Here is what I think is a secret: all Tibetan singing bowls are Grails.
A Grail is a figurative vessel which you impregnate with intention, and which is then carried by a sacred feminine to fruition. A man can impregnate a woman in a minute, but that child will not appear until it is ready.
The Grail is an image of deep new life that is conceived and nurtured in some deep personal or shared reality.
And this energy is perverted and list ny haste. It cannot be forced in any way. It is like making love to a woman: it CAN be done quickly, but not quickly and properly. Haste causes you to miss all the best parts.
And to perhaps slightly oversimplify, men tend to think of a goal: orgasm. Women tend to think of—rather feel of (think of /feel of: why is this not part of our lexicon?)—the PROCESS. The river. The flow of feelings, as they come, often surprisingly and pleasantly unexpectedly.
And this is I think a good metaphor for spirituality generally. The Buddha attained Enlightenment when he stopped trying. Becoming enlightened—or saved—is much like an orgasm. You chase this experience and ignore everything else along the way. But learning to enjoy the way, to live peacefully and joyously IN the way, IS the point, IS the Way.
There is no There. You will ALWAYS be here. Making deep peace with this is the work to be done.
So you plsnt the seed in a deep spiritual feminine, nurture it, and wait. Learning that there is no hurry and that this cannot be rushed is how you give that seed permission to grow into a new Life.