If you still have not figured it out,a large segment–large enough, anyway–of our government is in active conspiracy against the American people. The specific aims are unclear, other than vastly increased and ultimately unbreakable control.
But consider in this regard that 9/11 was almost certainly a staged, planned event, one which involved elements of our government, perhaps up to and including the President, and almost certainly the CIA.
Don’t forget, never forget, that Tower 7 was brought down by explosives which MUST have been planted before that day. The first explosions started happening about when I personally think United 93 was supposed to hit the Tower. A final set of explosions finally brought it down 8 hours later.
I have mentioned it multiple times, but a study has found that there is NO WAY 7 was brought down in any way but the simultaneous failure of nearly all structural supports, which can only be done with explosives and/or cutting charges.
Here it is again:https://www.ae911truth.org/wtc7