
The only really good solution

 I think that until the Supreme Court establishes fair and honest elections as a positive right under the Equal Protection Clause, the problems will not be fixed. In some places cheating has been nearly uninterrupted for a hundred years or more.

And the consequences are enormous. People die who may have lived. People live impoverished, unhappy, ignorant lives, who might have flourished.

A Joe Biden Presidency may mean war with Iran—John Brennan seems to be a fan, so the Usual Suspects are involved, who have marginalized by President Trump—but not a Trump Presidency.

None of this is trivial. It is literally existential for many millions of people.

If Nixon had been inaugurated in 1960, as he should have been, it is most likely we never would have gone to war in Vietnam. If we had a avoided that war, the youth counterculture would most likely nog have emerged the way it did. And if we had not given the Communists that fertile breeding ground we may not be as batshit crazy now as we patently are.

Fair and honest elections are the single most important element of our system, in both principle and practice. They are an integral part, obviously, of the rule of law, and have been neglected much too long.

And we need the Supreme Court because Democrats have cheating well enough and long enough that they control enough power at all levels to block effective legislative remedies. There was widespread cheating in the last national election, in 2018, and before that 2016. It is an existential threat to everything, and the President lacks the power to fix it, and much of Congress would not be there without it. Mark Kelley most likely lost his race. So did Sinema.