
The way forward

We only need two things to solve our domestic political problems: sound money, and true Liberalism. Everything else will sort itself out.

Sound money means that rates of private property ownership are increasing generally, rather than in very small segments. Most people should own their own houses by the time they are 40, and have no problem saving for retirement. I deal with this in my financial treatise.

Genuine Liberalism is the notion that no final answer as to the nature of right and wrong is possible short of God himself making a public appearance. Given this, the task of “moralizing” is to be distributed as widely as possible. In our own system, moral decisions not dealt with in the Bill of Rights (and abortion plainly was not dealt with in the Bill of Rights) were to be resolved by the States. This would include drug policy, abortion, prostitution, euthanasia, social “safety nets” (or not) and even in my view labor laws.

Since the freedom of movement is guaranteed in the Constitution, if people don’t like the direction their State is taking, they can vote with their feet. In this scenario, power is local and thus much more accountable. It matters far less who we elect as President, since his main task is dealing with foreign nations, and not dictating to us domestically.

Is abortion right or wrong? I don’t know. In my own system of “ethics”, it needs to be dealt with on a case by case basis. If I am fully honest, my personal answer is “sometimes yes, sometimes no”.

But this problem–and life generally–needs to be a matter for much smaller groups of people to decide.

All of our problems are solvable. The solutions are obvious and in front of us. We may destroy ourselves anyway, but not because it was our only option.