There is nothing positive in their rejection of Trump. They do not have a positive, humanistic, life affirming agenda. Their only impulse is destruction and anger. There are no ideas. No vision. No caring, no kindness, no compassion.
This is how you get to the idea that implementing useful change in how policing happens in the black community is to burn down large segments of the black community, and banish the cops.
Here is the thing: there are a lot of single mothers, with children, in these neighborhoods. Most of them are poor, and most of these cities have pretty strong gun control. How do they protect themselves without police? How are the psychopaths not emboldened and empowered when the good men and women are ordered to stand aside and let the whole fucking world burn?
It is hard to know where Trump should fit into all this. As I have said before, the cities have Mayors, and the States have Governors. I oppose the Federal Executive infringing on how they do things. I would therefore oppose Trump sending anybody in without being explicitly asked, and when called on this by, among others, Tucker Carlson, that is what he said: I told them I’m here if they need and want me. He also made it a Federal crime to attack at least Federal statues, and made protecting them a condition of Federal funds. Those are positive actions.
What is really playing out is the logical effect of voting into office radicals who were not well concealed in sheep’s clothing. DeBlasio, in particular, should not be directing a Burger King, much less a large city whose economy is important to that of the whole country and even world.
Yin and Yang. Madness has a way of creating a reaction in the other direction.
Here is a list of 1968 riots:
Nixon won that election. Nixon (or for that matter, Johnson) did not personally play a role in putting down any riots. That was done, or not done, by the Mayors of the cities in question.
Trump can win this election pretty easily, I think, if we can avoid fraud. And then, seriously, we need to start cracking down on the radicals.
I will continue to suggest that requiring all college graduates to spend two hours watching PragerU videos and passing test on them would be a good start. You can literally spend many thousands of hours reading and attending class and not ONCE, anywhere on a college campus, in any class, or any coffee shop, or any late night bullshit session, run into intact, clearly expressed conservative political ideas.
It is madness.