
The shadow

You know, people tend to attribute an almost metaphysical quality to “the shadow”, at least if they know Jung came up with it (at least I THINK he did, so maybe “know” is the wrong; maybe if they have been similarly misinformed).

Here is how I feel it: the Shadow is much like the Upside Down in Stranger Things (which by the way is the only show I have ever binge watched; the implausibilities are vaguely cringe-worthy, but I think they get some things mythically right; the image of Vecna has been useful for me personally, in ways I won’t get into right now).

Damn that was something like 17th century English prose.

Here is what I want to say: the Shadow is mainly passive.  It is grief and loss, loneliness, and fear.  It is a child shrinking from an enormous and incomprehensible world.   This is its undisturbed state.  This is its natural state.

But because it is passive and weak, it NEEDS to be defensive.  It needs to fight aggressions before they happen.  And defensiveness easily turns to aggressiveness, which easily turns to cruelty.  It like a whole series of wheels go into motion unconsciously, and what is profoundly illogical makes emotional sense.

And because this process is largely invisible, we can easily imagine it happening in the shadows.

But we all have flashlights.  They are called Attention, specifically open, undemanding, responsive, and curious attention.  You cannot conquer irrational fear and anger until you feel clearly where they come from.  That is my view, which I see with my emotional eyes.