

It is really quite astonishing that in the present day stories are manufactured from whole cloth–such that Trump is quitting, or that his campaign is  in disarray–and without the faintest whiff of fact checking, are repeated endlessly.  Retractions and apologies are never offered.  This is Soviet era stuff.  We have mind control being attempted in a free nation, by a press which at one time considered integrity important (or I like to think so, at any rate).

Alex Jones has a good explanation, to my mind: Trump apparently raised $97 million in the month after the convention.  That is a strong showing, and shows a lot of support.

Julian Assange is also claiming he has even more damning emails on Hillary, which among other things put final evidence forward for the likely scenario of her funneling arms from Libya to what became ISIS.  And lying about it.  You can append that to virtually every claim made about Hillary.  They say of Muhammad, Peace be upon him.  You can say of Hillary “Lies be upon her”.  She’s talking: what further evidence is needed?

Finally, it is quite possible that in their demonstrable panic, at least some media outlets are doctoring polling data to create the impression of an unstoppable Hillary juggernaut.  They are peaking much too soon, though, which to my mind lends credence to a warranted fear about what is in those emails.  They are trying to close the deal three months early.  That is not good strategy, and there is likely a reason.