
The Flash and Duality Cycles

I added superspeed to my list of dream superpowers last night.  That was kind of interesting.  I was already telekinetic, able to fly, and able to walk through solid objects. I can of course control my dreams when I want to, but any more I just let them go.  They are trying to tell me something, and consciously directing them prevents the flow of information, which I need, even if it is painful.  I know, even in the dreams, that the pain is illusory. I am sometimes trying to interpret the dreams even as they happen, which is likely something I need to stop.

Anyway, some things that came out that I can’t tell if they are deep or not.  I’m going to post them anyway.

1) Even with super-speed, you cannot recall words once you have spoken them.  Choose carefully.

2) Take the initials of your first and last name and make opposites using words starting with those letters.  For John I get Joy and jumpiness.  Now make a circle with them.  You alternate between them.  Sometimes you are joyous, sometimes nervous.

Now contemplate that this distinction is artificial, and that neither ever exists in pure form, and that by using words, you have already limited your experience.

Smith: Sonorous and Succinct. Are these opposites?  Well, I just made them opposites.  I alternate between pleasing, languid, flowing words, and terseness and a laconic spirit.  I make a circle, and move through both.  I choose to value being Sonorous, and regret lapsing into succinctness.  I speak and speak and speak and Oh how wonderful the words I have to say.

And some part of me says “fuck this.”

There is something interesting in this perceptual process.  There are countless tools for learning, and this seems to be one useful for subverting the tendency of mind to think dualistically. Maybe.