

I see what to me seem to be some ridiculous claims about the “vaccines” (experimental medical treatments) nearly every day.  It is as ridiculous in my view to claim they will kill everyone as to say that they will kill no one.  It’s in the middle, obviously, as most things of this sort tend to be.

The obvious point, though, is that when you are dealing in vast, astronomical numbers–BILLIONS of people–the decimal points matter, and we don’t even have whole numbers.  Over two years will the vaccines kill .01, .1, 1% or more of the people who take them?  We don’t and can’t know.  There is not enough data.

But let us say 3 billion human beings take these things, in one form or another (and obviously every vaccine will have its own specific numbers, which for all we know may vary by race, gender, age, and specific comorbidities, all of which are things we should know before giving these things to as close to the whole of humanity as propaganda and law will permit), then .01% means 3 MILLION deaths. .1% means 30 MILLION deaths, and 1% means 300 million deaths.

The difference between .01% and .1% is 27 million lives, which is vastly more people than have died in nearly all the wars fought in human history.  Only a few were worse than this, like both World Wars, which we called “World” wars for a reason.

Logically, then, these vaccines are effectively, potentially, ALSO a sort of world war, one waged on all of humanity.

And consider that perhaps the numbers ARE being reported accurately in sub-Saharan Africa, and almost no one is dying, because of some combination of the humidity and heat, the pervasive use of anti-malarials, and perhaps some unknown other factor.  Why would any sane policy maker unable to differentiate between .01, .1, and 1% introduce a NEW pathogen to such a people?  They wouldn’t.  It is dangerous and homicidal madness.

As I continue to say, we have done the experiment with COVID-19.  The whole experiment lasts, with the disease itself, about 2 weeks, for most people.  It is certainly not killing 1% of those exposed, and it is certainly true, in my view, that we know how to reduce mortality with the easy expedient of ensuring nutritional immunosufficiency.  Why this has not been tried, I don’t know.  I continue to wonder.  It is reckless, anti-scientific, and incomprehensible.  It is criminal.  People are DYING because of simple things our “leaders” ARE NOT SAYING, even though they have done their best to put normal life on hold for OVER A YEAR.  It is maddening, sickening.

And it hit me this morning that much of this might reasonably be seen, even by the non-paranoid, as SOCIAL TRAINING, much like the training we submit dogs to.  We are being taught to sit and fetch, and wag our tails on command, to essentially arbitrary, abusive, anti-scientific orders.

Why wouldn’t all this be training for submitting to micro-chipping?  I don’t think these vaccines have microchips in them.  Nobody is ready for that.  That is a huge expense, and just getting something out there that is not killing people in larger numbers than appears the case is an extraordinary achievement.

But we are being taught to comply to irrational orders, are we not?  Some large segment of most nations populace has actively JOINED the propaganda effort, has it not, and works as something like an SS social auxiliary, or ComIntern, to do its best to shame people into line with the government propaganda efforts?

I will note that in my understanding the Germans “branded”–another way of framing a tattoo–not just their Jewish prisoners, but the SS guards.  The guards just had their blood type tattooed, but it was sufficiently specific and distinctive that many former SS were identified on that basis alone.

Why would any government that views people as cattle not TREAT them as cattle?  And is a microchip anything other than a high tech brand?  One for which we are being groomed to accept?  That is my view.

Again, to summarize, we can run reasonably accurate threat profiles with respect to the illness, and we know how to push the numbers down with respect to nearly everyone, but we are not doing ANY of the obvious and common sense things in most nations, which include use of HCQ and Ivermectin (which are being demonized in a manner not altogether dissimilar to the campaigns waged against Jews by the Nazis, and against intellectuals by the Khmer Rouge), and obvious nutritional supplementation, especially in the winter, which include Vitamin D, Magnesium (which seems to help with D absorption), Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin C.

We are not doing this.  Why?  Why?

And we are inflicting a massive medical experiment on I would guess at least a quarter of humanity, the death toll from which could EASILY be tens of millions more dead from the shots than from the illness, which again we are not fighting intelligently and effectively in most “advanced” nations.

It’s madness.  Insanity.  It is criminal.

And to be clear: FAUCI KNOWS BETTER.  I am not accusing him of being dumb.  I am accusing him of being a CRIMINAL who belongs in jail, and who in another era would have richly warranted being shot.  Hundreds of people enabling this atrocity deserve that, in my view.  They are murderers, guilty of first degree, meditated, planned, mass murder.