It is larger if you open it in another tab. The orange line is the CDC established level at which something becomes a pandemic, which is when it reaches a certain percentage of overall deaths. We dropped below that line several weeks ago.
Here is the thing: the way these things seem to work is cycles. We not only flattened the curve, but we eradicated it. This chart does not mean there will not be another surge in death when we open the gates, but THAT we need to open the gates, and do it NOW, is really beyond dispute in my mind. The only reasons not to do so are purely political.
And if you didn’t know this, why not? This has been my gut, obviously, for some time.
And I think most of the higher reaches of this graph contain large quantities of bullshit.
The question remains: WHY did we react to this pandemic differently from every other one in the history of the world? I don’t really think the answer is conspiracy theory, so much as reasonably obvious conspiracy FACT.