Put another way, if you don’t “feel felt”, then this breeds chronic low level limbic activation, initially via the shame mechanism, but neurologically shame, anger and fear all go together. Not feeling felt, like you belong, breeds, then, anger. It breeds fear. And it breeds these at a primitive, unconscious level. The cause will be clear to almost no one.
It is infuriating dealing with narcissists. Why? Because they only think about themselves, really, even if they have trained themselves in most cases to do a passable imitation of empathy and attunement. With them, it’s not real, so anger will eventually emerge.
And it occurs to me to comment as well that the shame an individual might feel in contravening this own personal conscience can be made to disappear when that persons group as a whole endorses that action, which might range from the Holocaust to calling Trump Hitler.
The absence of shame among hard core Leftists is, to my mind, one of their most notable characteristics. Without shame, or any felt need to justify themselves, they can shift seamlessly from the most outrageous and patently staged and invented accusations against Kavanaugh to complete indifference to the likely valid and true claims of Tara Reade (and many others).
This then leads to the natural conclusion that to remain a Leftist in good standing, you have to surrender your individual conscience and judgment. This is really the essence of the conformitarian cultism I have called Cultural Sadeism.