
We don’t have national security, do we?

 The complaints filed in Georgia and Michigan state, among other things, that China and Iran interfered directly with our election in a SUBSTANTIVE way, by connecting to the voting machines and altering totals.  This is actual election tampering.

If true, would this not be a HUGE national security failure?  One that happened on Trump’s watch?

But here is the thing: the CIA does not work for Trump.  It does not work for the American people.  It has not worked for the American people, on some accounts, nearly since its founding in the late 1940’s.

It seems obvious to me that, if it got them the result they wanted, key elements of our government would WELCOME Chinese and Iranian influence.  It won’t affect their lives in any way.  They would on the contrary be paid well, and perhaps even get promoted.

This is the real problem.  We send good men and women overseas to fight our wars, our permawars, which after some period of time nobody really understands the point of any more, but our actual NATIONAL SECURITY is neglected.

There is every reason to think the FBI–which also has not worked in the national interest at least since 9/11, and was no doubt corrupted long before that, with at least one Senior Agent–Ted Gunderson–having accused them of having actively supported the bombings at the WTC and Oklahoma City–is actively scouring all social media and looking for whiffs of dissent.  There is every reason to think every capable veteran is under more or less permanent surveillance.

They have cause to fear a revolution, because all of our agencies are corrupted and no longer working in our interest.  They are working against our interest.  They are being used by global elites to create panic and terror and wars we don’t need and which were created either out of whole cloth, or using planned provocations.

It is mind boggling.  Trump has not stood a chance thus far.  

Every expense of sweat and blood and toil needs to be expended keeping Trump in office by any means necessary, and he needs to pull off the gloves, understand that our press works for the Communists, and start taking back this country.  To do otherwise is to invite all sorts of truly awful things.