
Zero Hour

I watched the very interesting movie District 9 yesterday, which in turn got me to thinking about South African history, which I read up on a bit, which got me thinking about world history generally.  “History” as a discipline began, at least in the West, with war.  Most of what you will study since then will contain many wars, much death, much pain and suffering, major victories and devastating failures.

This morning, I read about the destruction of the city of Merv in Central Asia.  They let the barbarians in the gates, and best guesses are that about a million men, women and children were slaughtered indiscriminately, and their bodies left where they lay.  They took away a few hundred slaves who had skills they needed.  That’s it.

This in turn brought to mind the Ray Bradbury story Zero Hour.

The gist of the story is that Earth has impregnable defenses, and a happy peace.  So aspiring invaders target Earth’s CHILDREN to help them invade another way, which they do.

Is that not in effect what China is doing with us?  Corrupting our children with imbecility and insane ideas, and making it so they are literally INCAPABLE of comprehending violence waged against them or their families, despite the ubiquity of violence in human history (which they are more or less prohibited from studying honestly) and in present day China (organ harvesting, de facto slavery, systematic gang rape of  Tibetans, the destruction of Hong Kong as a free nation, saber rattling with respect to Taiwan, etc.)?  Yes, I think that.

And is Joe Biden not their guy?  They may not be the only ones who put him there, but we have to assume they were one of the main players.  Their guy is in OUR White House.  Madness.

Our soldiers can be the best equipped, bravest, most motivated, and we can and will still lose if we open the gates and put down our arms.  And a great many of the teachers in this country are teaching our children that that is exactly what the United States should do.