
Thinking out loud about the vaccine

The risks of COVID-19 area reasonably well understood, as are treatment protocols.  Most people can have it, and not even know it.  Some will get pretty sick, like Sturgill Simpson seems to have done.  If you are old and a regular flu would also be likely to do you in, this thing will too.

But if you are under 60, exercising, have a reasonable weight, eat a decent diet, and have reasonably high levels of Vitamin D, particularly, then you can get this disease and shake it off pretty quickly, if you even notice at all.

Here’s my idea, which I will follow with what amounts to a thought experiment, or imaginary role playing: create infection centers, where people can volunteer to first be tested for antibodies, and if they have not had this thing yet, do a basic medical workup, testing inflammation levels and Vitamin D. If both come back OK, then the person is infected with this disease somehow, and told to go home for 14 days, then come back into a protected entrance and checked on by staff who have also already had the disease.  There, they verify that no live organisms remain in the person, who is then both immune to the disease and verified non-contagious.  Their name is then added to a list, but they are otherwise free to go.

If this were done long enough, no vaccine would be necessary.

But here is my thought experiment, which I will preface a bit.  You and I both know that treating people like adults and letting them freely assume their own level of acceptable risk is not something we do in this country. It seems to be uncommon in most other countries too.  So this idea will almost certainly be a non-starter in most places.

Here is my thought experiment, though: imagine if you will that a vaccine becomes available and is made mandatory for employment by most private businesses.  Imagine that this vaccine causes serious complications even in healthy people 2% of the time and death .04% of the time.  Imagine that the end totals on the virus itself wind up being death in .02% of people, and long term complications in 1%.

Imagine, in other words, that the VIRUS two times safer than the VACCINE, empirically.  What rationale could be offered for demanding the vaccine when immunity could be had more cheaply and with less actual risk?

What I would suggest to you is that most people who are neck deep in bullshit–which is to say most “experts”–focus not on the actual end result, but on the PROCESS of obtaining the result.  All of the steps in the process have to be something they are used to.  Nothing new.  Nothing imaginative, even if effective and better.  We have to plod from Step One to Step Last.

And here is the thing, too, with this whole thing: the virus could mutate.  Any vaccine developed might be useless within six months, just as any gained immunity might be useless.  This is more or less the state of things with the flu.  There are so many variants of the flu that vaccine creators more or less roll the dice very year and hope they get close.  Most year they kind of get it but not completely.  That is why despite the flu having visited us annually, to some greater or lesser extent, for many hundreds if not thousands of years, and despite massive vaccination campaigns, and despite prior planning, at least 30,000 die each and every year of the flu in this country alone, and usually at least 400,000 world wide.

So either acquired immunity will last, or it won’t.  If it won’t, then a vaccine won’t either.  If it does, then no vaccine is needed for anyone who has antibodies to it.

What you need to GRASP is that even though they are giving the game away, many, many politicians just can’t let this thing go, can’t let their people go, can’t tear down this wall.  So they are feeling us bullshit.  The media, by and large, is feeding us bullshit.

This is not a problem Americans are rolling up to solve together.  No, this is a problem for Republicans to solve, and Democrats to grandstand on and make use of.  It’s become that simple.

And ask yourself: if both options were on the table, how many governments would give you the choice of taking the vaccine or taking the disease?

They want this thing ambiguous, out there, lurking, hiding in corners, plotting dirty deeds in the darkness.  They don’t want to create knowns.  They don’t want disease clinics where you can just go get it over with.

Put starkly, many politicians, the world over, DON’T WANT THIS DISEASE TO END.  They don’t want your pain to end.  They don’t want a cure.  They want a cure to be “on the way”, forever.

I think of Delta Operator Dalton Fury (real name Nick (just kidding: I don’t know his real name and he would shoot me if I did and revealed it)).  Those guys had Osama Bin Laden trapped in a cave in Afghanistan.  They had a good plan to more or less take the back door to the caves, and get a solid kill on OBL, which more or less would have ended the vengeance element in the War on Terror.

His request was denied.  He was forced to include Afghan forces, for no doubt specious reasons, and the good plan he had he was not able execute, and Plan B just wasn’t good enough, as it ultimately enabled OBL to escape, postponing the war, really, indefinitely.  We are still fighting that particular war.  Our men and sometimes women are still dying.

Somebody wanted that war to last a good long time.  That CLIMATE–of fear, uncertainty and doubt–enabled a lot of operations politically that might have proven impossible otherwise.

I feel the same is happening here.  The “good” part of this, though, is that people are suffering where they live, in their homes, in their families.  There is nothing abstract about what is being done right now, and ultimately, I think, no patronizing and dishonest rationale which will stick the way the fear created by 9/11 did.

And I will ask, too: at what point are people going to start paying attention to the FACT that Tower 7, at least, was taken down with preplanted explosive charges, as proven by a detailed forensic investigation conducted by a professor of Forensic Structural Engineering?

Here is one link: