1. I would like to see a mean son of a bitch with all of Trumps confrontational ability, and none of his charm, for the new AG. As near as I can tell, that job does not need to be political. It needs to be honest, thorough, and ruthless enough to go anywhere the evidence goes, draw the proper conclusions, and slap the cuffs on the right people. I literally think a combat veteran with no children would be ideal. Someone who hates corruption and corrupt people, and who is willing to, perhaps literally, put their life on the line, which may be what it takes to strike at the root of the rot within our system.
2. If election fraud is not a Federal crime, it should be. And we need mandatory sentencing. I am thinking ten years. Getting caught needs to scare the shit out of people.
And whatever it would take to require voter ID everywhere, we need to do it. Maybe Trump can do it by Executive Order and let the courts sort it out.
The Left really has a very poor argument on this, one which is inherently racist, and my personal feeling is that most people don’t buy it, least of all black people.