
War on Women

The “ideal type”, in a Weberian sense, of a poor person in this country is a single woman with multiple kids trying to survive on low wages brought about by her sudden departure from the school system. Such people are enormously sensitive to economic conditions.  When times are good, they more or less make it. When times are bad, as now, life gets very, very hard.

And to pretend that social programs do much to alleviate such suffering is ridiculous, and to pretend that we have the money to expand such programs is also ridiculous.  What the poor need are well paying jobs.  Anything that moves the national economy away from well paying jobs hurts them.

Obama’s policies plainly benefit a few at the expense of the many.  They help Democrats running for office in States where his pork barrel policies helped them temporarily appear to be able pay their bills.

They help highway contractors who are paid to fix non-existent problems.

They help government bureaucrats, such as the 16,000 agents they plan to hire to suck every last penny they can out of the American private sector.

They help Wall Street, not least because he has no intention of ever allowing the Fed to be audited, and the root cause of our economic problems–theft through inflation–to be addressed. He also has no intention of ever abolishing Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, both of whom were big campaign contributors, and the former director of one of which is now part of his anti-rationalist team.

We are suffering through the worst economic recovery since WW2, and you know who is likely hurting most of all?  Single mothers.

Single mothers are hurt worst by Obama’s policies, which are systematically undermining the private sector, the middle class in particular, and WOMEN.  

All you need to do to understand leftist objectives is figure out what they are accusing their ideological enemies of and apply it to them.