
What is sacred?

Voltaire said something like ‘if you want to know who is in charge, look at who you are not allowed to criticize”.

I would formulate it somewhat differently: if you want to know what your “society”–to the extent this word means anything–values, then look at what it holds sacred.
If we define the sacred as that which creates the profane by distinction, then it seems to me the two things which are sacred in our society are work and egalitarianism.  Which you choose is dictated by the propaganda which is most congenial to you.
Not being busy, not seeking and doing all the time: these are anathema to a large segment of our population.  Being “lazy” is essentially to be worthless.
Continuing to believe some people are better than others, that morality is a process of individual improvement, and not an alleged attribute of a “society” (which of course does not exist), constitutes an unacceptable abuse to the rest of our population.  
In all this, where is genuine religion?  Where do we have and take the time to cultivate a genuine spirituality worthy of the name?  Holiday was once Holy-Day.  Now it is when we drink beer and watch sports.  The best of us celebrate family and social communion, but God is Church, and church is more people like us.  That is my view at any rate, and I was raised religious.
Where in our cultural landscape can one reliably find sanity?