

Speech is how you leave silence, isn’t it?

I am reading the excellent  book “Extremely loud and incredibly Close” [that felt right, writing it like that], and I can relate to Oskar well.  I wonder sometimes if I am not “on the spectrum”, as I believe is the currently appropriate phrasing.

But really, I think whenever you try to fit a large quantity of trauma into any human psyche, large sections of your self become immobile.  This immobility makes you stupid and insensible to things you should be able to see.

I seek and I search because I have lost something valuable.  Most of us have.  Nearly all of us have, I think, but our world offers a plenitude of means by which to forget this.  I coined the term Forgession some time ago to describe the process of forgetting.  It can be done daily across a lifetime.  This much is clear to me.

Words, mere words, are an island in the sky that are protective.  If you look at a library or bookstore, you should also see a lot of forgetting.

And, to quote a fictional sincere soul, “that is all I have to say about that.”