
Trumps message simplified

 At root, this election is a sort of referendum on masks.  It is clear that most people are afraid to be seen not wearing them.  But do they ACCEPT this fact, privately? Are more Americans psychologically suited for authoritarian and essentially capricious and irrational rule, or do more Americans, privately, RESENT what is being done to all of us in the name of the perennial enemy of freedom, an illusory “public safety”, even if they are too timid to say it publicly?  Are our youth, particularly, chafing at this more or less literal bit, or are they like the cattle they seem to be, complacently awaiting any fate that may come, unaware even that the world is churning?

If people are complacently accepting, en masse, the irrational tyrannical destruction being inflicted on them., I wonder what Trump could say that might persuade them to vote for him.  He is right and Biden is wrong on ALL the issues, as far as I am concerned.  Any of us that want a swift recovery, protection of our civil liberties, the rule of law, an intact Constitution: Trump is the only candidate.

It may benefit Trump to put it that starkly.  Joe Biden is casting himself as the masked candidate, and by this I mean “masks for the rest of your lives; masks forever, worn whenever anyone says, without question, and under penalty of fine and imprisonment”.  Masks without borders or time limits.  Trump could easily position himself as the man for people with faces and personalities, people who want something in life, and believe they have places and purposes in the world.  Take your pick, America.