
The Big Lie

 It’s easy to get lost in the weeds arguing about mask wearing, and the hours bars should be open, and the this and that, while missing the big picture that everything everyone is talking about is designed to LENGTHEN not just the pandemic–the phase where we are seeing new cases–but also the following measures.  The measures, themselves, lead to more measures, as the system is being iterated and implemented right now.  We keep being told that we beat the virus by slowing it down.  This is the OPPOSITE of the truth.

Farr’s Law describes a Bell Curve.  Imagine it as a physical hill.  People are dying as long as we are on the hill, and the number goes up the longer we are on that hill.  Those are ancillary but related numbers, such as suicides, drug overdoses, preventable or treatable cancer deaths, and deaths from stress of all sorts, all of which together will dwarf COVID deaths, especially NOW, since most of our dying seems to be done.

Imagine it is a mile from bottom to bottom, with 2,000 feet of elevation.  What sane person would pause every five feet?  That is what we are doing.  Every time we open up a little, and cases go up–which is the way it HAS to work for us to get through this thing–many Governors (the Democrats are by far the worst, but I am seeing Republicans who are not much better) they slow it down again by imposing new constraints on our freedoms.

This system is more or less designed to get us AT LEAST to November, and ideally to the two year lockdown that Bill Gates and the Communist (he is literally in my view a Communist, with Communism being an ideology which caused a hundred million unnatural deaths in the past 100 years) head of the WHO are trying to get to.  The goal, clearly, is to ruin most of us and make us dependent on government hand outs which can be taken away if we misbehave.  

The whole thing is madness.  It is madness that our Governors are participating, and madness that the architects of this disaster feel bold enough to describe their plans clearly and in broad daylight.

None of this has anything to do with Trump, who as the leader of the Executive Branch of the Federal government is not empowered to directly order States to do anything.  It’s all on the Governors, who are showing themselves to be unprincipled ignorant assholes, in the main (South Dakota and a few others excepted; Tennessee is doing a good job, as is I think Georgia and maybe Florida).

Remember, cases HAVE to go up, a LOT, before they come back down.  That is HOW IT WORKS.

And again, we have a good curative and we have a proven vaccine: Hydroxychloroquine.  The Communist running the WHO told the world to stop using, in my view for the specific reason that it works.

And I would add that a sane response–in addition to using HCQ everywhere, which alone would most likely have sufficed, and gotten us to Swiss numbers–would have been to recommend everyone take vitamins daily, get as much sun as possible, travel less and go out less, and for the elderly and sickly to mostly stay home, and perhaps for those visiting them to wear masks and not get too close to them.  But otherwise, for life to continue as normal.  Certainly, many businesses might have gone to a work at home option, and some particularly fearful business owners might have taken a month off, but that should have been the extent of it.  That’s what Sweden did, and there is every reason to think that we would be where they are now if we had done that.

I personally think one of the reasons the Scandinavian countries in general did better than much of Europe is the amount of Vitamin D in their diets.  Nobody anywhere seems to have been offering specific, medically sound recommendations on supplements, even though the evidence for their value emerged robustly and nearly immediately.