
This is well worth the watch

Tucker Carlson, summarizing the lunacy of this time period, of the lockdowns.  I’ve been saying all this for a while, but I have to say he is good at what he does.  I like how he phrases things, often.

And it occurs to me to comment that the magic trick, the real magic trick, that Trump needs to perform is driving a wedge between the black people who were just revictimized by white radicals, the same way they were back in the 60’s, and have been ever since, and the radicals themselves.

He needs to find a way for black people to SEE en masse, how they are being manipulated, how their just demands are being used, not only to pursue ends which have nothing to do with them, but which in nearly all cases HURT them.

Psychologically healthy people don’t really have any frame through which to see psychic vampires, people who suck the life out of you while pretending to be your friend.

For better and worse, I suppose, I have a lot of experience with this.

Put another way, Trump needs to find a way to connect those who “smile in your face” with the Democrats who have so hurt and abused the black community for so long.