I want to underscore that I spend far too much time reading both the news, and history, and when I make generalized statements, they come from a place both of considerable erudition, and countless thousands of hours examining my own heart, and my own psyche.
When I say that the Left is hate, and that what remains of open, honest hate is on the Left, I speak clinically. I speak based on observation of actual events which, as here, leave photographic and narrative evidence.
The Left, as I say often, does not see it this way. They are deluded. I will speak plainly. Even those who do not allow the fear and anger in their hearts to lead to on-going hatred, fail to oppose and often take the part of those who do.
No emotion goes away when you lie about it. You can’t simply say: “I’m not going to judge anyone any more” and expect some critical faculty hard-wired into you over millions of years to stop operating.
What happens is you start saying to your conscious mind that you are now a good person who judges no one, and you simultaneously hand a package over to your shadow self telling it to start finding reasons to continue judging, to continue hating, and ideally to do so in ways which the conscious mind can rationalize as virtuous.
How did the Communists kill a hundred million people in the name of progress, human rights, democracy, and justice? Lies, exactly like that.
Once you have made virtues abstract, once you have denuded them of true human feeling, true compassion, true empathy, true connection, then everything is possible.
I see no emotive difference between radical Islamists, who cut the heads off of children, and Communists, who force the parents of those children to eat them in artificial famines.