Fucking around? He’s done it. So has Bill. So has Hillary. All three with other women. I say this not because Hillary is a strong woman, but because the accumulated evidence is overwhelming. She and Huma Abedin seem to share more than email accounts on her “Computers ‘R Us” server.
Donald Trump, presumably, married for love several times.
Bill and Hillary? Political alliance. Whenever Bill was accused, credibly, of rape and unwanted sexual advances, she defended him.
Trump, he watched supermodels fuck in the middle of the room, and admitted it. He enjoyed it. He loves being Donald Trump, and wanted the world to share the glory of that magnificent state.
Bill and Hillary: sex is one thing; politics is another. In both domains, you say what you need to say to get what you want, take it, then never look back.
Scandal: Trump has Trump University.
The Clintons had Whitewater, the unaired spectacle of giving classified dual use technology to the Chinese, and of course Hillary’s clearly criminal activity of more or less putting our national secrets on a billboard, then lying about it.
But Bill Clinton was a centrist. Hillary is not. Trump is a centrist, too.
It is odd to me to watch conservatives do the work of the Left for them by tearing into every little foible of Trump, while ignoring the same flaws–but much larger–in the Clinton duo. Remember: if Hillary gets back in the White House, so too does Bill. Maybe he can find a new intern, or if his pecker isn’t working any more, he can find one for Hillary and watch. That is the sort of people they are. Although I haven’t watched it, I have been told by several people that House of Cards may as well be their life story.
We get what we deserve. I have been saying since at least 2005 that it is unclear to me that America deserves freedom. We don’t value it. We don’t educate ourselves. We allow 24/7 propaganda to play nearly unchallenged. We are addicted to football and basketball, shopping, and nearly everything but a sober sense of responsible citizenship.