Here is his legacy: he changed our public discourse, by making Alinskyan methods of demonization, insult, and misdirection common, and practiced daily from on high.
Before Barack Obama, you would not get called a racist for no other reason than disagreeing with a Democrat preaching bad ideas which were known as such 50 years ago. Now, it is the first recourse, followed by as many other non sequiturs as needed to halt the attempted dialogue from a position of assumed moral superiority.
No black people are helped by this. On the contrary, this system of propaganda makes ACTUAL solutions to real problems impossible. We substitute football players taking knees for substantive discussions and the intelligent, outcome-focused policy such discussions make possible.
The entirety of his intent, and his concrete success, as seen from the Luciferian perspective Alinsky so proudly embraced, has been to make dialogue less common, more coarse, and to mainstream violent and dehumanizing rhetoric. Put another way, to push all genuine liberals out of the public space if they don’t want to be attacked.
What Obama built was language. What he provided was language, a manner of speaking. And this was what the talkers who put him in office wanted and expected. He delivered. But is it not ODD that nobody really tried to figure out how he actually benefited the group–blacks–one might most reasonably have expected would be his focus? After all, what other difference could having a black President make?
This is the vital point: for people who confuse language with reality, no facts are ever needed, nor can they be, at the level of principle, which is why it is perfectly consistent of the complicit media to ask for no reckoning. What they wanted, they got, clearly.
Just as Marx never left his library to do the muddy business of talking with workers, today’s media employees–I won’t use the word journalist, since it may still be possible to redeem that word someday–have all they need reading speeches, tweets, and public proclamations. Their work is managing the dialogue, not learning about the real world, or real people, much less helping them in any way.