a kind.  When my fear falls away finally, then I will sleep peacefully.  It seems that is the only solution: and it is a good solution.  I like it.


Did you know Roots was BS?

Same idea, developed further

If you want to pursue spirituality in any form, I would argue that what you want, in the end, is a felt SENSE of the presence of God, of Spirit, of Light, of inherent Goodness, of Love.  Does it not then make the most sense to cultivate the senses?  You can’t think your way to a sense of anything, merely to a thought about a sense of something.

I am good and bad about my Kum Nye practice.  Some weeks I do it daily, but others I don’t do it at all, because I am doing it ALL DAY.  I spend most of the day, every day, alone.  If you want to increase your self understanding, I would encourage you to try it.  But what I have been doing is allowing feelings to come up, and then expanding them, filling them with light, and letting them be. I stay with feelings, off and on, for hours at a time. As should be obvious, I have very powerful focus and ability to concentrate.

There is a large form of my terror.  I was having what I will call traumatic intrusions yesterday, in which my mother tied me to a bed and gagged me, because she “loved” me so much. I share this only because it is actually a sign of sanity, of increasing clarity.  The image was always there, just hidden.  It was the REALITY when I was a baby. I was fully helpless.  I could neither talk nor move, and I lived in terror of her.

But I am increasingly fearless.  I went into these sensations, and ballooned them up, filled them with space, and yes I can see this sense, floating massive across the sky.  But nothing in it is hard.  Nothing in it can hurt me.  I am beyond it.

And I feel clearly that learning the PROCESS of doing this is the key to liberating myself from the cage of reflexive reactions, and trapped in cycles of emotion.

With regard to that last term, I was contemplating the time warp in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  That movie is and remains in my view quite emblematic of the nihilism of the 70’s, which has since put on a suit, and is running this country.

The basic plot element that concerns me here is that Dr. Frankenfurter lives in a circle.  He does his demonic work of reducing everything to physical sensations–and I would emphasize here that when I use the word “sense” I include far more than merely pleasurable physical sensations–reaches an end point, then goes back in time, in a circle.  He only appears to move, but he is in reality stuck.

And I got to thinking about what I might term “Ritual Motion”.  The thing about trauma is it encapsulates some part of you in a moment, in a wax museum, in a scene in a horror film that plays over and over and over.  But outwardly you move. You go to school, and get a job, maybe you have kids, and buy a house, and water your lawn every Wednesday and Saturday.

Many people never live down their trauma, their horror, their shame.  They get on, but they never get over it.  Increasingly, I look at everyone on every street as “walking wounded”. The meanest son of a bitch you ever met has a story.  The biggest fuck up you ever met has a story.

In terms of its effect on me, my favorite Bruce Springsteen album is his darkest: Darkness on the Edge of Town.  He has a line in there that I’ve always liked:

Everybody’s got a secret, Sonny, 
Something that they just can’t face, 
Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it, 
They carry it with them every step that they take. 
Till some day they just cut it loose 
Cut it loose or let it drag ’em down, 
Where no one asks any questions, 
or looks too long in your face, 

In the darkness on the edge of town. 

Here’s the song: 

So where the hell was I going?  I lit a cigar, so somewhere deep, for me.

In graduate school, I read a lot of the work of a French literary critic/theorist named Rene Girard, who wrote a lot about sacrifice and religious violence.  The gist of his ideas was that sacrifice was a way of creating an “outside” within a homogeneous social order.   That’s greatly simplified, but let’s run with it.

We all have this existential task of figuring out who we are, and what that implies about what we should do.  In terms of what is written in the stars and rocks, there is no instruction manual.  I would argue that we can and should use the testimony of those who have died and returned (NDE’s), the testimony of mediums, and the direct information of spirits who manifest in this world.  These things are all, I am convinced, quite real.  All tell us that love is the answer.

But we are part animal.  Some part of us wants to tear things apart and eat them.  And true love is an enormously advanced emotion, in terms of psychosocial development.  Most people are trapped by one or many traumas, that for most of history could not even be labeled such, at least in civilizations that existed as ritual orders.

So here is the thing: ritual evolved both to centralize and control the impulse to kill and eat, through sacrifice, through ritual violence (which is seen in every religion I have studied and of course central to even Christianity); and to create a sense of motion in a very stable social order in which full emotional freedom of expression was impossible.  Holiday=Holy Day.

We do not have true rituals in the modern world.  We did not understand their importance, and called them irrational. I think, though, that we could see war as a ritual, and a particularly important one in the cults of Communism and Fascism, where the paradigmatic Communist war is against the citizens, and that of Fascism hated others in other countries.  Fascism is much more human than Communism, because at least there is an inside, although of course both are insane, until we understand them as large scale reactions to important and unmet emotional needs.

So someone has this trauma inside them, and no good way to get it out.  You can watch horror movies.  You can play video games.  You can listen to appallingly violent and dissonant music.

The executions in the French–I am going to call it the Confusion–were ritualistic.  They were popular.  They appealed to the gut sense, the animal instincts.  It would not be off to call it mass human sacrifice.

Everywhere you look, there are people who have within them a taste for killing, for death.  Just look at what people watch in large numbers on TV every night.  It is not just about solving the murders, about appreciating cleverness.  It is about watching the murders, and participating vicariously in them.

This is the human condition.

And I continue to have the sense that forms of Satanism appear logically necessary, for people unable to creatively grow beyond these contradictions.  In its simplest form, it is nothing more or less than feeding our gut energies as they exist, rather than transforming them by connecting them to higher energies.  [have you read about this: .  It is kids seeking some transcendent reality, in a world which is focused on the machine-like aspects of our existence, which everywhere tells them that only evanescent pleasures and death are real.]

It must be a circular process.  The rituals must be done regularly.  You have your outwardly normal life, then a liminal phase preparing for a sacrificial ritual of some sort (and it could be a “sacrifice” of common virtues, common decency, through profanity, blasphemy, use of intoxicants, grotesque sexuality, etc.), then a climax, which releases the pent up energies for a time, then a return.

But there is no true emotional motion.  There is and can be no learning, no growth. It merely creates the APPEARANCE of motion, by transiting a circle, and pretending it is a line.

It is a paradox of human nature that we both fear change and fear cages.  What is so terrifying about a cage?  You cannot move freely.  What is so terrifying about change?  It CONSISTS in moving freely, in new ways, along unconditioned, newly discovered paths.

I think I have said what I needed to say.  I will need to smoke some more on all this.  None of these ideas are particularly new to me, but ideas have textures, and soft scents.  They have forms which are malleable like mists.  They both exist out there, and as watered growths within us.  It is good to revisit them and see what is new, what is happening, where they have traveled and what they can tell us.

And it seems obvious to me that humanities task is to evolve a post-Ritual order.  The thirst for contained realities and the task of self liberation are at odds. It may be that we devolve into a new ritual order, but my hope is that we can learn enough, fast enough, to avoid that.  I will do my part to help in that process.  I am one man, but I am one man.  There can be no other unit for the New to enter the world.

And to make a practical, concrete suggestion, I will encourage you to go here:

Start the practices.  It is an odd fact of my personal history that I bought the two original books back in the mid-1980’s, and carried them all over in my travels, but never really did anything with them.  Only once I started SOMETHING flowing with Holotropic Breathwork was I finally able to start doing that work, and I’ve continued to need alcohol to have the emotional strength to keep doing it.  That need is slowly fading, thank God.

Tarthang Tulku rarely appears in public.  I suspect even the people who live at the retreat centers rarely if ever see him.  He has done his work.  He has created bodies of practice which will work on anyone to open them up to the possibility of spiritual growth.  Everything he can teach in words is out there.  One path forward is an open secret. I do think the whole thing can and should be marketed much more aggressively.  I have never met anyone who has heard of it, and have only seen it mentioned once, in Peter Levine’s book.  One feels the sense of hope in the books, that if the world only embraced this practice, it would be transformed.  But people are stupid.

Try not to be stupid.  This might be a good motto for all of us today.



I think if you have one book on Buddhism–of any sort–on your shelf, that is sufficient.  The task is to master desire and attachment, and neither of those exist or arise at the cognitive level.  They arise in sensations, and that is where their cessation must be found.

And if I posit that thoughts, too, arise from a non-thought place–from sensations and emotions, except when thinking is needed as a tool to solve some concrete problem–then that place is where you must look to control them.

I was thinking last night about the process of what I guess gets called mindfulness meditation, where you focus on just sitting, or on your breath, or on a mantra, and try to keep your mind clear, letting thoughts arise and then pass on.  And it felt to me like you are taking the output of the end of a tunnel, and trying to use that to work backwards, such that if you don’t feed thought, the part of you which creates thought will in turn cease creating them, being malnourished.

This could work, but I also read that meditation quickly becomes stressful for many people, and it is easy to see why: you are not fundamentally liberating the trapped energy, because you are not starting with sensation and emotion and learning to allow it to flow freely.

My reasonably erudite opinion, therefore, is that there is no faster or better path to the heart of Buddhism than Kum Nye.



I think I am making progress.  It occurred to me I am a ghost.  We are all ghosts.  We are insubstantial, misty, in constant flux.  If I ask you who you are, you might poke your arm.  That is a correct answer, but only a very partial one. You might tell me your occupation, ideas, personality quirks.  Also correct, but also incomplete.

As I am increasingly arguing, we are characterized by both an Unconscious related to our animal instincts, AND an unconscious related to our spiritual side.  We exist in the middle, stupid.

And we are ghosts in machines.  It is our task to learn to operate the machines, but it much more our task to learn that we are ghosts.

This is the essence, in my view, of the Buddhist Anatta/Anatman doctrine, the “No Self” creed.  Your self is so much more vast than you can possibly imagine, so much more in flux and change and evolution than you can imagine, that you may as well say that on this level it doesn’t even exist, and needs to be discarded; this is particularly true since anything we can think or reason at this level can only contain and hinder us.  If I say “that”, but you can’t see it, then I must leave you behind.

On a related note, I have made a major change, as these things go in my world.  I don’t change avatars or names.  I have had the same Facebook avatar since changing it once when I first signed up however many years ago.  I have had the same handle here.  But I changed it, to one of my psychological/spiritual animals. I  discussed all this several years ago, and have no desire to rehash it here.

I grew up in a physically and emotionally violent home.  It was not the quantity of violence, but the quality.  I am very sensitive, and I have always seen more than was likely good for me.  I have many, many pictures from all ages where I am the only one looking at the camera, because I was the only one who sensed it.  My very first prized book as a child, which I perused over and over and over and over, was a book of World War 2 weapons. I had a G.I. Joe and a Lone Ranger, and I always idolized the military.

Even as an adult, I would seek out military metaphors. I would beat myself up to get things done.  I was an early and militant adopter of CrossFit, because of the militaristic ethos. I may in fact bear some blame for some of the less attractive cultural elements there.

And I have often thought about doing things like the Bataan Death March (in New Mexico every March), not so much because I want to honor the soldiers–although they certainly deserve it–but because it would be painful and difficult for me.  All my life I have faced pain and difficulty, and sort of internalized a need to think about it.

But I really don’t want to do the Death March.  That is why I haven’t done it.  We all do the things we actually want to do, and don’t do the things we don’t.  This is a little spoken truth of life.  And it’s OK to not want things as much as you think you ought to.  Desire works the way it works, not the way we might prefer it to work.

All of this to say I don’t think I have anything to prove.  I know what it is like to spend years fighting on in despair with no hope.  I know what it is like to have to use a powerful will each and every day just to get through it.  I don’t know what it is like to get shot at, but I do know what it is like to face things which scare the shit out of you, and what it is like to do it daily for long periods of time.  Terror is terror, even if it is rational in one case, and completely (outwardly) irrational in another.

Long story short, I am tired of aspiring to butt heads. I am tired of anger and violence, and using conflict to sharpen my spirits and take me back home for a while.  I will continue to say my say, and I’m sure reply to the innumerable idiots and shitheads on the internet.  But no longer as Mountain Goat.



I was trying to decide if I should get some “New Science of Mind” thing–which I doubt has anything truly new at all–and it hit me that I don’t want to improve my thinking.  I want to improve the part of me that throws off thinking, that projects it, that generates it, like a fountain.  Thought is an outgrowth of something rooted in sensation and emotion.

If we think of all our possible affective states as the frequencies on a radio, I want access to all of them, all the time, and you can’t do that consciously.  You can teach yourself to tune into certain frequencies.  You can pinpoint the positive self talk at 102.9, and that is all good, but that leaves a lot missing.

I want my work to be sensual, in the sense that I want to develop a relationship with it of friendship, companionship, comfort, play.  In America particularly so much material exists which teaches you how to succeed, how to set and achieve goals.  But it seems absolutely obvious to me that if you learn to love work, success is a foregone conclusion. I have taught both my kids that any activity they can learn to love, they will eventually excel at.

So what I’m realizing is its not even the process, but what you bring to the process, WHO you bring to the process, who you are, deep within.  Something within me seems to be coalescing which can bring something good to the table of life.



How is it that those who are concerned that government can be bought want more government?

If I currently have to go to the butcher shop, produce shop, dairy shop, and bread shop to get my food, is it not MORE efficient if I can go one place and get everything I want?

People who demonize money makers are doing one of two things: 1) planning to destroy them, and thus the economy, aka Communism; or 2) put the competition out of business so they can make fat profits with no competition, aka Fascism.  Both of these models are anti-free market, and thus exist as polar opposites of true Liberalism.



I think those of us who were brought up in the operant conditioning model of parenting–who mainly were punished for actual or alleged failings, usually physically, but certainly by yelling too–find it hard to make peace with the voice in our heads telling us what to do.  It is the voice of a parent who was often cruel, and at least in my case completely lacking in empathy and understanding.

I should lose weight.  I can stand to lose 45 pounds of fat, which would make me a lean, mean 225 (my lean body mass is around 200).  But what I find is some part of me rebels every time I get serious about diet. It doesn’t like being told what to do.  That stentorian voice breeds resistance, which is overcome by force.  When this is an intrapsychic conflict is involved, that force is will, which as I have noted repeatedly wears out eventually.

There are ways to deal with this.  I continue to pursue personal growth, and have decided to try visualization again, but I did want to point out that in my view a PRINCIPLE task of life is learning to be on easy speaking terms with, to be friends with, the processes of learning, growth, and mastery.

I hearken back again to John Wooden, who every day pursued perfection gradualistically but passionately.  He taught his young men how to put on socks.  He not only taught perfect guarding, but taught himself how to TEACH guarding, and how to develop better and better drills for it.  He was not just perfecting how to PLAY basketball, but how to COACH it, which included motivation.  He was perfecting how to perfect the process.  If he had done anything else, he would have seen equal success.

This should be the model for all of us, in my view.  He was very healthy psychologically, or at least that is my clear impression.  Could he have done more?  Of course.  I would have added spiritual disciplines.  But if you DO add those, and take his process, you can scarcely do better.