
The Value of Gray

Do not make me pledge allegiance

To happiness,

Or its pursuit.

Do not make me pluck my

Sadness, from a chest which long

Has carried such weight;

Nor from my shoulders,

which have borne more.

Let it rest where it belongs, its rightful home.

The Man in Black made a bold


Me, I am not so certain.

White and black contain so much,

and I feel them mixing, in an endless frothy whirl.

And my white HAS hot pink, lime green, lavender and blue;

And my black their inverse.

Today I release a gray balloon

Into a gray sky, and speak (oh interminable contradiction!) the beauty of silence.

One can rest in confusion and indecision, and perhaps nowhere else.

I offer this poems to the winds,

And feel words disappearing,

As I write them.

May you never be blessed with comfort,

until you have forgotten

what you never knew.