Small wonder Trump is so hated. The Democrats fail to connect the dots and realize that their Great Leader is, with respect to foreign entanglements, indistinguishable from George Bush, other than that he is unable even to finish what he starts, whereas Bush left Obama a stable Iraq. Drone strikes: Obama is the undisputed king. Illegal wars: ditto. Bush has Congressional authority. Obama has not, for Libya, for his interventions in Syria that created ISIS, his attacks in Yemen, and no doubt sundry other places I don’t even know about.
I like Trump. He is different. Hillary is a continuation of Obama, Sanders would be an unmitigated disaster, and I don’t trust Cruz. Cruz has only lasted this long because Trump created the space for non-traditional candidates. Had Trump not entered the race, Cruz would have been out long ago, and we would be looking at another Bush, in all likelihood.