Or do you think that hating the different is only what Conservatives do?
Do you think that different is good, and that we should encourage Zelda in her individuality? Is this what Liberals do?
What if I tell you that Zelda is a highly artistic Christian conservative going to school in San Francisco, where she is hated by nearly everyone? Is different still good, or does she need to be a boy who wants to pretend he doesn’t have a penis? Or black? Or someone who wears a tutu, because we can reliably infer the politics of those who wear tutu’s to school?
It seems to me most leftists really are so deep into propagandistic indoctrination that they can’t see it. They can’t see that calling Donald Trump a Hitler, or Fascist, or racist, or whatever, neither accurately represents his position, nor creates the space for creative and integrative dialogue. What it creates the space for is Hate Campaigns, for emotional and perhaps physical violence. What it creates the space for is Integration Propaganda aimed at solidifying the attachment of the propaganda targets to those who create the propaganda.
If you want good zombies, call all your enemies Fascists, and watch them bounce like bugs.