You know, I call this blog “Moderates United” for a reason. He and I may well disagree on some important issues. But there is a huge difference between having an honest difference of opinion while respecting one another, and having sincere and truth oriented debate, and the process of shrieking and marginalizing which has come to constitute the primary activity of anyone who want to remain a member of the leftwing thug cult.
And I am very gratified to see the Republican Party evolve. It has become very welcoming to gays, as he appears to be. They are finally getting with the times on marijuana legalization, at least at the Federal level, which William F. Buckley was calling for 30 years ago.
I have been predicting a continual peeling away of people from this core monstrosity, and this sort of thing is, to me, evidence it is happening.
And the thing is, once you get REALLY woke, once you look at the world of lies and smoke and mirrors from the outside, you will never again, I hope, be so naive as to ingest your ideas uninspected and unconsidered. This is all we can ask of any person or any people. None of us can claim to be in full possession of THE truth, so a great plurality of opinions and ideas is desirable, even if something which also requires maturity and patience at times. None of us like to be contradicted, but all of us benefit from it.
Kudos to this guy.