
The propaganda of Egalitarianism

As I think about it, only in conditions of high social development can our genetic and cultural habits of tribal prejudice and social hierarchy be transcended. In any other circumstance–and this is certainly the case today for nearly all humans in nearly all countries and cultures–the only possible discussion concerns who is to lower and who higher, and who in and who out.

Inherently, transgenderism and gay rights trample on long standing social prejudices. I cannot and will not defend those prejudices. But they do not supplant prejudice. They do not eliminate tribalism.

On the contrary: the egalitarian narrative is INHERENTLY anti-egalitarian. It inherently posits some people and some beliefs are so much better than others that violence–social and if needed physical–is not just justified, but a veritable holy mandate. The “Culture Wars” are holy wars on BOTH sides.

What is missed though is that the effort is to imprint upon many different beliefs, msny nuanced and shades of belief, ONE belief to rule them all. This Egslitarian propaganda seeks not equality in diversity, but equality in conformity. Such a propaganda suits a free people not at all. It is creed of slaves, propagated by aspiring masters, and mouthed and perpetrated by nihilistic fools.

Do I oppose gay rights? No. Neither do I oppose Christian, Islsmic, Hindu, or atheist rights.