
Virtue Signalling

It occurs to me that the perfection of “morality” in the Leftist cult, at least until one graduates to the Luciferian core, is feeling exactly what is supposed to feel, when one is supposed to feel it. The best connected feel the Zeitgeist, the needs of the Party, but the Party is merciful. Dear Leader in one form or other–in this country at present, Obsma and the media lapdogs licking his heels and ass–comes on and explains patiently exactly how good people should feel. The people who are going to make it in this system immediately admit and recognize their error, if they were not quick enough, and cheer enthusiastically at Dear Leaders wisdom, in contrast to their own stupidity.

This, PARTICULARLY when Dear Leader is articulating views that contradict what He said yesterday.

Watch this video:

Hillary (and Bill) were articulating basically the same policy aims 20 years ago that Trump is today. But the “conscious liberals” all KNOW he is a racist, and her policies then were the essence of common sense.

You cannot buy into this lunacy without being superficial: intellectually, emotionally, and in your loyalties. You are expected to betray your very fsmily if they feel the wrong things.

Life is only rich when it is deep. Leftism impoverished everything and everyone it touches on that score.



Would any readers I may have be interested in a podcast?  It’s been, I think at least 8-10 years since this idea was rolled out, so I think it might be OK  for me now to get as current as I’m going to get.

I am in many respects a grumpy old bear living in a cave, but I would consider building a fire if you want to visit my world from time to time.

Self evidently, I have a large stack of words.


Black agency and the Left

If a sense of agency is necessary for individual mental health and if we can posit communities of shared interest sufficient to speak of communal agency, the propagandistic notion that something should be done about or with–rather than by–the lack community is INHERENTLY on assault on their long term empowerment and following mental health.

Trumpian non-violence

watch this video:

This guy is not being violent, but is allowing himself–perhaps because he misjudged the situation–to become a means of eliciting the hate and violence of those around him. This is more or less what MLK Jr. and Gandhi did. They both KNEW they would provoke reactions, even if they couldn’t know how bad it might get. Certainly they knew it was always possible it could cost them their lives.

How ironic that we find the defense of common decency, common sense, and sanity requiring such measures. Unexpected: no; but unquestionably ironic. It is easy to know who the oppressors are: the ones who cannot tolerate dissent.


Cultural Gaslighting

it occurs to me that Leftism as it exists today in America–,an historically Liberal order unique in world history in its efforts to pursue the good, to protect the rights of all, to administer impartial justice, to speak freely of its mistakes, to facilitate equality of opportunity, etc.–as cultural Gaslighting. Her is a link: https://en.

Why is Donald Trump likely to win this election? Precisely because lunatics in large masses, led by Obama, are going around calling sane, good people crazy. They are calling racists, when they are not. They are calling them haters when they are not. They are calling people who question the wisdom of importing large numbers a of people who have they want to kill us into the country “fearful”.

Gaslighting. That is the word. And the reaction of healthy people is self assertion and detachment from the people and narratives in question, which we are already seeing. The media have been attacking Trump relentlessly. Hillary has spent $200 million on attack ads to very little effect. The issue is not that Trumps supporters are dumb. Quite the opposite: they are reacting healthily to efforts to drive them mad with Double-Think and Big Lies.



The phenomenon of self loathing is really quite odd, isn’t it?  One part of you is disliking another.  Presumably the part that is doing the disliking considers itself wonderful.  Only from such a position could it judge another part to be lacking or defective.

And consider the phenomenon of inconsistency.  You determine to get up at 5am and exercise, and within a day, a week, or a month, you stop.  You determine to count calories, or to only eat certain foods, and within a short period of time, you stop.  What is this about?

Given psychological integration, you would WANT to do the things that are good for you.  But the fact for most of us is that different parts of ourselves define “good” differently.

All of us encounter force in some form in our childhoods.  Somebody–usually a parent, and usually teachers, at least–compel us to do things we don’t want to do.  We comply, but only because of fear.  We are not taught WHY we are doing X, Y, or Z.

For some of us, fear was almost all we felt.  Everything was forced.  Everything was compelled.  In such a situation, it is natural that the part of ourselves responsible for protecting our identities, our sense of self, our AGENCY, to use the modish word, goes into hiding, but does not disappear.  For it to fully disappear, you have to become psychotic.

In my own case, it feels like I have retained this habit of trying to force everything, and since this force originates within me, it encounters continually another part of me–the more honest part–which resists it.  That part was not consulted.  That part knows this is a parental voice pushing me continually, always in the direction at least of anxiety.

For many of us, feeling low grade anxiety and not screwing up are more or less the same thing.  Even if I’m not doing something, if I’m worried about it, that is tantamount to doing the needed work.  That this is highly neurotic does not change the fact.

I am not a Buddhist philosophical historian, but I suspect they never said “No Self” was an absolute doctrine.  In the sutras I have read they tended to say “X neither is, nor is not”.  The self neither is, nor is not.

And if you think about it, in cases of internal conflict and ineffectiveness, which is the real self?  Who is talking?

It seems to me if  we were to use a word, the true self is more or less congruent with the sense of personal agency.  But this itself comes and goes.  We are driven by many forces, some habitual, some instinctual, some environmental.

The Self, then, comes and goes.  It is neither accurate to say it doesn’t exist, nor accurate to view it as something with being, as a sort of thing.  And practically, Buddha taught people at their level.  It seems obvious to me that for everyone, what they think of as their real self is just a pale shadow of what is possible, and so like a shell in a growing lobster it has to be cast off.



I would like to comment simultaneously on three stories:

1) Michael Savage had his radio broadcast hijacked yesterday when he started talking about the many doctors who are publicly opining that Hillary most likely has advanced stage Parkinson’s disease, and like everything else, has lied about it and concealed it:  Story on interruption.  Doctor explaining why he thinks Parkinson’s is the most likely candidate for what is REALLY wrong with her.

2) Air Force drone pilots have their bank accounts and credit cards frozen in response to whistle-blowing on drone strikes, which they feel create 2 new terrorists for every one killed.  They talk about how kids are called “fun sized terrorists.”  They have not been charged with any crime.

3) Aaron Russo: he talks about a conversation with one of the Rockefellers, who allegedly told him a year or more in advance about 9/11, and who told him the end goal is to have everyone fitted with an RFID chip that has all their money, and if they protest, they get turned off.

I was pondering today that everything electronic can be deleted or blocked.  If police kick in your front door and arrest you, even if you have time, you can’t post it to Facebook.  Your friends, if they find out about it, can’t post it either.  If I might paraphrase the hippies and radicals of the 60’s who in the main are the ones spearheading this, the final repression will not be televised.

Everything digital can be made to disappear with a few keystrokes.  All the pictures of you on your computer or on the internet.  All your bank records.  All your tax records.  Your social security record, your drivers license record.  If your assets are also seized, your very existence can easily be made to disappear, and this will become more and more true as people trust clouds and not physical records.

Whenever cars become self driving, you can be driven anywhere they want.  They won’t even need to come get you: you will come to them.

But short of that, anyone completely and fully cut off from digital communication is largely cut off from the mainstream of political life in this country as it has evolved.

All of this is possible today.  Savage’s experience may have been merely a trial, to see what is possible, and to see how people react.

And as far as tracking people, they likely realized ten years ago they don’t need chips: the phones serve the purpose for 99% of the population.  These phones can be disabled remotely so you can’t make calls.  They can obviously be cut off from the internet, and conversely as Snowden and others have shown, they can be real time microphones that record you snoring at night, cussing at the video game you are playing, and know what music you are listening to on the radio.

I don’t get what drives most of these people, and I definitely think they exist.  It is a form of grotesque psychopathology.  Global human happiness is possible, but that is not the aim.  Global warming is not real, and no serious person believes in it, even when they are peddling it to the ignorant masses.  The desire for control is primary, and I don’t know what drives this.  Perhaps one day we will know.  Perhaps we won’t.

But I continue to believe that if we are foolish enough to elect Hillary, the end game is within her first four years; and for his part, Trump could well break some large scale treasons wide open.


Classic economics asserting itself in the face of Keynesian lunacy.

Aka “Supply Side” economics.

I watched the debate.  I watched it highly biased in favor of Trump, who I truly believe will ACTUALLY implement the policies he has advocated, if he can get in the White House. He talked like a working class joe, which he more or less is, even if his work is at a much higher level, and in contrast to Hillary sounded both much less erudite and much less smug.

As he more or less noted, most of our problems have been created by allegedly erudite, smug assholes with degrees from prestigious universities and ZERO experience solving actual problems in the real world.  That is something Trump has done his whole life.  He figures the situation out, develops a plan, executes it, and reaps a profit.  When his plan doesn’t work, he recognizes it, develops an exit strategy, and executes that.

A meme circulating among the left is that if Trump had just invested the money he inherited, he would be much richer.  This may be true, but he would also be vastly less experienced as a human being.  His business experience is infinitely larger than that of Hillary, who has been in politics her whole life.  She doesn’t get “little people”.  They are an abstraction to her she practices appealing to rhetorically, but for which she has no practical use, and no interest in, outside the election season.

To my main point: somebody needs to do the fucking job of defending traditional economics.  Supply side is already propaganda.  Historically, the policy of government was to just let economic fires burn themselves out.  And it WORKED.  You know the Great Depression of the early 1920’s?  Neither do I.  It didn’t happen.

Not until you get to aggressive government activism–to Keynesian policy–which was started by Hoover, and put on steroids by FDR, do you get massive, long term failures.

It is worth recollecting that Keynes was a fascist.  Mussolini called his policies “pure fascism”, and he speaks at the end of his “General Theory” about using his methods for the government to get de facto if not pure control of all the means of production.  He had room in his world for compliant massive global corporations, as indeed do all Democrats, but not for a forest of thriving independent small businesses.

The core idea behind tax cuts is that it frees up money for investment.  You cut personal and corporate taxes, you lose money for a year or two, then because the overall economy has expanded, you get more money at lower tax rates.  Win/win: the people get jobs and better paying jobs, and the government can stay the same size without borrowing money.  In a yet better world, the government would shrink, which would allow even fewer taxes to be needed, and more economic prosperity.

This fact is hidden by the clever and completely cynical ploy of tying government spending to overall GDP.  Why?  Do we need more government the bigger we are?  No, of course not.  What this trick actually does is convince ignorant and stupid people that the destiny of government is to grow forever.

None of these things are controversial among non-lunatics.

There is an excellent chart somewhere on the internet which shows that in both the case of Reagan and Bush overall revenues went up after the tax cuts, but I can’t find it.  That is the sort of thing the left wing pukes at Google like to hide.  Why, I don’t know. It shows their ideas about tax policy are wrong, and why they want to be wrong, I don’t know.  Vanity and habit I suppose, the twin goblins that hover continually around all mediocrity.

This covers the Bush years.  The cuts really took effect about 2003 or so.  The government took in 2.2 billion or so that year.  Next year, slightly more.  2005 we took in 2.5, 2006 2.7, 2007 2.8, and 2008 2.7 again, but recall a recession hit that year, one brought on by the collapse of the housing bubble that was largely the work of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Had the bubble not had the de facto underwriting of the government, sane loans would have needed to be made, and the bubble never would have emerged. The high risk lending never would have happened.  Government–specifically, BAD government–created that crash..

But as far as lower taxes creating more tax revenue as a result of economic growth: THIS IS WHAT THE THEORY PREDICTS AND IT IS WHAT HAPPENED.  Again, you can do the same experiment with Reagan.

“Supply side” economics is simply economics.  It works.  And I watch people like Hillary repeat these childlike mantras about the supposed failures of these policies, and I am forced to recall most people are fucking idiots when it comes to economics, and have been brainwashed into believing things that are completely batshit insane.



Darkness is quiet for the eyes.

Relaxation is quiet for the body.

And most of us don’t use our taste or smell very well anyway, do we?  In any event, continual noise is not a large problem.


The Soviets and the Pharaohs

In what meaningful respect was the Soviet Union–and particularly that ideal of the Soviet Union, as a “dictatorship of the proletariat”, where everyone but a small elite was the proletariat–different morally from Pharaoahonic Egypt?  Lenin was in fact preserved in a major public monument in a prominent public space.  He was embalmed using 20th century technology, and placed on display in a pyramid of sorts.

In both cases you have masses of slaves operating as cogs in a massive centrally planned economic machine.  You have reminders everywhere of the power of the rulers.  In Egypt they are carved into stone, and in the Soviet Union they are posted on walls, broadcast on the radio, and yes, shown in  public monuments.  Pictures of the ruler are everywhere in the Soviet Union, and he is more or less worshipped.  Failure to do courts arrest, torture, and/or death and/or exile.

I would stipulate that high/low is a primitive construct, one rooted in ancient biology, and made vastly worse by the capacity for abstraction unique to humans.

It is circles we should seek.  A church has a high/low, and a front/back.  There is an authority implied by the masses facing one way, and a ceremonial superior facing back, from an elevated place, where they claim to act as God’s agent.

Egalitarianism uses the circle rhetorically, but intends the church.

I think most of us can accept the myth–and I intend here a deep symbolic reality which I lack the historical knowledge to tie certainly to known physical realities–of primitive tribes around the world sitting in circles and talking.  Perhaps there is a Chief, and perhaps he sits in a place of honor, but he is in the same circle.  Once there is a Lord, and he faces outward, then primitive simplicity has been lost.

The circle is my own vision for the future.  If you think about it, the internet is in some respects an endless series of circles.