I keep hearing turkeys gobbling. Many are dying now, in preparation for our national feast day. I choose to eat meat, but I can find common cause with those, ordinarily on the Left, who want massive reform in our food industry. That is a topic I will explore in another post.
Another example, then my point: I can find common cause with those who find Wall Street greed unacceptable. I cannot imagine a world coming into being any time soon without greed, but I can imagine legal reforms which would prevent the greedy from taking without also giving. Henry Ford because very wealthy, because he made something many people wanted, which he made affordable; that something would not have come into existence when it did, had he not lived. We were fortunate to have him.
Jamie Dimon, who is the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, and not coincidentally who also sits on the Federal Reserve Board of New York (or did until recently), does not make things. He moves money around, much of which is created for him by the Fed or the process of fractional reserve banking. No actual, tangible wealth is created by what he does, yet he is able to seize the actual wealth created by others through what he does. This is wrong.
My point: imagine two streams of water, colliding head-on with one another. What happens? As it happens, they cancel out, and the water falls. We have a fountain here like that. What happens, though, when they hit from similar vectors? They add to one another. Both become stronger.
There is no such thing as a Hegelian thesis/antithesis in the real world. Such dichotomies are the artifacts of our brain architecture and following intellectual sloppiness. We live in a web of interconnections. Sometimes, a tone issued from one place causes vibration elsewhere in the web. If it then responds, something larger emerges. This is proper synthesis.
The Left and the Right can come together, if we find our common ground, which will begin by defining shared problems. This would have happened a long time ago, had the Left not largely abandoned actual problem solving in favor of complicity in brainwashing narratives that subtracted the possibility of reconciling intent with solution. All it is capable of doing is generating non-substantive rhetoric, repeated with minor variations for all topics and situations.
This is ludicrous. I do not believe all Leftists are stupid or wicked. I think many of them are lazy, and that their contempt for the right blinds them to the fact that alliances are not just possible but necessary.