

It occurs to me that true transgenderism–the belief that you are an X trapped in a Y body, or a Y trapped in an X body (note what I did there)–is a form of advanced and highly pathological self loathing.  You don’t loathe yourself because you cross dress, or want to be the opposite gender: you loathe who you ARE, at the core of being, at the very root of your sense of self.  Nothing can be more primal than gender.  It is the most basic analogue distinction, even more important than race or religion.  And you can’t be anything else.  Every cell in your body is marked.

And even if this could be changed, it is the LOATHING which is pathological, not the state of feeling like a gender other than you are.  Anorexics hate themselves for being too big.  Obsessive bodybuilders hate themselves for being too small.  And Transgenders hate themselves for having been born who they were.  It is all of a piece; all one cloth. All one problem: deep unhappiness completely unrelated to the symptomatic presentation.

Nearly always–and I can at present think of no exceptions–the task is to deal with the root, not the flower.  That is merely what we see.  There is no virtue in being stupid.  None I have ever found.  And to the extent lying supports stupidity, it too can never be virtuous.