Our kids are taught bad ideas programatically, along with static emotional gestalts, but not taught in the least how to critique either the ideas or the emotions underlying them. They are not taught curiosity, or any useful form of introspection beyond learning to blame their problems on others. They are not taught emotional or intellectual maturity, with many of them remaining callow and stupid throughout their lives, and somehow managing to do so from a position of assumed moral and intellectual superiority.
In theory, it seems to me, there is a sort of Noblesse Oblige that educated people have to people less fortunate. Their job is to understand things that the American equivalent of peasants do not, and to look out for the poor and ignorant.
But here, and in most of the developed world, educated people do the OPPOSITE. This can be seen in very sharp relief right now, with most college educated leftists favoring more oppression of the poor and working classes, while they themselves can work from home and ride local bike trails in the evenings and complain about Trump voters.