This is one of the allegedly best minds in the country repeating by rote grammar school propaganda. It is that bad. You can get a FREE, acceptable ID in Texas according to this law merely by asking for it.
But that is not the bigger point. Here are several:
1) in what respect should blacks not be OFFENDED by the severely patronizing tone implied by the claim that they are too stupid to adhere to standards we demand of whites without thinking about it? Why is Al Sharpton not up in arms about blacks being called stupid and inferior?
Why? Because it has been happening for 50 years, and it has made him a wealthy man. If blacks were the equals of whites, they wouldn’t need him. They wouldn’t need professional advocates. They could just work their way up the ladder through education and effort like everyone else. But that doesn’t get votes for Democrats. That doesn’t allow Democrats to make false promises about all the free things blacks will get if they just vote a straight D ticket.
What they get are free phones, and long term unemployment. But they keep voting the same way, year after year, so I afraid I can’t object to the Democrat’s contempt for this core constituency–for poor blacks–except in principle.
2) Anyone in this society who does not have an ID is not participating. You have to have one to drive. You have to have one to check into most hotels. You have to have one to cash checks. You have to have one to get into most Federal buildings.
Anyone who does none of these things is not a tax payer. Period.
And think about it: what right, really, should anyone have as to how public moneys should be spent who has contributed none? Why do they even show up? Again: to get more “free” (to them) stuff.
No system can survive this selfishness for long.
What makes America America? Why have we succeeded where most of Latin America has failed, to greater and lesser extents? Why, for example, do so many Mexicans want to live here rather than their home land, where everyone speaks their language, understands their customs, where they were born?
Simple: Mexicans, proportionately, are much more corruptible than Americans. I work next to Mexicans with green cards all the time, and they tell me the Army and Police are more or less direct extensions of the drug cartels. They do not have a functioning system of impartial law. Moreover, given the chance, they have always tended to want to implement policies where you get free stuff. Most of Latin America has been like this. This is why Venezuela is sinking daily into deeper poverty despite huge oil reserves. This is why Chile is faring quite well.
None of this is complicated. What is infuriating to me is the utter lack of common sense, of common decency, of the ability to add 1+1, among elites with the power to affect us all. There is no need for America to fail, but fail it will if enough of these people get in power.
3) Finally, I have been wanting to comment on Obama’s long rumored abuse of executive power to grant, illegally, amnesty to millions of Hispanics who came here to escape the long term failures of their home nations.
What you have to do is eliminate all sympathy, all compassion, all decency, all common sense, all concern for the general welfare, all empathy, all kindness, and look at everything SOLELY through a political lens, solely through an eye to getting and keeping and expanding power for your particular power elite.
Obama said he would grant amnesty before the election, but chose not to do so. Why is simple enough: these people are going to be mobilized as Democrat voters, but they don’t have enough time to make sure all the illegals are registered and put on buses to the polling stations. Further, amnesty clearly would harm Democrats in the mid-terms. So what to do? Well, if Republicans have a really strong showing, maybe put it off indefinitely. Anything short of that, put amnesty in place and IMMEDIATELY begin using these people as voting tools.
Specifically–and I have not heard anyone say this, although I have not been reading much news lately–Obama in my view CLEARLY thinks he can use ICE to simply bus people around to places where he needs them. Texas has long been a prize. Do you think they do not have detailed lists of what counties are on the bubble and could be pushed Blue with a couple dozen busloads of illegals who should have been deported, but were retained as Obama/Democrat voters?
People in this view are tools, nothing more, nothing less. They are ways of implementing vote-getting strategies that have NOTHING to do with advancing the lives of anyone outside the power elite.
This whole things is sickening to me, particularly that so many people who ought to know better find themselves reciting grade school slogans, childish slogans, delusional propaganda created for the already infected.