
Boston Bombing

Well, now I’m getting used to the idea of “crisis actors”.  Why wouldn’t this be next?  I couldn’t stand it.

It only takes one blatant, inexplicable fact to destroy an entire narrative.

Here’s another link:

What is happening?  There seems to be a rot deep within this nation.  It is not in the ordinary people, who have in many respects been made mediocre by an inferior educational system, which teaches conformity and not critical thinking, and fails to impart basic facts about finances, economics, political theory, and history.  Those people by and large are decent, just dumb.

Where it lies is in the failure of our elites, our alleged best, our supposed best, those who are supposed to be smart, to be the experts, for everyone else.

These people have been failing for a very long time, and their failures have directly supported these increasingly brazen false flag operations.

Edit: 3 people supposedly died in the bombing: Krystle Campbell, Martin William Richard, and Lingzi Lu.  If it was a hoax, what happened to them?  Did they ever exist?

That will have to wait.  I am screwing my sleep time up completely.

Well, this person has this to say:

Krystle Campbell:

Lingzi Lu, nothing found yet, but if she was a “foreign student” she would have had family to claim her.

One last link:

Edit: I’m not going to say definitively that this bombing did not happen.  The photos seem to show staging going on, and otherwise inexplicable behavior, but there are two layers to this: 1) it didn’t happen; 2) it wasn’t done by who we were told did it.  I am not the only one who found it profoundly weird that Dzoker got a throat wound between being caught and the time he wound up in jail.  It seems obvious to me that AT A MINIMUM more people were involved than we have been told.  There are a number of things that just don’t add up.

And am I the only one who remembers that when this bombing–or whatever it was–happened North Korea was threatening us with nuclear war?

2 replies on “Boston Bombing”

You're an idiot for believing this was staged. A friend of mine was friends with Krystle, she died, just like the other two at the race and the MIT cop. Others I know received shrapnel wounds at the finish line. Maybe you should spend less time on crack pot sites and more time exploring your own humanity. Of course, you probably think I'm writing this from inside a black chopper hovering behind your house, so really what's the point in the end.

Did you look at any of the links? The pictures?

I am not particularly paranoid, but it is OBVIOUS, beyond any possibility of reasonable doubt, that Tower 7 on 9/11 was the subject of a controlled demolition.

Every expert I see says the conventional explanation of the Oklahoma City bombing is impossible. No ANFO bomb could do that damage at that range, unassisted at least.

And I just did a post on Sandy Hook, in which it seems obvious that the conventional story does not add up.

If in fact you are telling the truth, then of course that is good evidence this was not staged.

I ask again, though: did you look at any of the links?

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