
The past 100 years

Since at least the French Revolution, and in earnest since at least Woodrow Wilson and the rise of the Bolsheviks, the forces of collectivism–which is to say anti-individualistic forces which reject tacitly or explicitly the primacy of the individual conscience and personal agency–have been on the move.  They are supported strongly by the meaninglessness which arises naturally and spontaneously from the theory and practice of Scientism, which view human life as short, that of an animal, unfree, and ended with the cessation of brain activity.

William F. Buckley famously said that his goal was to stand athwart History and yell STOP.  All that conservatives–sane people in an insane world–have managed to do is slow the process of the installation of a new priesthood, a new Pharaohism, one ruling in the name of science, and through the delusion that human beings are objects, society a knowable machine, and manipulation of the objects the goal of the All Knowing.

The very process of inculcating the ideas necessary for submission to this practice makes life meaningless.  None of us are anything, in the eyes of the State.  We are numbers.  Autonomous machines, which it will one day be possible, and is certainly necessary, to control.

I continue writing and hoping that one day this powerful spell will pass, that this hypnotic delusion will fall away, and something like honest science with respect to the nature of life, of consciousness, of God, of the survival of death, will emerge.

Everything we do is only delay.  Until there is a general awakening to the horrors which have been and may yet again be unleashed on humanity in the name of “progress” all any of us are doing is treading water, and buying time.

I honestly do not know what it is possible to do to counter the headless ones, as I call them.  They have surrendered their humanity, their reason, their agency, their very souls.  How do they win them back?  What is the opposite of this process, and how does it begin?  I ask myself these questions continually, and the only answer that comes to me is to try to live my own life authentically, and to speak the truth as I see it as often as I can.  That is all that is left me.  There seems no chance it could be enough, but we all need to do what we can, where we are, with what we have, and hope that some day the right spark will be kindled in the right place.