
Assumed versus natural goodness

It seems to me that authentic spirituality consists in finding and expressing a connection to the Godhead, to the Great Spirit.  It consists in moving in, moving forward, in embracing and accepting.

But evil and goodness flow from roughly the same place, which depends on the myth with which we approach the world at a very, very, very fundamental level.  Evil is nothing more or less than rejecting life.  It consists in nothing more or less than pushing away, avoiding, hating.

There is a push and pull at the heart of all of us, and the process of releasing freedom, of releasing Goodness, is one of allowing movement at the very core of our being, and necessarily this involves connecting with our potential for evil, for rejection, for moving back in fear, attacking, hating, isolating oneself at the core.

Evil has a texture, a feeling.  So too does Goodness.  And until you can sense these textures, feel them deeply, understand them, and WORK with them like clay, you have not touched authentic Goodness, what the Tibetans call Windhorse.

What most people call goodness is assumed goodness, and Lord knows this is what Christianity has acted to broaden and reward over its history.  Assumed goodness, of course, is doing the things “good” people do.  It can even include teaching yourself to believe that you feel all the right things at the right times.  If you cannot convince yourself of the truth of your lie, you see, within Christianity you can feel little but terror if you also lack the psychological wisdom to get beyond what bedevils you.

Now, most psychologically healthy people are basically good, in truth.  They do not feel the tremors and confusions, and irrational angers of people who have been traumatized.  So for them something like Christianity can act as a useful aid in pursuing what become in most respects honestly good lives.

But the process of assuming goodness can also, of course, create evil, which is the point I am trying to make here.  When you need to believe you are good, then you hide your darkness, your Shadow, as Jung put it, from yourself.  No person can become spiritual without growing to know and deal with this evil.

I think of Rouseau’s “Noble Savage”, who it turned out was from a tribe of warlike cannibals.  Such people did not need to assume goodness, because for them it was not a religious duty.  They had things they had to do to remain a member of their group, but false piety was not one of those things, and in the course of their lives, they had frequent occasion to express hatred, rage, and violence directly without remorse.

So one could say that such people are not good, per se, in that they are seemingly not expressing the infinite love of God, but they are also not hypocrites.

We know enough, I think, as a species, to figure out how to live in peace with one another.  But honesty comes all too hard to far too  many people, whose comforting illusions they find congenial, and which they give up only under the most extreme duress.


Bread around the world

I was thinking about it this morning, and for most of human history, there were no packets of instant yeast.  Logically, they would have had to use either a sourdough starter, yeast from the air, or no fermentation at all.

Even simple foods like Indian chapatis can be fermented if they are simply allowed to rise for a time, after being exposed to the natural yeasts that are everywhere.

And I look up studies, and come up with, as one example, this one:

The presence of phytic acid and gluten are two of the arguments used against bread consumption.  Gluten, too, seems to be predigested in most fermentation processes, which is what sourdough leavening is.

I have long made the self evident point that if bread were really that bad for you, it would not have become a staple in so many places. (and, obviously, the poor health of people who lived ONLY, or even mainly, on bread cannot be used as a valid argument, since anyone living ONLY on bread is going to be malnourished).

We take so much of what we do for granted.  We take our bread, to take the present example, for granted.  We assume that sanitized and industrialized yeast is how “bread is made”.  But this is an invention of the past century, or perhaps the 19th at the latest.

It is odd to ponder how we are rediscovering the wisdom of our parents and those who went before them.  Coleslaw and potato salad–cruciferous vegetables, and resistant starch, which is in effect a prebiotic.  Resistant starch passes through the small intestine relatively intact, and then feeds the bacteria of the large intestine.

Pickles: probiotics.  Same with yogurt, kefir, and other such foods, which also protect the immune system.


This is quite an interesting story

An uneducated man channels a deceased surgeon, and achieves such outstanding results he is in demand in many countries, and vetted by professionals with no other skin in the game but a concern for the truth.

I think on some slow news day Donald Trump should announce he is channeling all the money allocated for some boondoggle or other–for example, the money allocated to studying “global warming”, which continues despite an utter lack of evidence–to afterlife and psi research.

It would piss off millions.  It would be considered ludicrous by all the people who don’t matter.

But what better way, from a very long term strategic standpoint, to get us all back moving in the same direction, concerned not about slavish compliance with a fascist ideology–or fighting said ideology with poor tools–but about our common destiny as humans, than to demonstrate conclusively that we are all connected, that we do not die, and that all of these can be verified via the honest and dispassionate use of the scientific method?



I wrote the following last night.  Then I looked up Scaramucci, and saw he was an investment banker, an early Hillary supporter, and a member of the Import-Export Bank.  I haven’t read up on that particular bank, but I’m not a fan of banking in general, so I’m pretty sure I won’t be happy.

So I’m like, FUCK.  What do I do?  It is almost like events are continuing to transpire without me.  It is in fact EXACTLY like that, despite the irrational feeling I share with so many others that typing endlessly and emoting on the internet somehow constitutes productive activity.

So, hell, some of this is not bad.  I may back off politics for a minute, though.  I don’t know what I don’t know, and frankly should be focused on things I CAN control.

I LIKE this guy!!!  I saw that quote on CNN in the bar where I was eating, and thought “this is what we need.”

Now, I don’t know where he comes from.  I have not followed the story in detail.  But it seems obvious to me that he thought he was more or less having a private conversation with a fellow mensch over a few beers.  Who lets their guard down like that?  HONEST people.  People who are used to speaking the truth, and how forget how fucking slimy so many people can be, like reporters who say “you can trust me.”

Here is the thing: you cannot play defense with the Left.  You can only play offense.  You have to attack them as often as they attack you.  This means that it is far less important that Trump and those around him avoid making mistakes than that they play continual offense. Mistakes are forgotten, and really don’t stand out all that much from the overall background of continual hissing and screaming.

Obviously, it doesn’t MATTER what Trump does.  Today, an obviously tired Trump failed to see a little boy 18″ off the ground, and failed to shake his hand.  The internet explodes, as if Trump has some sort of personal vendetta against handicapped kids.  They spin what can be spun, focus entirely an any small real negatives, avoid assiduously any positives, and where necessary they make shit up.  This is the game. [edit: it later came out that he actually paid considerable attention to this kid when he first walked in, which was omitted from the propaganda, which, as I said, they make up when needed to keep the pounding going.]

And Trump is fucking with their minds.  I was wondering when he announced this ban on transgenders if he had that on a list of news changing possibilities.  Ponder it.  He can alter the news cycle whenever he wants, just by Tweeting–Tweeting pisses people off the most, you see–something he knows will make heads explode.  He may have another 5-10 such announcements he is sitting on, waiting for the right time.

He is clearly beleaguered, but he seems to be slowly cleaning house.  Because obviously my advice is highly sought after the world over, I thought I might comment that Trump, in addition to dealing with the daily emergencies, needs to set aside regular time for strategic planning, like where he wants to be in two years.  It would be very easy to enter a siege mentality.  Play defense as needed, but plan offense.

To my mind, a complete failure to do anything with Obamacare is actually better than a token, half assed effort, that would have allowed Republicans to drop the matter, as if they had kept their promises.  It is quite possible we can either toss out some RINO’s, and/or toss out yet more Democrats in 2018.  I see no signs of traction by the Democrats, and it seems most likely they are digging their hole deeper. They have NOTHING which anybody wants at this point.


Egalitarians never are

Egalitarianism is s moral ideology. Precisely to the extent it is imposed by force, it relies INHERENTLY on notions of social and moral INequality.

Consider the case of Charlie Gard and his parents. They are victims of unequal egalitarianism. On the one side, the British government considered it outrĂ© for some pleb to seek care elsewhere, even if it cost them nothing, even if it cost a child his life. They can’t have plebs looking elsewhere for salvation, you see.

But had it been a royal baby, or even the child of any of British royalty, or even the mundane rich, they would not have needed to ask a court if they could please have their child back so they could save its life. They would have just booked a plane flight.

It is both utterly abhorrent, and an inextricable element to Socialist logic that they would both 1) claim sole dominion over the child and 2) do NOTHING that was in either the child’s or the parents interests. This is lunacy.

It remains an astonishing fact to me that the same people who cannot trust their fellow humans when they are running corporations–which exist to provide needed material goods and services at prices made fair by the free market–are quite willing to throw caution to the winds where government is concerned, and entrust their lives, freedom and worldly goods to people born the same way as everyone else, possessed of the same instincts as everyone else, and who–as the institution of government understood abstractly–are responsible for the overwhelming g majority of conflict and human suffering for all of recorded history.


Political correctness

the core idea is that what constitutes good manners is mutable, and that what was sufficient ten years ago–for example when nobody was talking about allowing transgenders in the military, much less paying to cut their balls off or enlarge their clitoris–is now forbidden.

People who want to stay au courant learn to be careful what they say, and take care never to express an opinion prior to finding out what the group opinion is.

And here is the insidious part: everyone learns to be AFRAID of offending people who quickly learn that acting offended gets them power.

This means not just that victim groups use this system of structural social intimidation and bullying, but that aspiring social architects–aspiring fascists, to be clear–have every reason to make fear of non-conformity–which is to say,conformity to an era they declare as gone–a universal. You build malleable, weak willed, Other Directed people using this tool of ubiquitous, inescapable, and subtle terror.

It would not be greatly overstating the case to say that subtle Leftists have substituted organized social ostracism for the guillotine. Their ideas are no less corrosive and their aims no less radical. But they have adopted George Betnard Shaws fascism with good manners and good taste.

Edit: what I meant to pint out as well is that, once a generalized climate of fear is achieved–to which is tied the eagerness of many to punish dissenters-/a small cadre can create the illusion easily of mass consensus. Plainly, given Trumps election, MANY Americans are not OK with our current direction, but their voices are silenced in most places by relentless propaganda DESIGNED to make the majority seem to be outlier.

I will note that the Bolsheviks were always in a distinct minority, and the Mensheviks wee, to my understanding, the larger group, but Lenin and his ilk, being People Of The Lie, in M Scott Pecks sense, CALLED themselves the “majority”, which in my understanding is the meaning of Bolshevik.

These people lie continuously and compulsively. And on most days their biggest lie is that most people agree with them on their core agenda. Even in a mass movement, the people who know the REAL plan are no more than 10%, if that. They are elitists who use populist rhetoric and sentiment to get people to surrender their freedom based on a long series of lies.



it remains the case that I would hesitate to sleep anywhere people can hear me, because my nightly antics would scare the crap out of most people. I do seem to have grown accustomed to dealing with them without getting drunk. I am drinking a bit here and there, but haven’t been drunk in a few weeks.

Last night I had an odd interlude where I was puzzling if the “room” where my infant self is confined has time within it, and I found myself reasoning my way through it aloud.

For most of us, primitive traumas are encased in Amber. They are motionless museum exhibits. But sometimes they come to life, when a situation calls for it. But they can only run from A to B. It is a one way path which resets again at the beginning. I hesitate to call it a loop, since the reset is instantaneous, or at least unconscious. It is always new, again.

And this part, being sealed away, but containing a part of self, of our soul, affects by gravity everything we do. It is a weight we carry which cannot carry itself. Healthy emotions EXPRESS energy. That is their nature. They carry us. They make life easier.

An unhealthy emotion must be continually suppressed. Most people do this. I remember an acquaintance talking with barely suppressed glee how a person was flayed alive in a Game Of Thrones episode. I remember someone telling me the audience cheered at the end of Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal said he was “having an old friend for dinner.”

It is tiring, you see, suppressing suspicion and anger and authentic spontaneity, as too many of us are taught to do. It makes you mean. It is in my view the hidden root of sacrifice.

Imagine if we began the public sacrifice of cows, lambs and chickens in all our major cities at high noon on every Friday. Ponder the spectacle. Everyone pissed off about anything could go watch something die, and feel better.

Are heros the point of horror films? Of course not. The VILLAINS are.

What I am attempting to oppose are the gradual and conscious exhibition of internal wounds, and their gradual healing and integration; and in the other a cyclic reenactment, in which the frozen content circles the center of our consciously, with a clear perigee and apogee. When stress becomes too much, it circles in and has its effect. When you have raged at someone, been mean–or been willfully self-destructive–it moves out again.  It is frozen hard and gone sometimes, and nearly melted and fresh sometime, which is when movement enters, which is when you feel more alive but more ambivalent about who you are.  This is when Satanists telling you “this is who you are” feels liberating, despite the fact that you are actually reidentifying with your tightest bonds.

There is something here. There is something to the notion of periodicity.


Further thought

First off, I would suspect most gender confusion, like most deep and difficult psychological problems, is another form of Developmentsl Trauma Disorder.

But let us say that it really is possible to be a woman trapped in a mans body, or vice versa. Such people suffer from BIRTH DEFECTS. They are deformed. Their deformities can be partially corrected through prostheses and surgery, but not eradicated. Not at the current state of science, at any rate.
Like all deformed people they warrant respect and consideration–pity, as I have said before, is best thought of as a disempowering microaggression–but NOT our consent and agreement. I will never call a biological man “she”. It is a lie. And lies are at the very top of my list of things I avoid at all costs, and hate with every particle of my being.
Such people do not have the right to make that demand, to threaten me with emotional or physical violence if I refuse to share their delusions.


First, I will note that the rocket and nuclear ambitions of both Iran and Noeth Korea continue unabated. Both plan launched, I read, in the next week.

I imagine a conversation with a small child after a nuclear strike.

“Daddy, did we not know they were dangerous?

No, they were making threats of attacking us with a nuclear weapon for many years.

Was there nothing we could do? Were they too powerful for us?

No, we were much much more powerful militarily, and had good economic options we could have used.

Daddy, THIS IS HORRIBLE. How could you have allowed my future to be destroyed?

Well, sweety, we wanted to be sure we didn’t offend anyone.”

I will note a coupe obvious points.

1) YOU CANNOT CHANGE GENDER. This is not opinion. This is coded in literally EVERY CELL OF THE BODY.

2) Given this, it is a mental illness wanting to try. It INHERENTLY bespeaks defective reality testing, and in most honest mental health professional accounts, a much more profound underlying disorder, a revulsion at who one IS.

3) In this, it differs from homosexuality. I personally think bisexuality is a potential all men, at least , (my theory being that wanting to stick your dick I to everything you see could be evolutionarily selected for) are born with, but homosexuality is psychologically driven. HOWEVER, a sexual attraction to ones own gender can be satisfied and acted in. In this, it is not inherently a lie.

4) The absolute number of mental ailments related to gender dissatisfaction in the military is small, but the disruptiveness of things like having to run trainings to teach women to be OK with showering with men with dicks and balls is ENORMOUS. You lose good people that way. You lose unit cohesion.

5) And the military exists for one purpose, and that purpose is not hiring and gratifying left wing HR hacks.



it seems to me this morning that identification is always already dissociation, or at least any identification not based on love. This is a very Buddhist idea, and in that regard it is worth pointing out that, historically, people in his time were defined by social status and tribe to an extent inconceivable now.

Ponder what motivates people to show up to work on time. Is it not fear? Fear, yes, of being fired, but more importantly fear of being thought of as a lesser person. Fear had its place, clearly, but I think we have overdone it.