
The Fed

I saw some reason for cautious optimism, that this new bill will give the Treasury much more power over the Fed than it normally has.

Thinking logistically, the way the Fed most logically is brought back in is that the government either buys back all the stock which was put out to the member banks in it, or creates enough new shares that it can acquire a controlling interest.

Here is the thing: the Fed is a private corporation owned by member banks.  Member banks buy into the corporation by purchasing shares of the Fed which are created for the purpose.  You have to be invited to buy the shares, and they are non-transferable normally, I don’t think.

I think if I go the next level of honesty, I’m not sure anyone outside the system is completely sure how it works.  It is more secretive than the Pentagon in many ways.  There are many aspects of its operations the government itself is not allowed to know, even though it creates and controls, directly or indirectly, the entire money supply.

The system is jaw dropping, when you really step back and look at it.  Why do so many left wing academics fail to see the problem, that of giant Wall Street banks controlling the money system?  I get that most of them are fucking idiots, but that is really taking it to the next level.

Trump is inconsistent and erratic.  He does not follow straight lines.  However, he has extremely good instincts, and usually comes to better solutions on hunches than most people do with supercomputers and a roomful of “experts”.  It is not inevitable he will do so here–far from it–but he’s beyond any doubt the best shot at reform we’ve had in many decades.  It’s been completely out of control since 1980 or so, and largely out of control since 1935, I think it was, when it used the largely manufactured event of the Great Depression to free itself from the Treasury.