
Moving Forward

What do you do, when you suffer a defeat?  Regroup, rethink, retool, and try again.  Here are some ideas.

1. I would like to see President Trump create or lead, or contribute to some sort of PAC which primaries RINO’s.  This would better serve the purpose which would underlie creating a competing party.  Even RINO’s still have to pretend sometimes, so there is no reason to not use the connection of name and purported goal to at least sometimes move in the same direction.

At the same time, there is little point in helping elect “Republicans” who cave in at every whiff of opposition from psychopathic Democrats, who feel no pity, no remorse, no moral scruples, and whose whole plan depends on the utilization of the manifestly numerous Quislings within our ranks.

It is possible to foresee a scenario where such a PAC gets MORE money than the RNC itself.  That would serve the role of creating an alternative party, without actually risking splits of the sorts that happened in 1992 and 1912.

2. I would like to see the creation of a conservative ACLU, which sues anyone and everyone who says anything egregiously insulting, and which sues anyone who attempts to violate and constrain the civil rights of conservatives.

I would like a lawsuit to be filed every time a conservative is accused of racism, without evidence.  To be called a racist, in today’s society, is not all that different from being called a rapist or even murderer.  It is an effort at character assassination, social marginalization, and is a de facto act of violence against that person’s ability to earn a living, move in their social circle, and to be regarded with the esteem their contributions would otherwise merit.

Specifically, Democrats want to do Stalinistic purges of the military, which is ironic, since vastly more soldiers PLAINLY support Trump than Biden.  This means over half of the people we have recruited and trained and whose expertise and experience are invaluable are subject to arbitrary removal solely for partisan political reasons.  All of this needs to be opposed by an Army of attorneys.

I think everyone who calls for concentration camps should be sued for hate speech.  Katie Couric should be sued for inciting violence for calling for us to be reeducated.

There needs to be price paid, legally and monetarily, for all this thoughtless, reckless, hateful, violent, spiteful and absolutely ugly rhetoric.  And settlements can be paid into political funds.

Both of these projects I think the at least 80 million of us who remain Trump supporters would be happy to pay into.

3. I think the huge gains in State Legislatures need to be used to investigate voter fraud, and laws need to be passed preventing what happened in 2020 from happening again.  This cannot be done in every State, but it certainly can in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and elsewhere.

They need to 1) find the fraud; 2) describe it publicly; and 3) prevent it from ever happening again.  They have the votes–or should–in all those States.

And I also think a LOT of election related lawsuits need to be filed.  The people of America were disenfranchised.  We were defrauded, and by our own system.  Our votes were cancelled.  Our guy was not inaugurated because the supposed winner cheated.  All the State Assemblies should be sued, the Governors, the Secretaries of State, the national House of Representatives, and most Senators.  Only those who objected should be left alone.

If you think about it, there is every political logic in the world trying to make it seem as if the third of Americans who think this election was stolen are crazy radicals.  After all, the election WAS stolen, and Biden is on a shaky enough basis as it is, without this being made an obvious objection to literally everything he does.  He himself, for that matter, should be sued, as should all his senior campaign officials.

I don’t know what happened with our courts.  Sometimes people spasm in a moment of crisis–if they have not thought through their beliefs and principles clearly enough in advance–and just do whatever is easiest in the moment.  Some of those people–the honest ones–regret it later  Some of those people–who are cowards or corrupt–are just glad it is over, and can be counted on to boot out any follow ups.

But we don’t really know what this ratio is.  We don’t know how many momentary failures there were under stress and how many of our “protectors” are just salary drawing political parasites.  A bevy of lawsuits may help make that more clear.

As I understand it, some 30 lawsuits are still in play, and Sidney Powell at least, is doing her best to muscle them forward.  There is every reason to think none of them will amount to anything, but I would love to proven wrong.

But it is no reason a couple new lawsuits a week could not be filed for the next two years, and no reason AT ALL that Republican controlled legislatures would do anything but investigate all this completely and then make this level and sort of cheating impossible in the future.  The technology for this plainly exists, and the argument that not allowing mass cheating disenfranchises blacks ignores the the 25% of them who voted for  Donald Trump had THEIR votes cancelled.  And we can expect that percentage to continue to rise.  Democrats are increasingly losing the ability to lie to that community.

4. One potential positive is that the contrast between the competence of the Trump Administration and that of the Biden and soon Harris Administration is so OBVIOUS, that many Democrats may well find themselves alienated.  It is not entirely unreasonable to hope many, once they calm down, once they are not getting daily polemic against the “evil” Donald Trump, find themselves wondering what they were so upset against.  Trump never talked about purging the military; Biden’s people are.  Trump never talked about censoring anyone.  He just wanted the journalists who were lying to tell the truth.  Biden’s people, on the other hand, very much want to censor and silence political dissent.  The FBI–in what was no doubt intended as a de facto act of State terrorism and intimidation–just arrested a guy for a meme he created FOUR YEARS AGO.  He will most likely win his case on a First Amendment basis, but he is still likely sitting in jail, and the message has been sent.

Trump avoided wars diligently, and in fact helped create a historic thaw in relations between North and South Korea–while getting Kim to stop his nuke tests, which he had done openly and provocatively under Obama.  He talked a number of Islamic regimes into recognizing Israel, while also moving our embassy to Jerusalem, which even Obama and Clinton had promised to do, but who never did it.

And I think we all know Trump was the prosperity candidate, and Biden is the guy whose job it is to drag this pandemic out long enough for Big Money to buy up most of Little America.  If you look, small companies are getting bought up left and right by much bigger companies.  Biden is the guy for Big Business, Big Tech, for transglobal megacorporations and banks.  This is obvious.  Maybe there remain some Democrats capable of seeing this.  In theory they are the “buy local”, and “let’s keep our town weird”.  Yet, they voted for the guy trying to cancel all that.  Maybe they can figure this out.

Maybe Biden getting in office is the way we avoid, in the long run, the civil war so many are talking about.  Maybe the scales fall off the eyes of enough Democrats that a broad, pro-American coalition of reasonable and pragmatic people becomes possible.  That obviously has been my hope for a long time.  I call myself a moderate, and can only seem radical to people disconnected from history, and who fundamentally misunderstand what I believe and why.

Robert Anton Wilson–a mushroom popping hippie if there ever was one–said once that all it took for him to transition from a “liberal” to a conservative was 10 years, and all without him changing any of his beliefs.

And I cannot for the life of me imagine any form of violence at this point that would serve a useful purpose.  They WANT violence, so they can justify the crimes they eagerly want to commit against us.  But they need a pretext.  And they may well CREATE one, if one is not forthcoming, in the form of a false flag, of the sort I have come to believe 9/11 was.

I cannot imagine any scenario in which the CIA and FBI, in some form or fashion, albeit only perhaps among a very small number of people, were not directly involved in planning and executing 9/11.  They planted the explosives, directed the hijackers (who may well not have known of the explosives), and managed the cover up.  I feel reasonably confident about this.  It is the only scenario which connects all the dots.

For my part, I give money monthly to these folks:

They keep going, month after month, year after year.  And why not?  Their cause is just.  They are speaking a needed truth, whose importance has done nothing but increase with time.  Maybe Donald Trump–particularly if whatever reason he decides not to run in 2024, or is made ineligible by some trick or other–can get on this bandwagon the way he did the Birth Certificate issue.  I will remind you that that was when I knew he was solid gold: he was the ONLY ONE, in a multitude of people who should have known better, willing to point ot the obvious fact that Barack Obama could not have gotten hired at a Burger King with the birth certificate he provided.  As I have said often, I believe the evidence is good that Frank Marshall Davis was his real father, and I also continue to believe he never formally renounced his Indonesian citizenship, and may not be, even now, a legal citizen of this country.

There is every reason for raging anger, for burning tires in the streets, for shutting down the world.  But again, this is what they WANT.  All the media will portray everyone who is not one of them as a supporter of “insurrection”.  This will allow them to arrest innocent people, and to get really wobbly really quickly with all the legal protections our Constitution–which they hold in contempt, obviously–supposedly guarantees us.  As I keep telling my libertarian acquaintances, no law or supposed right is worth a bucket of spit without honest enforcement.

No, I think patience is the best path right now.  Let Joe Biden impress the world with his imbecility, senility, and with the dangerousness and destructiveness of the program he is being told to inflict on the American people.

Put all sorts of small wheels in motion, to try and move us all back in the direction of sanity, prosperity, freedom, and the rule of law.

These are my votes.


May go quiet for a while

I will quote myself from 2008:

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”

Do I need to state the obvious?  Yes, perhaps I do.  But that is the point, is it not?  Some things, if they have to be said, cannot be heard.

I realize that much of this posting stems from an emotionally primitive need to control people.  I control no one, obviously, and there has never been any reason to think that I did.  But the NEED is still there.  I see this now.

I am a Pisces.  I go this way, then that way.  As I put it to someone the other day “if we are not active enthusiasts we tend to be depressed.  Sometimes both in one day.”

I am not depressed.  I am self focused.  I am trying to learn to live with our future, and with the non-zero possibility the lunatics will lock me up for some reason or other.  This is not irrational: they are actively calling for concentration camps, and no senior leaders in either party seem to be capable of expressing the appropriate amount of horror at this idea, in AMERICA, which used to mean something to members of both parties, and to all our citizens generally, ESPECIALLY those who came here from actively oppressive regimes.

The most useful rebellion I can commit right now is to try and become a more complete person.  Perhaps a miracle is in our future, but most likely not.


Switched over

Not doing the Google thing any more. Fuck them. Fuck all Big Tech. There is something about working in a world of numbers, of advanced abstraction, of grossly diminished human contact both in quality and quantity, which seems to breed conscienceless animals.

People like that, they can’t do their own moral reasoning, their own wrestling with functional senses of honest responsibility–which they seem to lack–so they grab en masse whatever happens to be floating around, and use it as a focal point both for conformity, and for the outward direction of violence, in the form of scapegoating.

I’ll improve the look eventually, but this will do for now.



Periodic reminder

 The situation is simple: if you have enough Vitamin D in your blood, this illness is a manageable flu for all but those with one foot in the grave. None of this was necessary, and if everyone started taking a Vitamin D supplement–the doctor whose video is below personally takes 5,000 International Units daily–then the disease would disappear. No masks. No lockdowns. Kids in school. All of this is readily available knowledge. Why are our Republican leaders–at all levels, in all places, with few exceptions– being such cowards?


Ratcliffe Report

 Did our DNI ever complete his job?  It was delayed on the 18th, I think it was, and I haven’t heard shit since.  Did he fuck us over too?

I think I speak for many in feeling like a giant bomb just went off.  Getting  justice was not so hard.  We had to have simultaneous failures in nearly all places for this patent cheating–seemingly with direct and effective material help from enemies of America–to succeed.

We know Joe Biden is corrupt, but the laptop won’t be investigated, even though on Guiliani’s account there is enough on there to prosecute Joe and Hunter Biden NOW.

We know Dominion was used to switch votes.  We know many, many specifics of fraud, but they are all being ignored.

I felt numb for a few days after Jan.6th, and Pence’s final betrayal of the rule of law, common decency, our democracy, and the American people.

Numbness tends to turn to pain, which in emotional terms is expressed as both anger and grief.  The scope of this loss–the knowledge that even senior Republicans are in the main traitors–is tough medicine.  It is hard to know how to feel, and harder to know what to do.

I do know that I am not a violent man.  I am not and never have been effective in dealing it.   But if there is anyone out there with a good plan, I cannot say I am unable to understand its emotional and principled basis.

Joe Biden will have the power to legalize everyone here illegally, open our border, make Puerto Rico and Washington DC States, completely ruin the Supreme Court (more: although at this point can we even say we HAD a conservative court?  Would we truly be losing something?), and much more.  All of this will hurt our poor the most.  It will disproportionately affect the black communities.  They will get poorer, their streets more violent, and hope will vanish.  No doubt pious platitudes will be mouthed from on high, but that is the reality.

This really is a nightmare.  We literally had a choice between a return to prosperity and freedom, and this bullshit.  It is disgusting.  All the traitors in expensive suits disgust me.  

We are not the first great nation to fall this way, but if the Globalists have their way, we may be the last, at least for a very, very long time.


The “Stimulus”

 Maybe a key part of the first “Stimulus” was diverting hundreds of billions of dollars to bankroll the bribes and thugs to secure all the key people in this scheme.  With a billion dollars you can just give it to someone–with suitable cutouts and cover of course, to pass at least a superficial smell test–buy what they want–drugs, children, weird sex, or whatever–or pay violent men really well to threaten and where needed hurt and kill people.  You pick your target, do your assessment, then pick your method, all using public money–really, brand new created money that will inevitably lose value, but not before you spend it–then you execute the plan.  This was most likely done months ago, although most of the system was most likely already under control.  

And obviously, the first people you corrupted were the watchers, the people who might object, who might investigate, who might uncover and report what is going on: the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, and nearly all the media.  You give your people everything they need to advance rapidly in those agencies.

Maybe this second round has so much for other nations so they pay bribes over there to get the right people into the right places, and to make sure the people who are in place are on board.  They are not funding gender studies in Pakistan: they are paying bribes, providing drugs and weird sex, and intimidating people, all using the latest tech.  The CIA as a global mafia.

This is most likely close to the truth.  You don’t need everyone.  You just need the people in the pivot points, and obviously most of Congress fell a long time ago.



 This is a cut and paste. I’ve scanned it, but am not going to invest a lot of time right now. I do not know where any of these files are, or even if this is true claim. If you do do some digging and find anything interesting, please post links in comments.

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on…..
Clinton’s emails:
Index file:
Send to everyone as fast as you can!

I will wonder aloud, though, why Trump has not pardoned Snowden or Assange. They are at a minimum people who have the same enemies he has, which makes them his friends, according to the maxim.

I will wonder aloud if he has not himself been blackmailed from the start, as G. Edward Griffin suspected. Maybe Trump is a hybrid of sorts, who thought that he could–and who in fact did–get good things done, but who had a leash on him nonetheless. Certainly, the Swamp won, or at least is winning.

Drawing Conclusions

 Steve Pieczcenik–aka Jack Ryan–was full of shit.  Certainly, he was wrong.

His writing partner, Tom Clancy, may well have been murdered, as quite possibly were Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, and Michael Hastings, among others.

John Durham’s job–which he is performing faithfully–was to run out the clock, then disappear.  Whenever he surfaces for a brief moment to say no charges will be filed the story will not even be covered by most of the media.

President Trump is being treated by Washington like the guy who showed up in boots at their black tie affair and who they have spent four years pretending badly to tolerate–most Republicans–and attacking continually otherwise. They are trying to give him the bum’s rush over entirely justified outrage at being swindled out of his victory–OUR victory, as Americans–and mob violence which he did not control, which was almost certainly manipulated, and which in any event was dwarfed by nearly everything BLM did everywhere.

NONE of our institutions are functioning correctly, and after four years of seeing how easy generalized success and well being actually is, we are being ushered into a managed disaster of global proportions.

If Congress had murdered a child on a ritual altar it would have been less evil than what they in fact did do, which is certify a fraudulent election.  Millions will die of this, in the long run.  

All these lockdowns, all these overreactions to an undangerous virus which can be managed easily with sunlight, Vitamin D, zinc, and most likely Ivervectin and Hydrosxychloroquine, are killing people.   They are killing them by the millions, if you look at the whole planet.

And it is INTERESTING, is it not, that the Nobel Peace Prize was given to UN Food Relief, and that I can’t find one report on global hunger?  Here is one report from last May:

Well, 2020 ended.  What happened?  What IS happening?  I don’t think the elites want us to know.

All this, in the main, to destroy Donald Trump and any hope at an American rebirth.  Certainly, they want their hooks in everyone everywhere, but Trump was the main target.

No: if every member of Congress had stabbed a child in the heart with an obsidian knife they would have done a less evil thing than what they in fact did.  Numerically, millions of children are likely to die.  Numerically, BILLIONS of them are being subjected to horrific emotional stress.

This is a crime of a magnitude that I cannot wrap my mind around.  


Trump Tech

 I think if President Trump created his own “Twitter” and his own “Facebook” he would have 75 million glad subscribers in a week.  I think he should also set up his own GoFundMe platform–the actual one is dismally and stupidly political–to raise the funds for the launch.  Money would flow in large quantities.

The tech is not that hard, I don’t think, and he would have an army of enthusiastic volunteers to help him bring it into being.

There would be no bigger or better fuck you to these people than creating enormous competition.

I also think he needs his own website to provide updates on what he is up to.

I think he will be very prone to depression and bitterness after all this, but I think launching new ventures like this would be a very good use of his ample energy.

Things are not looking good, but there have been low moments for the eventual victors in nearly all wars in history.  We are perhaps at the Dunkirk moment now, as the British, and waiting for the Battle of Britain.

Never give up.  Never, never, never, never.


One option

 I would like to see all the States where voting fraud obviously happened do full criminal investigations.  Now, I know that in, say, Georgia, it is unlikely to be ordered or allowed by the Governor whose corruption might well be uncovered in such an investigation, but I think the CITIZENS have the right to sue their governments for the denial of Due Process and Equal Protection.

I think such lawsuits naming all branches of government should be filed in ALL States where fraud seems to have happened–where any evidence AT ALL exists–in order to force discovery and investigation; and I think nationally suits should be filed against Congress, the Supreme Court, and against Joe Biden for obviously participating in and benefitting from these crimes.

We are obviously swimming in a sea of cowardice and corruption, but there must remain some honest people somewhere.  We need to try and get what we can get.

These are difficult times.  It remains hard to see reason for hope, but you have to keep trying.