But conservatives countered this wave immediately and, I think, skillfully. Memes and videos appeared everywhere immediately addressing these points.
I remember reading a short story, I think in Tim O’Brien’s “Going after Cacciato”, where as a young Marine Lieutenant he watched his squad execute a battle maneuver perfectly, and even though they were under fire he took a moment to appreciate their performance, where they operated as a single organism, as a living and agile thing. I kind of feel a similar pride with conservatives. We were attacked as heartless and cruel, as savage beasts worthy of being killed, and of having our children killed.
But we responded as an organized horde. Social media was filled with counter-attacks right away.
It seems to me that we are slowly building our confidence and capacity. We are slowly becoming a coherent and reactive organism, which is capable of fighting to defend itself. We are slowly being trained by the Left to actually be everything they hate, which is an organized force for reason, respect for the past and the work that went into building our present world, and for moral and political principle.
They are an incoherent mob. They are a dark force, which surges first one way, and then the other. They are forever in movement, never still. They can’t remain still, because this would allow them to see the lies they are fed daily. They really do need a daily cause.
And this makes people who remember the past, who envision a future based on principles which clearly work, existential enemies. We are not just people who disagree: we are people whose very being calls into question the value of their lives.
And conservatives are GETTING this, increasingly. We are the only credible alternative to mass destruction of everything good so many generations took so much time and invested so much soul energy to build. We, now, are the product of the dreams of those who came before us. To tear all this down now out of stupidity, spite, and laziness is the worst thing I can imagine.