
Emotional Growth

When silence becomes real.

Corollary: abstraction is silence.

It’s odd: ideas keep coming in torrents.  I could post 2-3 times a day when I’m not overly busy.  But I have come to realize that all of this exists solely to keep me from traveling inside in the ways that actually matter.  It is an elaborate, even if–I hope–a useful, subterfuge.  I refuse to lie to myself any more.

I will add, since I have come this far: I was looking at a Picasso the other day, and he literally took a woman apart.  His abstraction was violence, and this violence was manifested clearly both in his politics and his personal life.  Everything you need to know, though, is right there on the canvas.  It always has been.  He is perhaps most famed because he offered a certain class of people relief from emotions they were then, and remain now, incapable of processing, of digesting.


Business Opportunity

I have been doing a lot of inner work, but what has really pushed me into some really interesting, new qualitative territory is a series of special recordings put out by Sound Therapy.  Their website is here:

It cost me $615 to get a small iPod-like device, filled with classical recordings done per the specifications of Alfred Tomatis, along with good earbuds (that of course I could easily have purchased separately), a DVD that was essentially marketing material, and a couple of books which were essentially derivatives of the original work by Tomatis.

The claims made for this music are quite amazing, such as that they will increase your energy level, reduce tinnitus (which I have had for many years), facilitate learning, and heal a variety of cognitive disorders.  All of these claims, I feel, have merit, based on my own experience thus far.  This is truly an amazing technology.  In my own case it is calming me in important ways, while also giving me more energy.  The music is addictive, and I look forward to listening to it every morning when I get up.

Here is the thing: this technology has been largely locked up by selfish fools.  In the case of the Tomatis crowd, they have done their level best to keep this thing a more or less trade secret among audiologists, and require their training, with their tools, to use the phrase “Tomatis Method”, which they have trademarked.

Sound Therapy was founded by a woman who enjoyed huge benefits from it, and came to realize that the so supposed “professionals” were–after apparently doing a thorough examination, and prescribing what they described as a “personalized” program–were giving the same program to everyone.

All Tomatis Therapy is, is music with a lot of high frequency sound being run through a filter designed to reduce low frequency sound.  Such sound has effects upon the brain cortex in ways that far exceed the direct influence of the ear, and the cognitive process of listening.  Effectively, you are altering the brain through neuroplasticity, itself a response to qualitatively new inputs.

Although I have not yet read any of his books, Tomatis himself apparently viewed his work, ultimately, through a depth psychological lens, and viewed one effect of his work to be an affectively deep return to the womb in order to resolve very primitive problems.

Here is the Wikipedia article on him, which does not seem awful:

Even though many elements of his work would likely be enhanced by exposure to an actually qualified professional, most of them apparently just ask people to pay to come to their office and listen to the same music 2-3 hours a day for some 300 hours.  They literally prescribe the same thing to everyone, which is something ANYONE could do.  There is no magic to it, not in the prescription.

Here is the business opportunity: all of his patents have expired, so anybody and everybody can legally copy his method and work and create their own iteration. 

My concept, which I shared without success with the Sound Therapy people, would be to create relatively low cost copies of music made per his method.  The essence of what I bought was a small iPod like device which is so out of date that it still has battery memory, and thus a limited lifespan of roughly 4-5 years (They tell me).  This technology has likely not evolved in 10 years, and based on how they are marketing this material, they seem to be shooting for low volume and high margin.

Somebody can create a high volume, low margin business.  They can create CD’s, knowing that many might be pirated, but which can be protected like any other form of music.  Alternatively, they can duplicate the idea of providing a box with prerecorded music–the underlying idea of which, of course, is preventing piracy–but do it at lower cost.  My own view is that $100 would be a good price point that many people would be quite willing to pay.

I of course thought about going into this business, and still may, but given all my other sundry projects it will take some time, and given how enthusiastic I am about this therapy, I would like to put it out there in the world sooner rather than later.  So many people suffer needlessly.  There is so much stupidity and selfishness.



This is a bit of a vanity post.  So be it.

I had said some time ago that when I reached some kind of meaningful place, my need to write would diminish.  I have reached this place.  I have made myself heavy, learned to breathe in the dark, and floated slowly down until I reached the bottom.

I have sought out and found all the puzzle pieces and assembled it into a whole, and now my task is to digest it, and then to move through a gate into a world which is completely unknown to me, but I think filled with color.

I have had the sense for years that I have a 12 cylinder engine, but have only been able to get 4 cylinders to fire.  Everything I have done and said is much less than what I am capable of.  My entire life has felt like I had two fishhooks impaling my back attached by cable to two 50 pound stones I had to drag everywhere.  This feeling is ending.

Whenever I promise silence, do not believe me, but if I post for a time less, this is why.

As far as political events–and I suspect I do have readers whose main interest is political–have we not reached a point where we simply need to wait and see if America is ready for tyranny?  Has not enough, sufficient, information been presented to the American people as to the tragedy and horror of the direction we have been guided lo these many years?

Will the pot boil?  I cannot know, but the message cannot be delivered in words better than it already has been.



Most people grow up in relatively benign homes, where most people mean what they say most of the time.  That is my sense, although I may be exaggerating the number of psychologically healthy homes when I say “most”.

What is the effect when parents hate their children from a very early age, though, even if they only rarely express it through overt verbal or physical violence?

You lack that sense of order and safety  which most others take for granted in healthy homes.

But here is the thing: when Hitler said he would kill the Jews, he meant it.  Those who believed him, though, were considered paranoid.  They were not.  They simply had a category for insane violence, which people who had not been exposed to it lacked.

Those who believed that  Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin, Mao intended mass death and political violence would, at various times in the careers of all these men been considered delusional.  Castro and Ho were, in my understanding, more or less openly supported by many academics and journalists in the mid-1950’s (hell, Stalin in the 1930’s, along with Mussolini in more cases than they now admit) and that even though Ho had helped found the French Communist party all the way back in 1920 or so, and become an almost immediate Comintern agent.

Let me put it this way: the POSSIBILITY of paranoid thinking creates a much broader array of possible understandings of data with which one is presented.  Logic and factual analysis can put many fears to rest in a reasonably well ordered mind, but such a mind is in my view much better equipped to handle liminal, unusual, aberrant data than one which has seen little suffering, and complacently assumes that because things always have worked out, that they will continue to.

Put another way, I wear my paranoia–as many would call it–with pride.


Rethinking Obamacare

I think it is easy to make the mistake of thinking that Obama’s end game is something like Canada or the British Health Service.  It is not.  It is Cuba.  The tyranny is the primary aim, and healthcare/insurance is just a means to the end; and would not a generalized economic collapse serve the cause of “tyranny in the public interest” better than a functioning, if inefficient, healthcare/ health insurance system?

The DHS has bought its billions of bullets.  They have bought 2,400 military grade MRAP’s.  The Federal government has armed virtually every arm, and has been busily funding and training sundry law enforcement agencies in crowd control, and buying them protective gear, and in no small number of cases military grade vehicles.  The task now, seemingly, is to get the people into the streets. 

How could effective economic policy possibly serve that aim?

My next post will be about paranoia, but could we perhaps not view Harry Reid’s decision to alter over 200 years of tradition with some fear that they have abandoned the long game?

Actually, I will add, pace my last post, that I Googled  Tom Clancy and as of yet it does not appear a cause of death has been announced, which is quite odd.  Even if he had killed himself, which sound very dubious, there would have been a roundabout way of saying it.  They do in most of the articles point out that he had an uncanny prophetic ability.  And from what I read, his latest book involved a “Manchurian Candidate” installed by wealthy Saudis after a very long seasoning period.


Incredible Allegation: MUST READ

Dr. Jim Garrow, the same one that reported the death of Andrew Breitbart  and Tom Clancy, came out as an ex CIA Agent recently. The same Jim Garrow that runs Pink Pagoda Girls that
rescues young girls from death and abortion in China. He revealed in a
November 18th Facebook message that among the top brass being purged,
actually prevented President Obama from creating a series of  ”False
Flag” events this fall. One of the incidents was to be nuclear, the
other was make a calculated crippling of the infrastructure of our

On November 19th, the entire posts, reposts, and comments were
totally scrubbed by social media networks.and outlets. That evening he
appeared on Full Contact with Eric Rush.

You can see his scrubbed messages to Facebook here:

Three individuals have just saved 300 million lives in
the past 2 weeks. They saved the 90% of the population that would be
dead if Bathhouse Barry had not been stopped from using 3 nuclear
devices against the American populace. 2 Army Generals and 1 Navy
Admiral, whose duties included the safeguarding and oversight of the
nuclear arsenal. Obama ordered that 3 nukes be transported in a major
breach of protocol and safety regulations of long standing. He wanted it
NOW, and these officers were made aware of what the intention was. The
admiral had the one Navy nuke taken 200 miles off South Carolina and
detonated deep in the ocean. The other 2 nukes disappeared thanks to the
handiwork of the 2 Generals, the numbers 1 and 2 men in charge of the
Army ordinance. These three men are heroes of the highest order. Look up
the events of 2 Generals and 1 Admiral being dismissed in the past two
weeks and you will find their names. They saved your lives and the lives
of 300 million of your fellow citizens.

Mr. Obama’s intention was to set off the three nukes to devastate all
computer related systems on the continent thus taking America back 200
years and guaranteeing a total breakdown in society and with in one year
the death of 300 million Americans. To see how this would be possible
read, “One Second After”. You can get it on Amazon.

We peered over the edge of the precipice of the death of our
civilization and have lived to tell the tale. 3 heroes stood tall for
America and the mad man in the white house was stopped for the first
time in his life. He is unsure of what to do just now and he does not
possess the keys to the nuclear submarines nor the two nukes that are
now hidden. For the first time in his life someone said no, meant it,
and stopped him from murder and devastation. The next few days are
critical. Be afraid and go to prepper sites to find out how to save your
family, if you can. – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 18, 2013

In the condominium complex in Casa Grande, Arizona, where I have a
unit, a visit was made yesterday by a group of 4 men in a black Suburban
with lots of antenna’s on the roof. The management of our large group
of condo’s was asked to open the door of my unit. The badges were a
combination of many different alphabet agencies including my former one.
Interesting because after I posted about EMP’s and missing nukes my
phone rang late in the evening and I was requested to cease and desist.
My posts have been removed. I am not however repentant, nor cowed. If
anything like this happens again I have instructed people to begin the
release of documents and information as per prepared plans in the hands
of these people. Obama is known for overplaying his hand, and now should
be known far and wide as a dangerous amateur. He may have gotten
Breitbart, Hastings and Clancy, but they were just writers. I hope that
he enjoys the protests today in DC.  – Dr. Jim Garrow, Nov. 19, 2013

A quick search on the internet latter and you can indeed find three
Military Men that dealt in Nuclear Arms dismissed in October. Major
General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina (fired amidst rumors
of misbehavior involving alcohol and gambling) were both released, then
a third one from the Pacific that never made it home. There was also a
sizable earth quake off the coast of South Carolina that Russia Claims
was an underwater explosion of an American Thermal Nuclear Device.

We, as a nation, are totally in these men’s debt!

Comments:  Here is a link to an earthquake off the coast of South Carolina on Oct. 8th :

And as always, how do we separate out what seems clearly true, from what is speculative.  By way of context, this man, Jim Garrow, has also claimed that Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings, and Tom Clancy were all murdered to prevent the disclosure of secrets which apparently remain secret.  In Breitbart’s case, it may have been good evidence of Obama’s homosexual past, in Hastings he apparently had dirt on senior CIA officials, and Tom Clancy who knows.

Who is this guy?  Well, he does seem to be a humanitarian:  He claims, apparently credibly, to have saved 45,000 lives.

It does seem clear that multiple senior military officials were suddenly and without explanation fired, even though the complicit media–and here one must include Fox, which is limited in its capacity to grasp how bad things might actually be–largely ignored it. 

The transfer of the nukes appears to have been leaked:

So we have credible reports, actual firings of senior commanders, and an earthquake in the right timeframe. 

Proof?  Of course not, but should we expect it, when so many people are working so hard to keep this apparent secret?

I will reiterate: we have SOLID evidence that Obama’s mother posed nude as a teenager for a black Communist.  We have SOLID evidence that he is committing a federal felony by using a forged Social Security number.  It is INDISPUTABLE that the PDF file he posted as his birth certificate was tampered with.  These are all large things.  They are not small things.  They point to hidden and large psychological trauma, and to a clear willingness to flout the law, and the ability to get away with it.

I could go on, but have often enough.  I cannot emphasize enough the importance of our military–and honest LEO’s–in keeping our freedom.  If any military members or cops are reading this, I ask you: were the sacrifices you made protecting freedom in this country, the rule of law in this country, worth anything if we let these bastards get away with tyranny now?


Procrusteanism and Trauma

I have developed the habit of lingering with interesting emotions.  Good one, I try to hold for 30 seconds or so, letting them saturate me; and bad ones, likewise, except that they last much longer.  Today, I hit a spot of trauma, and had planned anyway on taking a long walk, and decided to take the feeling with me, to walk with me, to move with me, to evolve, if possible, while the world passed by.

Early on, I hit this point between anger and sadness.  That is where the focus needs to be.  Anger pushes out, and sadness pulls in, but both originate in the primal disruption, the trauma, that after which nothing was the same.  This is the best description I can offer, but what I saw was that both are unhealthy: sadness is more or less a decision you need help; and anger is directed at punishment of others.  Neither is actually oriented around healing, or forward progress.  Only by sensing and entering that middle field can you address on the emotional plain those things which continue to disrupt you, by diverting you down both of those paths, perhaps in alternating ways, perhaps in a “monopolar” way.  Can we speak of monopolar rage?  I think so.

Likewise, it occurred to me the other day that Leftism is really about EITHER punishing people, or “helping” them, whether they want it or not.  You punish the rich (or the Jews, or the Tutsis/Hutus, or Chinese, or whoever else, depending on where you are), while more or less coercing the poor, the working people, the class you claim to care about, in directions they would not have chosen, and which in almost all cases cause massive increases of misery.

Procrustes bed presumably never precisely fit anyone.  In this analogy, the rich have their legs cut off–and/or their heads–which is punishment; but the poor are likewise put on the rack, and stretched in directions the Leftists feel they should go.  Who fits?  Solely the ruling elite themselves, and then only if everyone conforms well to everyone else.

Is there not a structural homology here?  You have a direct expression of rage, directed in almost all cases at people guilty of nothing but superior intelligence and motivation to work; and on the other you “nurture” the sad, the lonely, the displaced, the outcast, the Other.

Can we not see this as a dual projection, in a psychological sense, of people who are unable to digest their own emotions?  Take Frances Fox Piven: she is an amoral bitch.  She wants to ruin everything, destroy everything, and for what?  To salve deep seated emotions SHE has, that SHE can’t get through, using a reality in which the actual human beings involved suffer horribly, predictably, and uselessly.

When you see people who can only live in abstraction, you can assume as a rule that they have enormous blind spots in them, forced upon them by turmoil–unreason, feeling, myth, “primality”–they fear deeply.  This is why the external order of totalitarianism appeals so mightily to them, why our academic caste has been so badly wrong–so monstrous, so demonic–for so long.


Global Warming

I started this blog with a post on Global Warming, here:

Within the last week or so I concluded a “debate” with a cult member, in which he ignored the entirety of the original post, and more or less simply kept repeating the tired, very old themes which constitute the catechism of the apostolic church of which he is an eager member. He left with his mind unchanged, and utterly convinced that despite the fact that I kept refuting his arguments, or showing their irrelevance, that he was right and I was wrong.  This is the nature of the beast.

You don’t debate, in my view, to change minds.  The people opposing you are so emotionally dedicated to their views that they will ignore absolutely EVERYTHING which fails to support views they did not reach rationally, and which they thus cannot defend rationally.

You debate to learn, because you learn under duress, in challenge.

Here, I refined my arguments yet further.  The “debate” is in the Comments section.

Here is the thing: according to ALL ACCOUNTS our atmosphere is ALREADY absorbing all the radiant heat in the frequencies, roughly 13.5 to 17 microns, where CO2 is relevant.  CO2 only affects about 8% of the total spectrum of infrared–heat bearing–radiation, and it is already absorbing 100% of that 8%. 

This means that NO amount of further CO2 concentration will matter AT ALL.

Here is my summary of the argument from there.  The first quote is from a cult members website:

“We see that for the pre-industrial CO2 concentration, it is only the
wavelength range between about 13.5 and 17 microns (millionths of a
meter) that can be considered to be saturated. Within this range, it is
indeed true that adding more CO2 would not significantly increase the
amount of absorption.”

If you look at the “wings” what you see is it is very inefficient at absorbing IR radiation.

A quote from here, which I have already linked:

say radiation on the shoulders of the absorption peaks does not all get
used up. They say 5% is functional, and the greenhouse effect of CO2
occurs with this 5%. The 5% number is rationalized fraud with no
evidence or objective basis.”

He goes on: “Sometimes, the claim
is made that the absorption peak will widen as CO2 is increased. It
absolutely will not. The width is dependent upon the energy state of the
molecules, and increasing the concentration does nothing to change the
energy state. All real measurements show this. How can so much crap
enter real science? It shows that this subject is not real science.”

I want to be clear, too: warming, per se, is not evidence.  Evidence of warming, then, is not evidence, either, of anything but “weather”, which is a synonym for climate change.  The climate changes daily, the world over.

Not only is the Global Warming idea ludicrous, not only is it a horrific commentary on the capacity of scientists for corruption, but it is clearly a conspiracy conducted by those I have taken to calling Neomalthusians (aka Chicken Littles and Petty Tyrants) to support global tyranny.

We swim daily in a deep sea of lies.


Obamacare and Mental Health

In the overall, ongoing, massive and perceptually ineluctable disaster that is Obamacare, I have seen little mention of a story I saw last week that Kathleen Sebelius has used the ridiculous and unConstitutional authority granted her in this farce of a bill to require insurers to cover mental health and substance abuse issues, and to treat them the same as regular health issues.  This is no small thing.  The costs associated with mental health issues are ENORMOUS.  Serious problems may as well be chronic cancer.

I don’t want to dwell too long on this, but here is a quote which brought this back to the forefront of my mind.  From “Tranforming Depression”, by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman:

The Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) conducted a three year health-risk and medical-cost study with 46,000 people from 22 companies and governmental organizations (Goetzel et al 1998).  The study showed that people who reported persistent depression had 70 percent greater medical costs than those who reported not being depressed.

After depression, uncontrolled stress resulted in the second greatest medical costs.  Almost 20 percent of the people reported that their stress felt uncontrollable.  Their annual medical expenses were 46 percent higher than those of people who were not stressed.  Stress was also found to be a significant predictor of cardiovascular disease in women, which is the number one killer of women.  Stress contributed to 79 percent of cardiovascular disease costs–more than smoking or obesity.

Overall, people who were both depressed and stressed had medical expenses 147 percent higher than others.  This figure is radically higher than the health hazards we hear about more often, such as lack of exercise, smoking, and high blood pressure.  In comparison, the increase in medical costs for those health hazards was minor.  A sedentary lifestyle resulted in a 10% increase in health care costs; smoking cost 14% more than nonsmoking; and high blood pressure cost 12% more.  The cost of depression and stress was more than ten times greater than each of these other factors.

Granny Bloomberg and Michelle “I know better than you” Obama should be focusing on decreasing stress, and increasing happiness.  They would both best serve these goals by shutting the hell up and leaving us the hell alone forever.  Alas, this is not likely to happen any time soon.  Bloomberg is out of office, but he is rich, and he is an asshole, so we will keep hearing from him; and we are stuck with Michelle until early 2017, or until people grow balls in Congress and impeach Obama (House) and remove him from office (Senate) for any of half a dozen offenses which in another era would have meant instant removal from office.


Russian Ark

I’ve decided to take my Netflix queue into the artsy realm.

Tonight I watched a, to me, very interesting film by Alexander Sokurov, titled Russian Ark.

Being a rather odd human being, I have taken to burning some frankincense while watching some of these movies (Kronos and Samsara being other similar movies I’ve watched recently), which creates an odd mood.  I like odd moods.  They are different than even moods. (there is an inside joke here that I won’t bring outside).

The process is a bit interesting, too, and I think quite old: you light a charcoal briquet, put it on a special purpose burner, and put bits of frankincense resin on it, which creates a lot of smoke.  Actually, as I think about the Greek Orthodox background of Russia–since whoever it was visited Constantinople–incense in a brazier is quite appropriate.

With regard to the movie, there are some truly marvelous dance sequences towards the end.  Throughout, you get glimpses into how people lived hundreds of years ago.  During the dance sequence, I was thinking of a home I visited in Colonial Williamsburg, which is more or less an open air museum dedicated to preserving a half dozen or so very old buildings.  In that home, George Washington and others had been entertained, and the dancing frequently went on all night, and if memory serves, sometimes several days–with breaks of course.

You see Anastasia, and Nicholas the Second, and you think of the very deep evil that focused on destroying joy, destroying innocent pleasure, rather than seeking to democratize and generalize it. 

Communism is not about elevating human souls.  It is not about happiness.  It is not about utopia.  It is about punishment.  It is about rage.  It is about bullying and creating fear.

Can you see Vladimir Ulyanov dancing serenely, smiling, in such a setting?  No: he had death in his eyes.

One can certainly feel pity for the peasants, for the poor, for the undertrodden, while watching the elite in their pleasures.  But you cannot build through destruction.  Hate cannot forge love.  Violence cannot forge an honest peace, not if fear is sustained.

Some time ago I listened to a series on Russian history, and the first Tsar to create a Duma, an assembly, which had any relevance at all was assassinated.  Certainly, it was a Parliament roughly equal to the British Parliament in, say, 1500, as I recall, but it was progress.  That progress halted and went into hard reverse when the Tsar was killed.

Nihilist is a Russian word, and was quite appropriate then.  They damaged their own cause, stupidly, uselessly.  They hurt–as Leftists ALWAYS do–the very people they claimed falsely to care about.

Anyway, something to add to your queue, if you want something different.  I thought it very well done.