Statists claim that societies, not individuals, are moral. The only criterion for morality is equality among those ruled.
Individualists claim that the proper unit of morality is the individual conscience. Since there can be no other unit of PERCEPTION, and since morality is simply a way of viewing the world, I see no possible argument which could counter the position of the Individualist. Societies are dividual. They break into parts. The parts are the INdividuals.
Thus, Socialism is inherently a creed which rejects individual conscience, and in so doing, as I have pointed out often, IN REALITY entrusts morality to individuals who, in having adopted socialism as their creed, have already rejected moral absolutes.
This is why sadism becomes an essential element in societies fully constituted on socialist principles. If there is no sense of right and wrong, then might makes right, both in the sense of physically imposing its will, but also in the sense of creating a morality in so doing.