

I think we can most productively define abortion in the present era as “an elective outpatient procedure to remove unwanted fetal tissue”.

There was a time we could easily sympathize with women in desperate circumstances, hurting inside, unsure where to turn, deeply conflicted. Now the feeling I get is that most seem to view abortion as of no more moral or psychic importance than buying something from a vending machine.
I remember cringing when I learned about the Spartan practice of infanticide. Such CRUELTY throwing a new born off a cliff and leaving it to die, simply for being born defective.
But we are infinitely worse. We kill babies–as we are seemingly about to find out–even when they are viable simply because they are INCONVENIENT.
Is this not a lesson in alienation? How far from considering babies dispensable, from considering oneself unbound by intrinsic moral obligations, to considering EVERYONE disposable, and of interest only as temporary objects of amusement, emotionally shallow companionship, and utility?
Of such is Satanism built. It is the creed that we are born, live, and die in absolute and ineluctable isolation and solitude.
I read the proceeds of recent donations surrounding the Satanic statue in Detroit were used to support baby killing. And why not? Such people view life itself as a disease.

I understand why people who self identify as “liberal” want to prevent a return to unsafe abortions, but I wonder if they are up to the moral task of fundamentally questioning the cultural of killing 100,000 or more unborn babies every year.  Not all those women were the victims of unfortunate circumstances.  It seems, on the contrary, obvious that a great many figured if they got pregnant, they could just get an abortion, which they did.

We see the term “Right to Life”, but it could as easily be respect for life.  It seems obvious that Cecil the lion’s death bothered far more people on the Left than the prospect that whole human babies are being served up and paid for to support idiotic fetal stem cell research.  Adult stem cells work.  We know this.  Fetal Stem cells don’t.  We also know this.

I have for some time wondered where the fetal stem cells for research come from, and have always assumed something like this was going on.  Now we know.


Mr. Robot

I’ve watched the first four episodes of a USA network series by this title, and have been discouraged.  The pilot had a great talk on how the world runs on debt, and how it could and should be freed from this form of slavery.  I wondered how they could keep that content on the air, and it turns out they couldn’t.  They transitioned to generic attacks on corporations, and the main one is even named “Evil Corp”.

Then major drug episodes, emotionally unhealthy sex, general weirdness and provocation.  This is a generic left wing script, attacking traditional values, and large corporate giants.

And here is a point I have made many times, but perhaps not explicitly: if I were a member of the power elite, I would fund attacks on the power elite. I would pay people–perhaps indirectly, as it works even better if people are sincere–to go out and publicly denounce the man, publicly denounce corporations and corporate profits and the “1%”.  I might in fact have created that meme. It’s very useful.

Because here is the thing: most people are too fucking stupid to separate rhetoric from reality.  You could be killing babies with one hand and kissing them with the other, and if you only talk about the one, nobody will notice the other. You can literally make vast profits denouncing vast profits.  You can get your people elected on promises of transparency and responsibility to the people.  You can start wars in the name of preventing wars.

But by creating an apparent opposition, people assume there actually IS an actual opposition.  I would have funded Occupy Wall Street.  Does that sound evil, devious and wrong?  Of course: but these people think in terms of efficacy, not morality.

Do you think Obama has not done every damn thing Wall Street asked him to?  Of course he has.  If I had been a Wall Street banker I would have paid people to denounce the Wall Street Reform Act, because that would have made it look like a bad deal for them.  It was in fact a great deal–and why not?  They wrote it.

Thinking is not something one person in 100 does effectively, not even among people paid to think, paid to understand for a living.

The great transformation TV has enabled is that reality has become what the TV says it is.  Image is everything.  I think when people read, or even listened to their news, there was still a thinking brain engaged.  Now, the TV–or digital equivalent–does everything for you.  One of my advantages is that I literally go years without watching a newscast of any sort.


Cecil the Lion

I’m not a vegetarian.  I tried it for two years in my late teens, and I felt like shit all the time.  I was feeling like shit anyway, but the diet certainly wasn’t helping.  I finally broke and got two cheeseburgers at Burger King, and have never looked back.

But I’m like most Americans in my sentimentality towards animals.  I talk to my dog, and feel like she understands in her dog way some of what I’m saying.  I hate hearing about cruelty to animals.  Hunting and fishing hold no appeal for me.

At the same time, we need to remember that personally slaughtering their own meat was a way of life for a great many Americans perhaps as recently as 50 years ago.  I remember my grandmother kept chickens, and would periodically go out back, catch one, swing it by the neck a few times, then pluck it and cook it.  They kept a pig, and would slaughter it when it got fat enough.  They were familiar with blood, and the innards of animals, and didn’t think twice about it.

Theodore Roosevelt was a famous big game hunter. He loved shooting lions and elephants and whatever else presented itself.  Hunting was within perhaps the past 75 years a very patrician sport, and the owner of my company still goes away several times a year to shoot geese, or ducks, or to fish salmon.

We read, perhaps a weeks ago, that some famous lion none of us had heard of until that point had been killed by an American, who has since been identified, and forced into hiding.  His head was cut off, and the meat apparently given to the villagers, as required by law in Zimbabwe.

For their part, the Zimbabwe’ans are apparently completely confused:

“Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country,” said Tryphina Kaseke, a used-clothes hawker on the streets of Harare. “What is so special about this one?” 

The truth is, most locals in Zimbabwe actually look forward to the big game hunts that Westerners engage in, as the high price tag for the hunts means money pumped into the local economy, not to mention the meat from such hunts is required by law to be given to local tribes and villages. 

“Why are the Americans more concerned than us?” said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father of two. “We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange.” 

Lions and other large animals are typically viewed as dangerous by the local population, and if these animals are not hunted, their populations will explode and bring about all sorts of other issues, like rampant disease and increased attacks on people.

No American I know of has ever feared being attacked by a lion. In our world, they are by definition confined, since they only happen in zoos and circuses.

And I think animals are the recipients of all sorts of psychological projections.  They are presumed innocent, where we are all fallen.  They are presumed worthy of life, where I think many people think many of us deserve death.

Cecil was an animal who every day of his life sought to hunt down and kill another animal.  Lions are clearly noble, beautiful, admirable animals.  But they are, like all predators, serial killers in the animal kingdom.  We live in such a crazy world that some people feed their dogs and cats vegetarian food, and don’t realize that cannot possibly be good for them.

Now, I want to be clear that it seems to me this dentist has a sadistic, violent streak in him, but this is not unusual.  Zimbabwe is ruled by a man likely much worse in every respect than this dentist, and nobody gives a shit about him, or the hell he has created trying to engineer yet another Socialist Paradise.

Nobody gives a shit about the 1.2 million Africans who died of AIDS last year, or the 13,000 killed in Nigeria, Central African Republic and South Sudan last year.  1 million people were displaced by war in Nigeria alone, and I doubt one person in 100 on the street could find Nigeria on the map, or tell you ONE fact about it.

It is not the case that every story has two sides, but some do.  I do not fault the people who are enraged with this dentist, but I also do not fault people I KNOW who hunt elk and bison and deer.  It’s not my thing, but it is a violent world, and we all die.

It has long seemed to me that animal rights activists particularly seem to be highly misanthropic.  Their love of animals is balanced by their hatred of humanity.  When I was at Cal the most violent, craziest demonstrations by far were from PETA.

Every day the world over, countless millions or billions of fish are eaten by other fish.  Billions of insects are eaten by birds, who are often eaten by other birds.  Rodents are scooped up by hawks, and bird eggs eaten by snakes.  Millions of cattle and pigs and chickens are slaughtered every day, and run through efficient factories to wind up in plastic trays in our grocery stores.

I understand misanthropy, but I also understand compassion.  This is a very confusing world, and it is worth regularly trying to look at it from new angles.  I have many answers, but I always remain willing to ask myself if they are the right answers, and I always put out a place-setting at my Table of Knowledge for uninvited but welcome strangers.

Post Script/Edit: I wonder if we might see in the outrage over the killing of Cecil some measure of the number of people who secretly would like to strangle someone. It has long been my observation that people who are obsessed with compassion often harbor latent and not always well hidden animosities, angers, spites,and violence.

We will forget about poor Cecil soon enough.  All of us but the dentist, whatever his name is.  This is going to be a life changing nightmare for him.  Does he deserve it?  Not my call to make.  I’m going to forget about him.  Killing him won’t bring Cecil back, but it will demolish a source of income in a poor nation, and nobody is going to care about them, or any of the lions they themselves kill in self defense or even hunger.

I do think this: this is a referendum on how many people would secretly like to strangle someone.  I think the capacity to read people’s minds would be profoundly traumatizing.


WTC 1 and 2

I can’t resist repeating something I’ve said before: WTC 1 and 2 were EXPLICITLY designed to withstand the impact of large passenger airlines.  When they were built, the largest planes were a bit smaller than what came later, but the principle was the same: airliner fuselages are by design light, so a “mesh” was made of the outer walls which would shred them so that nothing hard could reach the core supports.  And in the videos you can see the planes disintegrate.  It is the same principle which causes us to protect our embassies and other facilities from rocket attacks by putting a high tension wire mesh outside, which serves to detonate contact weapons.

The accounts of the collapses of those two buildings are also ridiculous.  I focus on Tower 7 simply because it did not have the complicating factor of having something crash into it. 


9/11 Truth

The issue of 9/11 Truth is one of intrinsic importance.  The questions it asks are quite literally directly germane to the survival of our democratic Republic.  It asks whether or not our government is capable of participating–even after being given ample funding and time to do its job–in cover-ups.  It asks whether or not as yet unnamed and unidentified co-conspirators on 9/11 got away with literal murder.  It asks if there are factions even now operating in America who want some combination of perennial war, omnipresent totalitarian surveillance, and possibly even, eventually, the eradication of our political freedom outright.

At root, the question is simple: was a crime committed which was larger than that 4 planes were hijacked and crashed?  Specifically: is the government’s account of the collapses of World Trade Centers 1, 2 and 7 plausible?

And I would like to draw an analogy.  If someone stumbles across a dead body with stab wounds in it, do we need to establish what sort of knife was used prior to considering it a murder or suicide?  Do we need to know if the perpetrator was left handed or right handed, educated or uneducated?  Do we need a motive?  Do we need the knife itself?  Do we need to know exactly when and how it happened?  Of course not.

In the entire history of modern building–let us call it 85 years or so, dating from the opening of the Empire State Building–only three skyscrapers have gone through complete collapses, all of them on 9/11.  A particularly annoying person I have been going back and forth with–the word debate would imply a level of sincerity he quite obviously does not possess–cited the McCormick Place fire.  This is not relevant, as McCormick Place was not a skyscraper, was filled with highly flammable material and no sprinklers, and did not undergo a complete collapse.  The roof collapsed, and the building was rendered unusable, but did not collapse entirely, or instantly, as did all three WTC buildings.  It was a progressive fire, whose reach could be and was watched by helpless firefighters.

Further, this collapse happened in 1967, and influenced national building codes.  WTC7 was not opened until 1987, 20 years later, and can be safely assumed to have incorporated the lessons learned.

With regard to Sight and Sound Theater, the fireproofing for the steel supports had been removed, and it was by design only reinforced on the sides by metal beams.  By design, the middle of the building included no structural supports.  There was no forest of beams in the core reinforcing one another as was the case with all three WTC buildings. It is not a comparable case.

Here are comparable cases:

Here is a partial listing of major high-rise fires:

It is indisputably the case that there have been a number of fires which have burned on more floors, longer, and not even brought on partial collapse.  9/11 is unique.  All three collapses of skyscrapers that have ever happened, happened on that day.

And here is is worth doing some detail level analysis.  The way steel frame skyscrapers are built is metal I-beam are bolted together, then in most cases welded.  There are horizontal connections, and vertical connections.  Wherever there is a “joint” fire-proofing is sprayed. No fire can get within 4-6 inches of a welded, bolted joint.

This construction is, quite obviously, DESIGNED to withstand fires.  You could build a bonfire around one of these beams, using anything you might find in an office, roast marshmallows, sing campfire songs. and have NO worry that anything would happen to it.  The flame cannot reach the beam, or the joint, and it cannot loosen bolts, burn through welds, and cannot come close to melting steel.

Even though their final conclusion is farcical, we can use the work of NIST to rule out certain conjectures about the collapse particularly of Tower 7.   We can assume, for example, that they found no evidence that fuel from the backup generators at the electrical substation played a role.  If there were any evidence, they would have brought it forward.  We can assume that they found no evidence that the falling debris from the collapse of the other two World Trade Centers played a role.  What holds a building like this up is the core supports, and the gashes were superficial.  If there has been any merit to this claim they would have mentioned it.  We also would have seen an asymetrical collapse, like a tree being felled.  If this collapse was off vertical, as some claim, it was only by a few degrees and that can easily be explained as imperfectly synchronized beam cutting.  Some bending is seen in even acknowledged controlled demolitions.

We can, in fact, conclude, that they could find no explanation other than the one they provided, EXCEPT that of explosives, which on their own account they did not look or test for, and which we can therefore was excluded from consideration at the outset, for unknown reasons.

We can and should conclude that only two hypotheses remain standing: explosives, and what NIST claims caused the collapse.

And what do they claim?  That a single supporting beam, in a forest of beams, was loosened by being exposed for eight hours to the combustion of office furnishing, to the extent that it gave way, and that this led, within 6 seconds, to the initiation of a general collapse of the entire 47 story building, a collapse that began in absolute free fall, and slowed little in the ensuing few seconds it took to complete.

I would like to examine this story in some detail.  Here is their official report:

They say that “Debris from the collapse of WTC 1, which was 370 feet to the south, ignited fires on at least 10 floors in the building at its south and west faces. However, only the fires on some of the lower floors—7 through 9 and 11 through 13—burned out of control.”

Then: “The heat from the uncontrolled fires caused steel floor beams and girders to thermally expand, leading to a chain of events that caused a key structural column to fail. The failure of this structural column then initiated a fire-induced progressive collapse of the entire building.

According to the report’s probable collapse sequence, heat from the uncontrolled fires caused thermal expansion of the steel beams on the lower floors of the east side of WTC 7, damaging the floor framing on multiple floors.
Eventually, a girder on Floor 13 lost its connection to a critical column, Column 79, that provided support for the long floor spans on the east side of the building (see Diagram 1). The displaced girder and other local fire-induced damage caused Floor 13 to collapse, beginning a cascade of floor failures down to the 5th floor. Many of these floors had already been at least partially weakened by the fires in the vicinity of Column 79. This collapse of floors left Column 79 insufficiently supported in the east-west direction over nine stories.
The unsupported Column 79 then buckled and triggered an upward progression of floor system failures that reached the building’s east penthouse. What followed in rapid succession was a series of structural failures. Failure first occurred all the way to the roof line—involving all three interior columns on the easternmost side of the building (79, 80, and 81). Then, progressing from east to west across WTC 7, all of the columns failed in the core of the building (58 through 78). Finally, the entire façade collapsed.”
I will note that the report includes a diagram of the supporting columns on the 13th floor.  I count 43.
You can locate Column 79.  It is alleged that the girder between it and Column 44 lost its connection at Column 79.
You have seen pictures of skyscrapers during construction.  They build a skeleton of sorts, upon which they mount floors and walls.  Column 79 would have rested on another column on the 12th floor, to which it was bolted and welded, and then there would have been a horizontal girder, also bolted and welded, upon rested the floor which would have consisted in several inches of concrete, poured into a metal pan.  The joint would have been sprayed with fire-proofing.
Locate yourself next to Column 79.  You have a kerosene lighter, 8 hours, and whatever you can find in the office that will burn.  Here is your task: start a fire which will sever the beam underneath the floor.  No one alleges that anyone built a bonfire, but I am going to allow you to.  You can use paper of course to start it, but paper doesn’t burn for long.  You might find some wooden desks, and maybe you can even somehow set metal desks on fire. 
Can you get a fire to burn for 8 hours?  Only by continually adding fuel.  This means that no one area could POSSIBLY have remained hot for a full 8 hours, and whenever the fire got to Column 79, it cannot have burned for more than a couple hours.
The idea that the “combustion of office furnishings”, which is the NIST phrase from another report, could sever a fire-treated beam connection under a concrete floor is ridiculous.  It has never been seen anywhere else, and the reason is simple: it is impossible.  It is a violation of physics.
But let’s take it to the next step.  You have a light saber, which will cut through anything.  Sever the beam.  Sever it 3-4 times, just to be thorough.  What happens?  What do you think?  I’m thinking you hear some groaning up above, and the floor sags a bit.  And that’s it.  Everything is connected by the floor, and supported by welded and bolted steel beams. You are in the middle of a tightly interlocking structure that BY DESIGN distributes the weight load.  There is no Achilles Heel.  There is no single point which, if severed, would bring the whole thing down, in any amount of time.
Bring to mind 1) a forest of interlocking, mutually reinforcing steel beam, treated with fire-proofing, and subjected only to the combustion of plastic computers and maybe wooden desks; 2) the failure of a single column; and 3) that video.
Even as a non-professional, does that make a shred of sense?  
Now, it was known in advance that Tower 7 was in trouble.  Explosions had been heard all day, there was some outer damage, and flames had been seen coming out of the windows for some time.  It was creaking and groaning, and the fire fighters had been told to “pull” it, which means to pull everybody out.  I don’t dispute this, or see any reason to dispute it.
Now watch this:
My thesis is simple: all three buildings were wired to blow after being hit by passenger jetliners, and United 93 was supposed to hit Tower 7.  It took off right across the river in exactly the right time-frame.  But it never showed up.  So I think the people who planted the explosives (and I am not qualified to speculate what combination of thermite and other types of explosives might have been used, but the details are irrelevant) knew they could not leave that building intact, but had to make its collapse superficially plausible.  They set off a few explosives to get things rolling, started a bunch of fires that would be clearly visible, then at a certain time, did the planned controlled demolition.
So, again, there is no reason to doubt it was in trouble, and that fire-fighters had already decided to abandon it, but that in no respect makes the ludicrous NIST scenario even superficially plausible.
I will deal with two other points made by the silly person I am interacting with.
We agreed that molten metal was seen by many people.  He claims it was Aluminum.  I do not want to research this at the moment, but asked a simple question: where did the heat come from?  He claimed it came from the reaction of iron and steam. I asked where the steam came from, and he had no good answer.  More importantly, I asked why this particular reaction has never been seen in any controlled demolition anywhere in the world, or in any other skyscraper fire–and would add, actually, the question as to how fire-proofing experts somehow overlooked this–and he had no answer.
The ground around that area was so hot for several weeks that it was melting peoples boots.  And empirically, we have “melted” steel beams.  We have a block of concrete which melted and fused with a metal beam.  Absent  TREMENDOUS heat, that is quite impossible.  We have exhibits, in other words, clearly showing heat of the sort only thermite can generate.
So where is the thermite?  Some people claim thermite was found, some people claim it was not.  But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  What is the role of thermite?  To burn up, completely.  What thermite could be found?  Only unreacted thermite.  Is it unreasonable to suppose that all the evidence quite literally burnt up because that is what it was designed to do?  
The heat, alone, betrays the presence of highly exogenic substances which are not found in ANY skyscraper naturally.
There is only one conclusion consistent with the evidence: that Tower 7, at least, was brought down by a controlled demolition using an unknown package of tools–which included thermite at least–which were planted by people who have not been identified, and who self evidently had to have had access to all the relevant areas.  This fact, in turn, means that in principle at least some research could be done.  What group or groups COULD have done this, in highly access-controlled buildings, which had already been subjected to a terrorist attack?

This, quite obviously, is the obvious question for sane people to ask.  We do not live in a sane world, regrettably.  But we can always hope, and can always work to make it more sane.


Minimum Wage

Here is the question that should be asked: by what means can we most effectively get the starting wage for most jobs up to $15 (or more) an hour?  This is a practical question.  In my view, the simplest answers are economic growth, and sound money.  I strongly suspect most of the nations with significantly higher average wages also are not daily adulterating their money.  I know that Germany maintains good discipline in that regard.

As I have said often, minimum wages can only be set at, below, or above prevailing market wages for that job, for that person’s level of capability.  If set at or below the wage that business was already willing to pay, it does nothing.  It is literally the case that ONLY when it is disadvantageous to, particularly, small businesses, does the minimum wage matter.

But here is the thing: I am making an economic, which is to say a practical, argument; socialists are making a MORAL argument.  They are saying that even if wages are retarded in the long run and unemployment increased substantially, that it is still wrong to pay someone less than X, however they determine X.

John Ruskin made this argument over 100 years ago, in Unto This Last.  He said that it didn’t matter if it increased unemployment or hurt business, but that certain minimums had to be paid, because even if he couldn’t be bothered to answer for the consequences of his actions, he could be made to answer for his intent.  He was very nearly that blunt.

As I keep saying, this is shitty, imbecilic, childish, irreponsible logic.  IF YOU CARE ABOUT PEOPLE, you care about making things as good as possible for as many as possible.

I don’t care if the average starting wage is $100/hour one day, with today’s buying power.  That would be great.  I have no objections with regard to, and every possible positive sentiment concerning, increases in material wealth and earning power, generalized across all classes.  We need to go beyond that, but I think we need to go through it, first, as a whole, as a people, as communities.



I thought this article worth the read:

You will note that laws have been passed in some States specifically prohibiting mental health professionals from “treating” transgender (or, it goes without saying, homosexual) people, EVEN IF THEY WANT TREATMENT.

This is not about tolerance, or freedom.  It is about the destruction of traditional consensual norms, in favor of what is called tolerance, but which is in fact radical INtolerance.

I will echo McHugh and point out that men cannot be made into women, and women cannot be made into men.  They can merely be made to outwardly resemble them.  You cannot actually change someone’s sex, anymore than a white person can be made black with spray-on tan and a trip to the hair salon.

I don’t think transgenderism and homosexuality are mental illnesses in and of themselves–and certainly not wrong in a traditional ethical sense–but I do think that in a HIGH proportion of cases, there is underlying sexual and emotional trauma which created these outcomes, and which is not resolved through sex reassignment surgery, or a homosexual lifestyle.

The task is always to look to the highest and best good, both for the individuals and for society.  What I think Leftist GroupThink prohibits is an HONEST discussion of the real problems these people have, which in turn prevents an honest and effective amelioration of the quite real unhappiness.

In important respects, invoking the word “hate”–which, like “racism”, has been denuded of content through propagandistic use, and now seemingly simply describes anyone does not agree FULLY and reflexively with the meme of the day–for things like questioning the wellness of men who want breasts and to cut their dicks off, is not different than shaming everyone who wonders just what successes of the Civil Rights Movement we are, now, 50 years later, supposed to applaud.

When you cannot speak honestly, when you must live in fear of well organized hate campaigns (and I am using the word here in its traditional sense) when you fail to toe some line that didn’t even exist yesterday, then you are not only not living in freedom, but you are being forced to participate in the destruction of meaning, of language, of community, and of effective political solutions to real problems.

Leftists don’t solve real problems.  Their only forte is in rationalizing failures.  And given that such rationalizations require frontal assaults on coherence and reason, their on-going successes mean on-going failures whose sources cannot be traced, and which cannot be identified, or corrected.

I don’t think people become better by assuming that Bruce Jenner’s real problem is solely that he (he still has his balls, in my understanding, so he remains a man) wants to act like a woman, and that society rejects him (He just won an ESPY, so that argument is a non-starter); and I don’t think I become worse by pointing out that there is almost certainly an underlying psychopathology that nobody wants to talk about.

Jenner is not positioned to thrive.  Dressing up like a woman and taking hormone injections is like winning the lottery without learning to budget money: one year from now, my guess is he will be just as happy–or, to the point, unhappy–as he started out.  That is when the media will lose its infatuation with him, and although I have not followed him in any of his shows, it does appear that attention is important to him, and when he is past it, melancholy and depression will likely set in.  His change will not alter permanently who he really is.

Nobody wants to say it, but I will.  Goddamn it if just speaking the obvious has not become an act of rebellion.

I say again: lies only help the liars.  They do not help real people.  Anyone who wants to do good in this world must value truth and honesty.


Strength is relaxation

I was feeling today that the essence of manliness is confidence.  As I think I may have mentioned, when I did my second CrossFit certification, I was in a small group that had 3-4 SEAL’s in it, and the one thing that stood out to me was how relaxed and unworried they were about everything.  Obviously, that sort of training constitutes an easy day, but I felt that was how they were most of the time.  How else can you fall asleep waist deep in mud in a row of your fellow sailors, as they do in training? I can’t fall asleep in my bed with a fan on.

I would contrast that with the guys you see in musclehead gyms who are very self consciously trying to look and act tough. If you feel like you need to act tough, you probably aren’t.  You are afraid.  I think this inner fear drives a lot of bodybuilders, especially.

Learning deep relaxation is the first step to both healing and personal growth.  Without it, you cannot go deep into anything.  Your innermost self can never show itself.


Political Correctness

It occurs to me that being politically correct means being humorless, and since humor is a primary means by which people moderate and deal with their differences, this means that structurally it amounts to a holding tank for the accumulation of anger.

Witness Jon Stewart.  His “humor” is mean-spirited, and consists nearly entirely in mockery, in portraying people as buffoons and cartoons.  His humor is not meant to build, but to burn.  There are grades of humor, and his is that of witty insult.

Stewart, a Jew, is only one step away from what the Nazis did in their caricatures of Jews.  I mean that sincerely.  I cannot watch him without feeling a strong undercurrent of very unfunny contempt, and latent violence.


EMP Attack

I found this somewhat enlightening.  It appears the principle barrier to sanity on this topic comes from electrical utilities.  They seem to view these common-sense precautions as inconvenient.

Free nations such as ours fail when everyone starts thinking primarily of their own narrow, parochial interests, and fail to integrate themselves into objectively higher goods.  These executives, and their lobbyists, have no reason to suspect they will fare significantly better than the rest of us if their obstructionism serves, finally, the cause of societal collapse.  Their efforts are, to put it more kindly than the case warrants, short-sighted.