
The Demonic

I could not help but feeling, watching Stranger Things, that what humans felt when being stalked by the demon is roughly what a truckload of pigs feel when they wind up at the slaughterhouse.  Terror, helplessness, confusion.

What we call the demonic is closely tied to the survival instinct as expressed in hunger. 

For several reasons, at least one of which I won’t get into here, I am considering becoming a vegetarian again.  Spiritually, it’s what Buddhist creed requires.  Practically, though, for me, meat seems to anchor me, to keep me from floating away. 

I have not yet made up my mind.  And if I’m honest, even once I make up my mind I’m prone to change it.  I wish I were steadier, more steadfast, more consistent.  But my virtues and my flaws seem to come together.  What is best about me is the continual flow of energy through me, and I can’t control it. 

Not yet, at any rate.