
They never learn

It is both sad and amazing how deeply in denial the Left is with regard to Trump. Yahoo has been running daily hit pieces, describing “plummeting” poll ratings, this problem or the other, and always there seems to be the sense that if they just shout, if they just hold their breath, if they just publish ONE MORE negative article, some miracle will happen.

This is of course ridiculous. Trump is going to be President for four years. There is nothing wrong with his mental health. The Republican House is not going to impeach him for crimes he hasn’t committed, and trying to maintain a daily hope he is going to disappear and not be replaced immediately by Mike Pence is the stuff of childish fantasy.

The Left needs to grow up. But of course if they did that, they would no longer be the Left. Mental illness, and the gross hypocrisy and delusion needed to champion barbaric and barren ideas go together.



What is interesting about this is that Mueller went ahead with the indictment, despite the fact that he himself appears to have been complicit in hiding evidence of Russian bribery and fraud to win access to a uranium contract.  The FBI UNDER HIM hid all the dirty laundry, while Billary and their charity front company pocketed millions.

CNN will want to put this on loop, obviously, but it will definitely be a buzzkill for them if every single soundbite coming from Manafort’s attorneys references Mueller’s own complicity, his own guilt, and his manifest failure of integrity in not recusing himself, despite ALSO being a personal friend of James Comey,

This is a risky, risky game he is playing.  He still has a lot of swamp to depend on, but Trump is increasingly showing he is tired of their shit, and at the end of the day, he is the top dog.

How about a Special Prosecutor to investigate Mueller and Comey, and their role both in Uranium One and the Steele dossier?


The Las Vegas Shooting

I think it would be interesting to have some of the psychics–are there are a good number of them around the world–who have demonstrated the ability to solve or provide clues to crimes, to take a look at the Las Vegas event.

Whatever happened, the official version makes no sense to me.  It does not make sense that he would commit suicide long before the SWAT cops got there.  It does not make sense he would stockpile so many guns when he only needed one, two, or perhaps three.

And it does not make sense that he would crack the way he did. 

Perhaps everything we are being told is accurate, but I very much doubt it.  



I was “debating” a Communist on Facebook, and reflecting on this particular psychopathology.  What emerged that was new for me is that they don’t care who rules them.  This is perhaps the salient distinction from fascism.  A Hitler, or Mussolini, or Franco is not so very different from a king or emperor of another era.  People look to a face, and want that face to lead them.

A similar dynamic was perhaps in play in Russia and China, with the difference was that the rulers emerged AFTER the Party was victorious, and an effort was made to create popular support.  That is likely an over-simplification, but the point as concerns current Communists remains.

They simply know they want to be ruled.  They simply know they want their Party in charge.  Psychologically, I cannot see any meaningful way in which they do not want to be subordinated, in effect, to a machine, to an apparatus of control, to nameless faces, far away.

Ponder that.

And rhetorically, it occurs to me that Communists win many debates because they simply trot out the atrocities of America, and American backed rulers, and the idiots they are speaking to have no ability to frame these actions in a historical context.  They simply know that “we” committed crimes, and the people doing the talking have no desire or intent of doing an actual moral comparison with the actions of Communists, even though they are essential to forming anything approximating a balanced picture.

I look at these peoples, and picture them in boats.  They throw reason–which is the balanced consideration of all factors, which are then integrated into a framework of principle–overboard.  They throw compassion–which is the ability to empathize with ALL human suffering–overboard.  The first is the rudder, the second is the oars or sails.  What is left is adrift.  Such people have no history, they have no people, they have no law.  They have only what they are told, and what they do.  It is very hard building bridges to people lost at sea.


The Meaning of life

You only think about the meaning of life when the feeling of meaning and purpose has slipped through your fingers, just as you only think about love when it is gone.

The true problem of philosophy–one it is singularly ill-equipped to solve–is how to create the feeling of tribal membership for all humanity, without the conflicts that have always attended, and perhaps even supported and facilitated, tribalisms.


Aspiring bullies

Why not drop the labels fascist, communist, authoritarian and totalitarian, and simply call the disciples and apostles of these anti-humanisms what they are: aspiring bullies?

These Antifa kids are the ones who were likely bullied in school, and now, finally, they can have retributive wet dreams, score settling fantasies, not with the present, but with the past. Politics is merely a thin and bad pretext.

To state the obvious, ALL bullies were bullied, and all bullies in their own mind are just fucking with the world before it can fuck with them, or because it fucked with them.

Our political world at the moment is characterized by mental illness, and the reactions to it.



I was driving up a ramp in a parking garage, running a tad late for a deadline that in any event only existed in my mind, and this word popped in my head. Then henarchy.

To double check I understood the prefix heno, I did a Google search and found this:

I think I have slightly misunderstood heno-. I thought it meant alternating, or something close to that. It means in reality, one but not exclusive, more or less. It might in fact be equated with religious pluralism of the sort that prevented most sectarian conflict in India until the Muslims and their radical monotheism.

But ponder the idea of polyarchy–rule of many sorts. What if absolute monarchs were elected to five year terms? What if some cities used rule by oligarchs (explicitly, in any event)? What if we resurrected literal popular votes held in city squares?

What if we made the concept of “best form of government” an open question?

As I ponder, I then wonder why we need ANY government, if we could more or less get along. War. War is the usual answer. It is why Israel first created a kingship. It is why our Founders wanted a strong Presidency. It is how many nations are formed: to get big enough to fight off some invading force.

In conditions of peace, though:why?

What about a king who is basically paid to sit around and occasionally unruffle some feathers? Who has a boring job, but occasionally proves useful?

Or, in a form I think the Vikings and others adopted, popular assemblies convened only when needed?

This is my brain. I find new words both lead new places, and permit new perspectives on the old.


Bon mot

Greed which is naked has limits.  Greed which is cloaked in the garb of humanitarianism has no limits.


Life hacking is currently a popular concept. This is what the smart people are doing, we are told by people selling both the ideas, and the idea of being smart.

It occurs to me that liberty is a necessary precondition for continual innovation and counter-paradigmatic thinking.

At a conceptual level, ideational freedom combined with relative freedom of action and complete freedom of expression, is a meta-hack: it is how you get smarter about getting smarter.

And necessarily, the LACK of ideational and speech freedoms on college campuses can ONLY work to make people stupider. In my view, no other outcome is possible.

If I might state the obvious, if you want innovation, you need to allow it.


Earned cynicism

I have learned not to trust people who are too nice, and companies which make an ostentatious show of how much “fun” they are.  If there are caricatures on the wall, or goofy posters, add 10%.